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- 走到走廊的盡頭,轉身、發射傳送門至走廊上方的第三塊面板
- 返回走廊中段,發射傳送門到走廊盡頭的地板,然後穿過傳送門
- 你應該會自動掉下第二次,然後抵達粘液的對岸
- 轉右並發射傳送門至天花板,發射另一傳送門到粘液上方的牆並穿過它
- 轉身望向上方的平台,發射傳送門至上方的天花,發射另一個到自己腳下
- Turn towards the door. Fire a portal on the same wall and put the other one near yourself and go through.
- Place a portal on the extended wallpanels near the ceiling. Shoot the other one on a platform below and jump through it.
- Walk to the switch and push it. Crouch and get to the second part of the chamber. Go to the left.
- Follow the aiming beam of the turret on the platform near you. Shoot a portal on the wall where the beam ends and the other one where the High Energy Pellet emitter is going to shoot next. Wait for the Pellet to knock the turret over.
- Do the same again for the turret aiming at the same wall and to the turret near you.
- At the back of the chamber there are extended walls facing the last turret. Put a portal there and the other one where the emitter is going to shoot next.
- You should have deactivated all of the four turrets. Go stand next to the switch and fire a portal on the extended walls on the other side of the chamber.
- Shoot a portal on the wall where the emitter is about to fire the next Pellet and wait for the Pellet to go through the portal.
- Quickly fire a portal on the wallpanels facing the switch and the other one on the wall near you. Enter through the portal and press the switch.
- Wait for the Pellet to reach the catcher and walk to the Unstationary Scaffolding.
- Get on the platform and wait for it to stop at the other end. Then drop down behind the switch.
- Shoot a portal above the glass on the other side and the other one on the wall next to you.
- Push the switch and go through the portal. When the panels are in the correct angle, put a portal on the panels and then turn left and go to the ledge.
- Shoot the other portal on the floor below and drop down through the portal.
- Pick up the cube and wait for the Unstationary Scaffold to get near you. Then jump on the platform with the cube.
- Place the cube in front of the glass and place a portal above the glass. Turn around and go on the platform.
- Jump behind the switch again and put a portal on the wall.
- Push the switch and go through the portal. Pick up the cube and walk over to the first part of the chamber.
- Place the cube on the button and fire a portal on the wall with the open door.
- Drop down on one of the platforms and fire a portal on the floor. Go through the portal.
- Go through the open door behind you and walk to the other end of the corridor and drop down.
- Shoot a portal on the platform further away. Turn to the left and fire the other portal on the floor there and drop down.
- When you have gone through the portal and are about to fall down again, place a portal on the platform beside you and go through the portal again.
- Do this two more times. You should then see angled panels somewhere. Shoot the portal there and you will reach the elevator.