Template:PatchDiff/April 29, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/portal2 spanish.txt
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679679"[english]cheaptitles_announcer.openingsafeguards01" "Announcer: All reactor core safeguards are now non-functional. Please prepare for reactor core meltdown."
680680"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside01" "Wheatley: Bien, mira. No quería mencionarlo, pero estoy en un BUEN APRIETO aquí."
681681"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside01" "Wheatley: Alright, I wasn't going to mention this to you, but I am in PRETTY HOT WATER here."
682N/A"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside02" "Wheatley: Como se acabó la corriente de reserve, el centro de relajación dejó de despertar a los malditos sujetos de prueba."
N/A682"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside02" "Wheatley: Como se acabó la corriente de reserva, el centro de relajación dejó de despertar a los malditos sujetos de prueba."
683683"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside02" "Wheatley: The reserve power ran out, so of course the whole relaxation center stops waking up the bloody test subjects."
684684"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside03" "Wheatley: Pero claro, nadie se molestó en avisarme. No."
685685"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside03" "Wheatley: And of course nobody tells ME anything. Noooo. Why should they tell me anything?"