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核心(也被称作人格核心或光圈科技人造人格构造体)是被设计用来容纳先进人工智能的机器,大多数情况下因它们表达情感的能力而独一无二。核心通常有两种类型:球形和输入型。球形是标准形态,被用作人格构造体的独立身体,以及类似 Atlas 的机器人身体。相比之下,输入型核心是椭圆形的,被用在机枪塔和类似 P-Body 的机器人身体上。在光圈科技计算机辅助丰富学习中心里,没有四肢的球形核心通常附着在管理轨道上。
在 传送门 和 传送门 2 单人模式的结局中,核心的球状外形都起到了重要作用。
人格核心由光圈科技技术人员所研发,GLaDOS 是已知最早的人格核心——专门设计用来担任丰富学习中心的监督者。而随后研发的核心则被用于抵消 GLaDOS 的破坏性行为(如用神经毒素淹没实验室和设施的其他重要区域),它们可以融入 GLaDOS 的潜意识,从而改变她的人格
在 传送门 的事件后,显而易见的是,一些存储在设施中未使用(停用)的核心已被设施自动重新激活,以维护丰富学习中心。然而这些核心不能,也最终没有修补丰富学习中心在恶劣环境/时间下的损坏。一些核心逐渐损坏(原因不明,不过可以推测,如果占据在核心内的是曾经的人类(像 GLaDOS 一样),那么核心损坏可能是人类被困在AI中而发疯所致)。
顾名思义,每个核心都有自己独特的个性和行为,当它们的身体附着在中心核心上时,这些个性和行为就可以并入中心核心。大多数核心都是不必要的,并已停用。GLaDOS 在 传送门 中被摧毁后,这些停用的核心后被重新激活。
在 传送门 与 GLaDOS 的战斗中,每当 Chell 将人格核心扔进焚化炉时,GLaDOS 不仅在每个核心被销毁时都会感到痛苦,而且开始失去一些被人格核心所强化的突出人格特质,包括她对蛋糕的提及以及她的道德价值观,这导致她杀死 Chell 的欲望更加强烈。
人格核心的一般形式是一个直径约一英尺的大型球形结构,类似于眼球,包含传感器(“眼睛”可能是核心的摄像头),两个把手(可能源于人类曾经需要手动运输和处理它们)和其他设备,例如用于将它们固定在安全栏杆上以便移动的端口,或用于插入中央计算机的端口。传送门 2 中的核心还有眼脸。
中央核心 is the highest rank of all Aperture Science Personality Cores in the Enrichment Center, given to the core hardwired into the enormous robotic body in the Central AI Chamber.
A central core has the power to control and regulate the entire Enrichment Center, including the camera feeds, test chamber assembly and storage, turret production lines, and neurotoxin.
During the events of Portal 2, it becomes apparent that any form of personality core would be more than qualified to be hardwired into the mainframe to become a central core. This is a feature preset by Aperture as a means of replacing corrupted central AI; and if the central core happens to disagree with their impeachment, a Stalemate Resolution Associate will have to force the replacement procedure.
GLaDOS/zh-hans, who was designed with the sole purpose of being the central core herself, has her own unique shape that is quite different from the other personality cores, with an oblong white "body", black "face", and a yellow "eye". Her "eye" appears to contain her identity, made clear when it was stuck into a potato during the events of Portal 2.
The morality core is one of the more important cores attached on GLaDOS in Portal. It is a core with a purple "eye" and two dots just beneath it. It was installed onto GLaDOS during the events of "Lab Rat," in order to prevent her from filling the Enrichment Center with neurotoxin.
It also seems to be what allows GLaDOS to keep her weapons under control, as she stated that she was unable to deactivate her rocket turret once the core was incinerated.
It is the first core collected and incinerated by Chell, which causes GLaDOS to begin losing her moral traits and once again start filling the room with neurotoxin. Unlike other cores, and much like Chell, the morality core is mute. The disposal of this core is reflected in GLaDOS' apathetic attitude and utter disregard for life at the end of Portal and prevalent in Portal 2, though how much of this was under the core's control is uncertain due to the resurfacing of these emotions in GLaDOS after re-discovering her Genetic Lifeform component: Caroline/zh-hans.
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The second core attached to GLaDOS is the curiosity core. It is the core with an orange "eye" and four dots beneath it. It has a tendency to constantly ask questions, ranging from its surroundings to Chell, to where it is going.
Like GLaDOS and the Intelligence core, the Curiosity Core is voiced by Ellen McClain
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GLaDOS' third core, the intelligence core, (referred to as the "crazy core" in the subtitles), has a blue "eye" with a huge pupil with six dots beneath it. It rambles on about an odd recipe for a rather unique kind of cake, which is the cake shown before the end credits of Portal. GLaDOS does not make references to 蛋糕 in Portal 2, and it is presumed that this is because the core was destroyed in Portal.
The Intelligence Core is voiced by Ellen McClain, who also voiced the 好奇核心 and GLaDOS/zh-hans.
“ | *Snarl* *Gnash* *Growl*
— The anger core
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The last core attached to GLaDOS is the anger core. It has a red "eye" with eight dots beneath it. It is also referred to as the "emotion core" and the "aggressive core". Rather than speak, the Core snarls and growls ferociously at Chell. These snarls and growls were later used in Valve's game Left 4 Dead. Once Chell puts the anger core into the incinerator, GLaDOS begins to implode. In Portal 2, GLaDOS, due to the loss of this core, sounds very mellow, and barely expresses any emotional indications of hostility; she remains resentful over her attempted destruction and makes snarky comments towards Chell while being tested early in the game.
The Anger Core is voiced by singer/musician and Faith No More vocalist Mike Patton
“ | One minute ago. Less than one minute ago you solved this puzzle. Now you're having problems.
— Wheatley
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The final antagonist of the single-player campaign in Portal 2, Wheatley, also known as the Intelligence Dampening Sphere, is portrayed as bumbling, chatty, desperate when things did not catch up to his expectations, and often hesitant. He is the first character to have interacted with Chell in the game, and is one of many cores seen awakening at the end of Portal.
It was not long before it was revealed by GLaDOS that Wheatley was originally designed by the Aperture Science technicians with the express purpose of rendering GLaDOS less dangerous during her initial activation, via attaching Wheatley onto her to generate an infinite stream of flawed suggestions to distract her.
It was thought that this would prevent her from killing the scientists when activated and improve the operations of the facility. According to GLaDOS, Wheatley is "the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived".
Wheatley is voiced by English comedian Stephen Merchant
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Due to technical difficulties over time, a core may be detected as a corrupted core and would be subject to disposal. However, if the corrupted core is the central core, a substitute core must be present in a core receptacle in order to initiate a core transfer. Central core corruption will not be detected if another core is not present. This is because other cores would not usually be present, except for core transfer. Once a substitute core is found, both cores must agree or disagree on the core transfer procedure. If one agrees while the other disagrees, the transfer process cannot occur unless a Stalemate Resolution Associate is present in order to press the stalemate resolution button, which will initiate the core transfer process once the Associate has returned to the Central Chamber.
During the fight against Wheatley in Portal 2, GLaDOS/PotatOS summons three corrupted cores to Chell for her to attach to Wheatley in order to make him corrupt enough to initiate another core transfer procedure.
All three Corrupted Cores are voiced by Nolan North. Each of their corruption levels is 25%, as indicated according to the Announcer when they are attached to Wheatley. And because the corruption level was already at 25% when the final fight with Wheatley started, it may be surmised that Wheatley himself is also a Corrupted Core.
GLaDOS was 80% corrupt when she was replaced in the game by Wheatley. Due to her behavior change after being put in the potato and then "reinstalled" at the end of Portal 2, it may be surmised that this reduced her own corruption to 0%. This change in GLaDOS (as well as Wheatley's behavior) further indicates that when a core is corrupt, it becomes irrational, in other words, "crazy" or "insane" by human standards, and even paranoid and homicidal.
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The Space Sphere is one of three active, corrupted cores.(referred to as core 1 in subtitles) It speaks rapidly and possesses an unhealthy obsession with space. Its key personality trait is its often-repeated desire to travel to outer space. It finally gets to live its dream of going to space when it is sucked through the portal that connects the remaining blob of conversion gel to the surface of the moon. The Final Hours of Portal 2 reveals Valve's inspiration for the Space Core: an Oregon Coast Aquarium ad with a goldfish rapidly and repeatedly humming, blurting, and stating that he would like to go to the aquarium, much like the Space Core does. The Space Sphere is stuck in space, and is later known for getting bored of space and wanting to back home.
“ | Do you have a gun? 'Cause I should really have a gun. What is that thing you're holding?
— The Adventure Sphere
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The second corrupted core, the Adventure Sphere (or as he calls himself, Rick) speaks like a stereotypical tough guy. Upon seeing Chell, he starts to swoon over her. He even tries (unsuccessfully) to convince Chell to take a "lady break" while he deals with Wheatley. He is the first core to be sucked into space as after shooting a portal on the moon if one looks closely, they can see Rick fly off of Wheatley and into space.
“ | In 1948, at the request of a dying boy, baseball legend Babe Ruth ate seventy-five hot dogs, then died of hot dog poisoning.
— The Fact Sphere
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The Fact Sphere is the third corrupted core.(Referred to as core 3 in subtitles.)It constantly states several random, twisted, and not entirely true "facts" related to history, the current situation, as well as subjective facts about how amazing and handsome it is. The Fact Sphere is the only core that managed to stay attached to Wheatley during the ending cutscene where Chell shoots a portal on the moon but is unseen.
The following expresses cores that serve a different purpose altogether: cores that are neither corrupted nor are personality cores.
“ | "Thank you for assuming the party escort submission position."
— Party Escort Bot
” |
During the events of Portal, GLaDOS refers to the Party Associate after failing her attempt to kill Chell at the end of the final test chamber. As Chell did not follow GLaDOS' instructions to "place the device on the ground, then lie on [her] stomach with [her] arms at [her] sides" which was described as the "party escort submission position", it is presumed that the Party Escort Bot was required to travel to the surface in order to retrieve her and "escort her to the party".
Prior to the March 3, 2010 patch, Portal ended with Chell slowly regaining consciousness on the parking lot above the Aperture Science Enrichment Center. Since the patch was added to bridge the gap between Portal and Portal 2, Chell is instead slowly and unwillingly dragged back towards the facility by the unseen Party Escort Bot as it gives thanks to her for "assuming the party escort submission position".
The Party Escort Bot is seen briefly in the Portal 2: Lab Rat comic and was only partially depicted, revealed to be a spherical core-based android with a pink eye and a set of arms.
SteamVR / The Lab
“ | Oh! You're here! Welcome to virtual reality, or VR.
— Virtual Reality Assistance and Education Core
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The Virtual Reality Assistance and Education Core is introduced in the SteamVR tech demo and guides the player through the virtual reality tutorial. It is very polite and is able to float without any obvious means of propulsion; shortly after finishing its instruction of the player, its battery dies and is immediately picked up by two Bendies driving a golf cart.
The Lab introduced several new personality constructs sent to the player for calibration, voiced by Laura Bailey, Steve Blum, Phil LaMarr, Nolan North, Justin Roiland, Pendleton Ward, and Wally Wingert. They are:
- Auction Core
- Big News Core (that ran to get here)
- Boring Hard-Boiled Core (Wilson)
- Butter Core
- By-The-Book Core
- Calibration Core
- Climate Change Awareness Core
- Comfortable Core (that just feels right)
- Convict Core
- Emergency Preparedness Core
- Executive Core
- Fruit Punch Core
- Heavy Core
- Horror Story Core
- Investigation Core
- Magic Core
- Mourning Core
- Pilot Core
- Plague Core
- Respect Core
- Retirement Core
- Reverse Psychology Core
- Rhythm Core
- Rookie Core (Kelv)
- Salesman Core (Trevor, from the Work From Home Core Group)
- Skeptical / Nervous Core
- Snuggle Core
- Soup Core
- Spider Core
- Supervillain Core
- Tracer Core
- Useful Core (that is not a Gateway to Hell)
These cores use a model similar to the original Portal's with no exposed sides (except for one in the back) and a simple design, but with a thicker outline, more detailed eye and multiple different patterns, as well as a crash test logo on the side. The internal mechanism is the main difference, consisting of a sphere with circles of light moving based on how the core speaks.
Cores act as collectibles in this game, requiring certain characters to do tasks to find them.
An "Amorality Sphere" is featured in this game which carries out functions completely opposite to the Morality Sphere, which also allows GLaDOS to employ dangerous tools (such as electricity) on Batman, Wyldstyle, and Gandalf. It makes its appearance in "The End is Tri," where it is taken from GLaDOS and replaced with an actual Morality Sphere to blackmail her to help the heroes during the final battle. It appears later from a portal that appears after GLaDOS sings, which she is glad to see.
Another core found in Old Aperture claims to be Cave Johnson and pleads for help. Once the player does though, Cave accuses them of "slacking off". The core's eye is also square-shaped compared to other core eyes.
- 传送门 2 中使用的炸弹模型在游戏文件中被命名为“人格核心_愤怒”('personality_sphere_angry'),这表明愤怒核心原本会在续作中出场。
- 可以在「创作工具」的模型查看器中看到,炸弹的模型还具有与核心类似的纹理,以及各种典型的人格核心动画,包括一个静止动画,一个测试动画(核心漫无目的地环顾四周)以及一个愤怒动画(核心剧烈地抽搐)。
- 在 传送门 2 E3 预告片发布之前的早期截图中,人格核心的纹理尚未得到细节处理,也没有添加微小划痕,此时核心外壳的纹理是哑光白的。在那之后,纹理得到了极大改进,与 传送门 时期的核心相比,零售版本的核心表现出更多样的情感。
- 怪诞扑克夜 2 features a bounty price by GLaDOS called the "Paranoia Core," who behaves similarly to the Fact Sphere describing numerous events as well as being paranoid.
- Where the corrupt cores are first encountered in Portal 2, another core is being held above to illuminate them, moving weakly which confirms it is active. This core never makes another appearance and has no lines. Upon closer inspection inside reveals that it is an Adventure Sphere reskin, with the eye aperture constricted.
- Personality cores that serve basic tasks are surprisingly nice and polite, including Template:Sentry Turrets/zh-hans, the 神谕机枪塔, and Template:Frankenturret/zh-hans, proved by their voice lines, proof being that one of them refers to Chell as "lady".
- But free-thinking cores (such as Wheatley, 冒险核心) do not.
- 道德核心两边各有一个点,而它是第一个脱落和被焚化的核心。好奇核心有两个点(尽管只在一边),and it's the second core to be detached. The intelligence core has three dots on each side, and the anger core has four.
- 核心语音台词
- The Underground,一个关于损坏的核心的 Machinima 动画剧集。