Template:PatchDiff/October 4, 2011 Patch/portal2/resource/portal2 italian.txt
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6161"[english]RICHPRESENCE_COOPGAME" "{c2}\n{c3}"
6262"RICHPRESENCE_COOPGAME_TRACK" "{c2}\n{c3} {p0x10000023}/{p0x10000024}"
6363"[english]RICHPRESENCE_COOPGAME_TRACK" "{c2}\n{c3} {p0x10000023}/{p0x10000024}"
64N/A"SP_PRESENCE_TEXT_DEFAULT" "In Gioco in Single Player"
N/A64"SP_PRESENCE_TEXT_DEFAULT" "In gioco per singolo"
6565"[english]SP_PRESENCE_TEXT_DEFAULT" "Playing Single Player"
6666"SP_PRESENCE_TEXT_CH1" "Capitolo 1\nServizio sveglia"
6767"[english]SP_PRESENCE_TEXT_CH1" "Chapter 1\nThe Courtesy Call"
135135"[english]ACH_WAKE_UP_D" "Reunite with GLaDOS"
136136"ACH_LASER_T" "Non ti scoraggiare"
137137"[english]ACH_LASER_T" "Undiscouraged"
138N/A"ACH_LASER_D" "Completa il primo test con il Raggio termico scoraggiante"
N/A138"ACH_LASER_D" "Completa il primo test con il Raggio Termico Scoraggiante"
139139"[english]ACH_LASER_D" "Complete the first Thermal Discouragement Beam test"
140140"ACH_BRIDGE_T" "Un ponte su acque tempestose"
141141"[english]ACH_BRIDGE_T" "Bridge Over Troubling Water"
142N/A"ACH_BRIDGE_D" "Completa il primo test con il Ponte di luce"
N/A142"ACH_BRIDGE_D" "Completa il primo test con il Ponte di Luce Solida"
143143"[english]ACH_BRIDGE_D" "Complete the first Hard Light Bridge test"
144144"ACH_BREAK_OUT_T" "SaBOTaggio"
145145"[english]ACH_BREAK_OUT_T" "SaBOTour"
199199"[english]ACH_SAVE_CUBE_D" "Break the rules in Test Chamber 07"
200200"ACH_LAUNCH_TURRET_T" "Ptorrettattilo"
201201"[english]ACH_LAUNCH_TURRET_T" "Pturretdactyl"
202N/A"ACH_LAUNCH_TURRET_D" "Usa una piattaforma a molla per lanciare una torretta"
N/A202"ACH_LAUNCH_TURRET_D" "Usa una Piattaforma di Fede Aerea per lanciare una torretta"
203203"[english]ACH_LAUNCH_TURRET_D" "Use an Aerial Faith Plate to launch a turret"
204204"ACH_CLEAN_UP_T" "Trasmissione finale"
205205"[english]ACH_CLEAN_UP_T" "Final Transmission"
275275"[english]ACH_TAUNTS_D" "Perform all 8 gestures of your own volition in co-op"
276276"ACH_YOU_MONSTER_T" "Intoccabile"
277277"[english]ACH_YOU_MONSTER_T" "Can't Touch This"
278N/A"ACH_YOU_MONSTER_D" "Danza davanti a una torretta bloccata da un ponte di luce in modalit coop"
N/A278"ACH_YOU_MONSTER_D" "Danza davanti a una torretta bloccata da un ponte di luce solida in modalit coop"
279279"[english]ACH_YOU_MONSTER_D" "Dance in front of a turret blocked by a hard light bridge in co-op"
280280"ACH_PARTNER_DROP_T" "Un bel gesto"
281281"[english]ACH_PARTNER_DROP_T" "Empty Gesture"
681681"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside01" "Wheatley: Alright, I wasn't going to mention this to you, but I am in PRETTY HOT WATER here."
682682"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside02" "Wheatley: L'energia di riserva si esaurita, perci l'intero centro di rilassamento smette di risvegliare quei maledetti soggetti."
683683"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside02" "Wheatley: The reserve power ran out, so of course the whole relaxation center stops waking up the bloody test subjects."
684N/A"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside03" "Wheatley: E ovviamente nessuno MI DICE niente. No."
N/A684"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside03" "Wheatley: E ovviamente nessuno MI DICE niente. Noooo. Perch dovrebbero dirmi qualcosa?"
685685"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside03" "Wheatley: And of course nobody tells ME anything. Noooo. Why should they tell me anything?"
686686"cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside04" "Wheatley: Perch dovrei essere informato sulle funzioni vitali dei diecimila maledetti soggetti di cui dovrei essere responsabile?"
687687"[english]cheaptitles_sphere03.openingoutside04" "Wheatley: Why should I be kept informed about the life functions of the ten thousand bloody test subjects I'm supposed to be in charge of?"
10091009"[english]P2_Wearable_JarateHeadband" "MASTER'S YELLOW BELT"
10101010"P2_Wearable_VikingHelm" "ELMO DA VICHINGO"
10111011"[english]P2_Wearable_VikingHelm" "TYRANT'S HELM"
1012N/A"Store_IntroTitle" "Arricchimento del Robot"
N/A1012"Store_IntroTitle" "Centro di Arricchimento Robot"
10131013"[english]Store_IntroTitle" "Robot Enrichment Annex"
10141014"Store_IntroTitle2" "Benvenuto, Futuro Partecipante!"
10151015"[english]Store_IntroTitle2" "Welcome, Future-Starter!"
10791079"[english]P2_Bundle_ARGFlagsCatchup" "ARG FLAGS CATCHUP PACK"
10801080"P2_Bundle_ARGFlagsCatchup_Desc" "Include le bandierine ARG non comprese nel PACCHETTO COMPLETO iniziale:\n"
10811081"[english]P2_Bundle_ARGFlagsCatchup_Desc" "Includes the ARG flags that were not in the initial COMPLETE PACK:\n"
N/A1082"P2_Wearable_Snorkel" "BOCCAGLIO DA MELMA"
N/A1083"[english]P2_Wearable_Snorkel" "GOO GEAR SNORKEL"