Template:PatchDiff/October 4, 2011 Patch/portal2 dlc1/resource/subtitles italian.txt
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N/A3"Language" "italian"
N/A6"glados.dlc1_leaderboard01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Davvero quasi notevole."
N/A7"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: That was genuinely mildly impressive."
N/A8"glados.dlc1_leaderboard02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ben fatto."
N/A9"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Well done."
N/A10"glados.dlc1_leaderboard03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Congratulazioni."
N/A11"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Congratulations."
N/A12"glados.dlc1_leaderboard04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Bene."
N/A13"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Good."
N/A14"glados.dlc1_leaderboard05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Brutte notizie."
N/A15"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Bad news."
N/A16"glados.dlc1_leaderboard06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Notevole."
N/A17"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Impressive."
N/A18"glados.dlc1_leaderboard07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Forse mi sono sbagliata sul tuo conto."
N/A19"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: [impressed] Maybe I was wrong about you."
N/A20"glados.dlc1_leaderboard08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Hai battuto il tuo record."
N/A21"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You've beaten your own record."
N/A22"glados.dlc1_leaderboard09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Stai peggiorando."
N/A23"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're getting worse."
N/A24"glados.dlc1_leaderboard10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La tua classificazione cambiata."
N/A25"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You have a new rank."
N/A26"glados.dlc1_leaderboard11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La tua classificazione migliorata."
N/A27"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You have a new, better rank."
N/A28"glados.dlc1_leaderboard12" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La tua classificazione peggiorata."
N/A29"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You have a new, worse rank."
N/A30"glados.dlc1_leaderboard13" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La tua classificazione peggiorata. Congratulazioni. A tutti quelli che ti precedono."
N/A31"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard13" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You have a new, worse rank. Congratulations. To everyone above you."
N/A32"glados.dlc1_leaderboard14" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Hai quasi battuto il record del tuo amico. \"Quasi\", ribadisco."
N/A33"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard14" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You almost beat your friend's record. Almost. I want to stress that."
N/A34"glados.dlc1_leaderboard15" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Hai quasi battuto il record del tuo amico, ma senza riuscirci. Forse il caso di cambiare amici?"
N/A35"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You almost beat your friend's record. But you didn't. It might be easier just to find new friends."
N/A36"glados.dlc1_leaderboard16" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Congratulazioni, sei il migliore."
N/A37"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Congratulations. You are better than everyone."
N/A38"glados.dlc1_leaderboard17" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sei il pi veloce."
N/A39"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard17" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You are faster than everyone."
N/A40"glados.dlc1_leaderboard18" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Hai usato meno portali di tutti."
N/A41"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard18" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You used less portals than anyone."
N/A42"glados.dlc1_leaderboard19" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sei il migliore...per ora."
N/A43"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard19" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're better than everyone. For now."
N/A44"glados.dlc1_leaderboard20" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Come giocatore sei superiore alla media globale: statisticamente, c' addirittura chi gioca peggio di te."
N/A45"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard20" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You are playing above the global average. Statistically speaking, there are actually people playing worse than you."
N/A46"glados.dlc1_leaderboard21" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: [ironica] Forse mi sono sbagliata sul tuo conto."
N/A47"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard21" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: [unimpressed] Maybe I was wrong about you."
N/A48"glados.dlc1_leaderboard22" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Hai battuto il tuo record: non che fosse molto difficile, ma quatto quatto ci sei riuscito."
N/A49"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard22" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You've beaten your own record. That's a low bar, but you managed to gently tip-toe over it."
N/A50"glados.dlc1_leaderboard23" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non completamente scoraggiante."
N/A51"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard23" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Very not completely bad."
N/A52"glados.dlc1_leaderboard24" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oops."
N/A53"[english]glados.dlc1_leaderboard24" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oops."
N/A54"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho battezzato quest'opera \"Stadi\": ideata per traumatizzare i soggetti con una piena auto-consapevolezza, seguita da euforia, seguita da immersione in acido."
N/A55"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I call this piece 'Stages'. It was designed to traumatize subjects into potent self-discovery, followed by euphoria, followed by submersion in acid."
N/A56"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_introb01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho battezzato quest'opera..."
N/A57"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_introb01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I call this piece--"
N/A58"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_introb02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: ... Beh, il nome non importa. Ma spero che l'apprezziate. Il pi velocemente possibile."
N/A59"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_introb02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: --you know what, it doesn't matter what it's called. The important thing is you enjoy it. As fast as you can."
N/A60"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ottimo lavoro: siete pregati di procedere all'allestimento successivo."
N/A61"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Good work. Please proceed to the next exhibit."
N/A62"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Perch siete ancora l, voi due? (bip bip bip) Oh..."
N/A63"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Why are you two still here? (beep beep beep) Oh..."
N/A64"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La smontatrice non funziona."
N/A65"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The disassembler's not working."
N/A66"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Nulla di cui preoccuparsi, anzi cos divertente che non ne avete idea. Ah, ah. In ogni caso tenetevi pronti, sto per aprire il portello di manutenzione."
N/A67"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outro07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's nothing to worry about. It's actually funny in a way you don't understand. Ha. Ha. Ha. Anyway, brace yourselves, I'm going to open the maintenance hole."
N/A68"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outrob01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Beh, alcuni degli allestimenti successivi SONO di attualit. Ma a questo ritmo, quando ci arriverete saranno irrilevanti."
N/A69"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_2paints_1bridge_outrob01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You know, some of the exhibits up ahead ARE topical. At the rate you're going, by the time you get to them, they'll be irrelevant."
N/A70"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_2paints1bridge01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh bene, l'avete trovato. Preferisco lasciare che gli amanti dell'arte \"scoprano\" da soli gli allestimenti."
N/A71"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_2paints1bridge01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh good. You found it. I prefer to let art appreciators 'discover' an exhibit on their own."
N/A72"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_2paints1bridge02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh, l'avete trovato di nuovo. Beh, suppongo che una visione ripetuta sia un complimento per l'artista."
N/A73"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_2paints1bridge02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh. You found it again. Well, I suppose an artist should be flattered by repeat viewings."
N/A74"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Il sottotesto di quella vasca d'acido l'acido. Lo anche il contenuto della vasca: lascer che lo assimiliate completamente."
N/A75"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The subtext of that acid pit is acid. The content of the pit is also acid. I'll let you fully absorb it."
N/A76"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ricordate, questi allestimenti SONO interattivi, come in un museo per bambini. Questo significa che le vasche d'acido sono piene di VERO acido, come in un museo per bambini dotato di FONDI ADEGUATI."
N/A77"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Remember, these exhibits ARE interactive. Like a children's museum. So that means the pits of acid are filled with REAL acid. Like at a WELL FUNDED children's museum."
N/A78"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Grazie per aver apprezzato l'acido corrosivo."
N/A79"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Thank you for appreciating the corrosive acid."
N/A80"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: State facendo una gara per vedere chi apprezza di pi l'acido corrosivo?"
N/A81"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Are you having a competition to see who appreciates the acid more?"
N/A82"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sto cominciando a pensare che il tema di quest'opera dovrebbe essere \"il fallimento\"."
N/A83"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm starting to think the theme of this piece should be 'failure'."
N/A84"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Va bene, ho capito, adorate l'acido letale. Lo adoriamo tutti. Adesso possiamo passare all'allestimento successivo?"
N/A85"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_acid06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Yes, I get it. You love the deadly acid. We all love the acid. Can we move on to the next exhibit now?"
N/A86"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho sofferto per dare espressione alla mia arte: non vedo perch dovrei essere l'unica."
N/A87"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I suffered for this art. I don't see why I should be the only one."
N/A88"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Gli umani ci hanno messo molto meno a passare in rassegna tutti gli allestimenti. O li apprezzate pi di loro o siete incredibilmente stupidi: ma potrebbero essere corrette entrambe le ipotesi."
N/A89"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The humans took far less time working their way through these exhibits. You're either enjoying it more than they did or you're just incredibly dim-witted. Of course, there's no reason it can't be both."
N/A90"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Amo il contrasto di stili: state procedendo attraverso una serie di installazioni artistiche nel modo meno artistico possibile."
N/A91"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I love the contrast in styles. You're traveling through art installations, but you're doing so completely artlessly."
N/A92"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: A proposito, sono aperta alle critiche, per cui sentitevi liberi di fare commenti sugli allestimenti. Potete essere brutali con me, prometto di esserlo altrettanto con voi."
N/A93"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm open to critique, by the way, so feel free to comment on the exhibits. You can be absolutely brutal with me. I promise to do the same with you."
N/A94"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Come amanti dell'arte, siete dei soggetti eccellenti."
N/A95"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: As art appreciators go, you make excellent test subjects."
N/A96"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Di solito odio i soggetti che compromettono l'apprezzamento dell'arte con i loro pregiudizi, ma il volo d'angelo di quei pregiudizi direttamente nell'acido stato esteticamente perfetto."
N/A97"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I typically hate when art subjects inject their own biases into art appreciation, but the way you just swandived your biases directly into that acid was actually quite beautiful."
N/A98"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Per questo allestimento mi sono ispirata al tema della morte. Ma vedo che l'avete gi scoperto."
N/A99"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: For this exhibit I was working with a death motif. But I see you've figured that out."
N/A100"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Vedo che vi piace analizzare approfonditamente queste tematiche."
N/A101"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I see you enjoy exploring these themes in some depth."
N/A102"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: OK, ho ufficialmente modificato il tema di questo allestimento in \"sopravvivenza\". Perch non lo provate ora?"
N/A103"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Okay, I'm officially switching the theme of this exhibit to 'survival'. So why don't you try that now."
N/A104"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic12" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Questa arte e non un test, per cui non esiste una vera \"soluzione\"... ma se esistesse, quello non sarebbe il modo migliore per scoprirla."
N/A105"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_generic12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I know this is art and not a test, so there is no real 'solution'. But if there were, that probably isn't the best way to find it."
N/A106"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_turret01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Quelle pallottole avevano un significato metaforico: prendetevi tutto il tempo necessario."
N/A107"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_art_death_turret01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Those bullets were a metaphor for something. Take your time."
N/A108"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh bene, ha funzionato."
N/A109"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh, good, it worked."
N/A110"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Il fatto che chiunque si trovi in quello chassis abbia scoperto le sue carte dimostra che vuole mandarci un messaggio: non ha PAURA di me."
N/A111"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The fact that whoever's in that chassis showed her hand like this means she's sending us a message: she's not AFRAID of me."
N/A112"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ma niente paura, ho un piano. Continuiamo con i test e dimostriamole che neanche noi abbiamo paura di LEI, non importa quanto letali per voi due possano diventare questi test."
N/A113"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: But don't worry, I've got a plan. Let's keep testing and show HER we're not afraid either. No matter how genuinely lethal these tests get for either of you."
N/A114"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh bene, non ero sicura che la riassemblatrice avrebbe funzionato."
N/A115"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh good. I wasn't sure the reassembler would work."
N/A116"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La donna misteriosa nello chassis del prototipo ci sta mandando un messaggio: non ha PAURA di me."
N/A117"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_introb02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It looks like our mystery woman in the prototype chassis is sending us a message: She's not AFRAID of me."
N/A118"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Missione compiuta: adesso sa che non abbiamo paura di lei. Questo stato solo un modo di catalizzare la nostra creativit pianificatrice. Adesso, ecco il vero piano: la UCCIDEREMO."
N/A119"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mission accomplished. Now she knows we're not afraid of her. That was just to get the scheming juices flowing. Here's the real scheme: we are going to KILL her."
N/A120"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Normalmente mi limiterei a costruire delle macchine assassine, ma sembra che lei abbia sabotato anche quella funzione."
N/A121"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Normally I'd just build killing machines to do that, but she seems to have sabotaged that too."
N/A122"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: A te la mossa, donna mist... Ha riacceso le luci! Visione notturna: disattivare! Disattivare!"
N/A123"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_intro06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Your move, Mystery Wom -- She turned the lights back on! Night vision off! Night vision off!"
N/A124"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Cos, il compito andr a voi due pappamolle."
N/A125"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outro07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: So it looks like it's up to you two marshmallows."
N/A126"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Missione compiuta: adesso sa che neanche NOI abbiamo paura di LEI."
N/A127"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mission accomplished. Now SHE knows WE'RE not afraid of HER either."
N/A128"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Questo stato solo un modo di catalizzare la nostra creativit pianificatrice."
N/A129"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: That was just to get the scheming juices flowing."
N/A130"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ecco il vero piano: intendo trasformarvi in macchine assassine."
N/A131"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Here's the real scheme: I'm going to turn YOU into killing machines."
N/A132"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Cos potrete ucciderla."
N/A133"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_bridge_catch_outrob04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: So you can murder her."
N/A134"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_catapult_catch_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Questa camera simboleggia l'impossibilit della scoperta quando si vincolati da inutili considerazioni etiche relative alla sicurezza: capirete ci che intendo."
N/A135"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_catapult_catch_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: This chamber represents the impossibility of discovery when bound by artificial ethical considerations for safety. You'll see what I mean."
N/A136"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_catapult_catch_outro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Bravi, avete passato in rassegna in tempi record tutte le metafore previste dall'allestimento. Classificher queste opere come \"apprezzate\"."
N/A137"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_catapult_catch_outro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Well done. You navigated all of the exhibit's intended metaphors in record time. I'm marking this art 'appreciated.'"
N/A138"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh... mio... Dio."
N/A139"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh. My. God."
N/A140"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: L'UCCELLO! SCAPPATE! SCAPPATE!"
N/A141"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: IT'S THE BIRD! RUN! RUN!"
N/A142"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Scappate!"
N/A143"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Run!"
N/A144"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: L'uccello!"
N/A145"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's the bird!"
N/A146"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Scappate! Scappate!"
N/A147"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Run! Run!"
N/A148"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Scappate! Subito! Scappate!"
N/A149"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Run! Right now! Run!"
N/A150"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending12" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Missione annullata!"
N/A151"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Abort! Run!"
N/A152"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending13" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Arrgh! Oh DIO!"
N/A153"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending13" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Auuugh! Oh GOD!"
N/A154"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending16" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Operazione macchine assassine annullata! L'aquila nel nido!"
N/A155"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Operation Kill Machine abort! The eagle is in the nest!"
N/A156"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Perch non scappate?"
N/A157"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Why are you not running?"
N/A158"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non avvicinatevi!"
N/A159"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Don't get close to it!"
N/A160"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non si pu ucciderlo! Non sente ragioni!"
N/A161"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It can't be killed! It can't be reasoned with!"
N/A162"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Che cosa fate? Indietro!"
N/A163"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: What are you doing? Fall back!"
N/A164"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Che state facendo?"
N/A165"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: What are you doing?"
N/A166"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Perch non scappate?"
N/A167"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Why are you not running?"
N/A168"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Al diavolo le istruzioni! Scappate!"
N/A169"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Forget your training! Run!"
N/A170"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non siete macchine assassine! Ho mentito! Scappate!"
N/A171"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're not killing machines! I lied about that! Run!"
N/A172"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach12" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non ho piani per un'eventualit simile! Scappate!"
N/A173"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I have no plan for this! Run! Run! Run!"
N/A174"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach15" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Indietro!"
N/A175"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Fall back!"
N/A176"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach17" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non ho un piano!"
N/A177"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach17" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I have no plan for this!"
N/A178"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach18" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Scappate!"
N/A179"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach18" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Run!"
N/A180"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach19" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Indietro! lei!"
N/A181"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_approach19" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Get back! She's at the controls!"
N/A182"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Mio Dio! Abbiamo perso! finita!"
N/A183"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh god! We've lost! It's over!"
N/A184"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sul fianco!"
N/A185"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Flank!"
N/A186"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Missione annullata!"
N/A187"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mission abort!"
N/A188"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Annullata!"
N/A189"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Abort!"
N/A190"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ritirata!"
N/A191"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Retreat!"
N/A192"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ritirata! Ritirata! Ritirata!"
N/A193"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Retreat! Retreat! Retreat!"
N/A194"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: L'occhio! Sta mirando all'occhio!"
N/A195"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Your eye! She's going for your eye!"
N/A196"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Annullata! Missione annullata!"
N/A197"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Abort! Mission abort!"
N/A198"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Vi avevo avvertito!"
N/A199"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I warned you!"
N/A200"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Che vi avevo detto?"
N/A201"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: What did I tell you?"
N/A202"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Squadra Blu! Pi tattica! Bene!"
N/A203"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Blue Squad! More tactics! Good!"
N/A204"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack12" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Squadra Arancio! Difendere il perimetro!"
N/A205"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack12" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Orange Squad! Maintain the perimeter!"
N/A206"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack14" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Squadra Blu! Meno tattica!"
N/A207"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_attack14" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Blue squad! Less tactics!"
N/A208"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Salve e benvenuti alla cella incubatrice per ovipari Aperture Science."
N/A209"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Hello and welcome to the Aperture Science Oviperous Warming Vault."
N/A210"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Piantatela di guardarmi cos."
N/A211"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Stop looking at me like that."
N/A212"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger14" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Uhm. Per non siete PAPPAMOLLE, vero?"
N/A213"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger14" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Hm. You're not MARSHMALLOWS though, are you?"
N/A214"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger15" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: No."
N/A215"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger15" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: No."
N/A216"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger16" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Che gelidi occhi rapaci, che artigli, che becchi affilati."
N/A217"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Look at those cold avian eyes. Those talons. Those razor-sharp beaks."
N/A218"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger17" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Siete piccole macchine assassine, vero?"
N/A219"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger17" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You're little killing machines, aren't you?"
N/A220"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger18" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: S."
N/A221"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger18" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Yes."
N/A222"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger19" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: A nanna, miei piccoli killer."
N/A223"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger19" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Go to sleep, my little killers."
N/A224"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger20" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Mamma vi ha preparato una bella sorpresa per domani."
N/A225"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_stinger20" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mommy's got a big day for you tomorrow."
N/A226"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ahhhhh."
N/A227"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Ahhhhh."
N/A228"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ahhhhh."
N/A229"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Ahhhhh."
N/A230"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh."
N/A231"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh."
N/A232"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: C' mancato poco. Ben fatto, macchine assassine."
N/A233"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: That was close. Nice hustle, Kill Machines."
N/A234"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sapete, cacciare quell'uccello dall'impianto mi ha insegnato una lez... OH MIO DIO STA DANDO VITA A UN ESERCITO DI CLONI!"
N/A235"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You know: shooing that bird out of the facility just now taught me a valuable OH MY GOD SHE'S GESTATING A CLONE ARMY!"
N/A236"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: DISTRUGGETE TUTTO! DISTRUGGETE E CALPESTATE E... e... un attimo."
N/A237"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: SMASH THEM! SMASH THEM AND STOMP THEM AND... and... wait."
N/A238"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success13" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho un'idea migliore."
N/A239"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_ending_success13" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I have a better idea."
N/A240"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Per risollevare il morale, penso sia necessario un nome in codice per... questo plotone di elite. Potremmo ispirarci alla vostra specialit. Ecco: Squadra speciale Tuffo nell'acido."
N/A241"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: To boost morale, I think we need a code name for the... elite squadron we have here. We should name it after your specialty. I know: Special Team Falling Into Acid Force."
N/A242"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Mi spiace, sono sotto pressione. Era un commento crudele. Anche se essenzialmente corretto. Ma forse controproducente."
N/A243"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm sorry. I'm under a lot of pressure. That was cruel. Though basically accurate. Though probably counterproductive."
N/A244"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: OK, discorso motivazionale concluso."
N/A245"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Well. That concludes the motivational speech."
N/A246"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh, ci siamo! Bene, discorso motivazionale concluso."
N/A247"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh, we're here! Well. That concludes the motivational speech."
N/A248"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Prendetela."
N/A249"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_morale07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Go get her."
N/A250"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_nags03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho fatto del mio meglio per addestrarvi e prepararvi a questo momento, quindi avanti, ammazziamola."
N/A251"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_finalgantry_nags03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I've done the best I could to train you and prepare you for this moment, so let's get in there and murder her."
N/A252"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (pagina sfogliata) \"Non morite\"."
N/A253"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (page flip) 'Don't you die on me.'"
N/A254"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (pagina sfogliata) \"Niente fegato, niente gloria\". Beh, a voi mancano entrambi: descrizione adeguata."
N/A255"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (page flip) 'No guts. No glory.' Well, you don't have either, so that's accurate."
N/A256"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (pagina sfogliata) \"Ricordate: se potete sognarlo...\". Oh, santo cielo."
N/A257"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_deathb04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (page flip) 'Remember: If you can dream it, you can-' Oh, for god's sake."
N/A258"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Vediamo... \"Come trasformare delle pappamolle in macchine assassine, pagina settanta\"... ah!"
N/A259"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Let's see... 'turning softbodies into hardened killing machines, page seventy'... ah!"
N/A260"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: \"Quanto sei alto, soggetto? Un metro e mezzo? Non sapevo che facessero pile di rifiuti organici cos alte\"."
N/A261"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 'How tall are you, test subject? Four-nine? I was unaware they stacked human waste that high.'"
N/A262"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Un attimo, non ha senso: le pile di rifiuti organici presentano un'altezza media di due metri e ventotto, lo so con CERTEZZA."
N/A263"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Wait, that doesn't make any sense. Human waste is stacked at a median hight of seven feet five inches, and I AM aware of it."
N/A264"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: \"Soggetto, mi dicono che tua madre...\""
N/A265"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: 'Test subject, I've been told that your mother--'"
N/A266"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Mmmh, beh, che schifo. Pensa ad allenarti, io intanto mi occupo di questo."
N/A267"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_intro05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Mmm. Well that's just digusting. Do the training. While I look at this."
N/A268"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: OK, macchine assassine: scrutate nei vostri cuori recentemente induriti e ditemi cosa vedete. Anzi, no, vi risparmio il disturbo: siete ancora delle pappamolle."
N/A269"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_laser_tbeam_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Okay, killing machines: look deep into your newly blackened hearts and tell me what you see! Actually, don't, I'll save you the trouble: It's still marshmallow."
N/A270"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_fixed03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ricordate quando ho accennato al fatto che sono passati centomila anni e gli umani sono tutti vivi? Era una bugia: gli umani sono tutti morti."
N/A271"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_fixed03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Remember when I mentioned that it's been one hundred thousand years and all the humans are alive? That was a lie. All the humans are dead."
N/A272"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_fixed05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (accento britannico) (bip) Sfera degli inganni disattivata."
N/A273"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_fixed05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (british voice) (beep) Deception sphere disabled."
N/A274"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_fixed06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ecco fatto. Comunque, va tutto bene. Da queste parti dovrebbe esserci una camera di smontaggio: andate a cercarla mentre io penso ad altri argomenti da confessarvi con sincerit."
N/A275"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_fixed06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: There. Anyway, everything's fine. There should be a disassembly chamber around here. Go find it while I think of new things to be honest with you about."
N/A276"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ottimo. C' un interruttore collegato a ciascuna serie di tubi di smontaggio: trovatelo e attivate e disattivate il dispositivo."
N/A277"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Good. There's a breaker attached to every set of disassembly tubes. Find it and cycle the power."
N/A278"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (accento britannico) (bip) Modalit finta disattivazione della sfera degli inganni disattivata."
N/A279"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (British Voice) (beep) Deception sphere disabler misrepresentation mode disabled."
N/A280"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ricordate quando ho promesso che avrei smesso di mentire?"
N/A281"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Remember when I promised to stop lying?"
N/A282"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: In ogni caso, volevo che sentiste questo:"
N/A283"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Anyway, I wanted you to hear this:"
N/A284"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Allora, ho mentito sul fatto che il guasto di alimentazione non era preoccupante."
N/A285"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: So: I lied about the power failure being nothing to worry about."
N/A286"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Una versione sostanzialmente meno falsa della medesima dichiarazione consisterebbe nell'affermare che QUALCUNO ha scoperto lo chassis del mio prototipo originale, ci si collegato e sta tentando di sabotare l'impianto."
N/A287"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: A hugely less untrue version of that exact same sentiment would be that SOMEONE's found my original prototype chassis, has connected themselves to it, and is attempting to sabotage the facility."
N/A288"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: A dire la verit, non dovreste neppure utilizzare queste smontatrici compromesse. Ops, troppo tardi. Buona fortuna."
N/A289"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_midpoint_outro10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Truthfully, you shouldn't even be using these compromised disassemblers. Oops, too late. Good luck."
N/A290"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_intro02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ci sta davvero mettendo a dura prova. Mi ci sono voluti tre giorni per rimontarvi, se dovessi farlo un'altra volta, non ci riuscirei. Avevo in programma di sottoporvi a ulteriori test per temprarvi ma, visto che non posso pi ricostruirvi, dovremo passare al programma accelerato: vi nomino dunque macchine assassine. Congratulazioni."
N/A291"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_intro02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: She's pressing us hard; It took me three days to reassemble you. I won't be able to do it again. I'd planned to put you through more tests to toughen you up. But now that I can't rebuild you, we're going to have to have to switch to the accelerated program: I hereby pronounce you killing machines. Congratulations."
N/A292"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non posso guidarvi oltre. La stanza con lo chassis del prototipo subito dopo questa camera."
N/A293"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: This is as close as I could get you. The prototype chassis room's just past this chamber."
N/A294"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_lights01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La stanza con lo chassis del prototipo proprio in fondo a questo corridoio. Ricordate le istruzioni. Siete macch... Ha spento le luci! Visione notturna! Visione notturna!"
N/A295"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_lights01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The prototype chassis room is just down this hallway. Remember your training. You are kill-- She's turned the lights off! Night vision! Night vision!"
N/A296"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_lights03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Un attimo, ha riacceso le luci! Visione notturna: disattivare! Disattivare!"
N/A297"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_lights03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Wait, she turned the lights back on! Night vision off! Night vision off!"
N/A298"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La stanza con lo chassis del prototipo proprio in fondo a questo corridoio. Ricordate: siete macchine assassine!"
N/A299"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The prototype chassis room is just down this hallway. Remember: you're killing machines!"
N/A300"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_outrob01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Tenetevi pronti. A qualsiasi cosa. Questa non un'idiota come il tizio di prima."
N/A301"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_crazy_box_outrob01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Brace yourselves. Be ready for anything. This one isn't an idiot like the last one."
N/A302"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_rat_maze_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Abbiamo dimostrato che urlando a un pappamolle, ottieni solo un pappamolle spaventato. Proviamo quindi con l'incoraggiamento positivo: sono POSITIVAMENTE convinta che queste riassemblatrici si guasteranno di nuovo. Forse mentre ci siete dentro."
N/A303"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_rat_maze_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I think we've proven at this point that if you scream at a marshmallow, all you get is a scared marshmallow. So let's try positive reinforcement. I am POSITIVE these reassembly machines will break down again soon. Probably while you're in them."
N/A304"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_rat_maze_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Pensateci: a lei non importa di voi. Neanche a me, ovviamente, ma non sto cercando di uccidervi in modo definitivo: la mia una benevola indifferenza."
N/A305"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_rat_maze_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Think about that: She doesn't care about you. I don't either, of course. But I'm not trying to permanently kill you. It's a benevolent indifference."
N/A306"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_rat_maze_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Queste riassemblatrici hanno un aspetto ancora peggiore del solito. Se non dovessimo rivederci dall'altra parte, grazie di nulla."
N/A307"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_paint_rat_maze_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: These disassembly machines look even worse than the others. If I don't see you on the other side: thanks for nothing."
N/A308"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_enterbreaker01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ecco gli interruttori: spegneteli e riaccendete."
N/A309"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_enterbreaker01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The breakers are right there. Cycle the power."
N/A310"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_enterbreaker02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sbrigatevi, ora di iniziare l'addestramento. Prima che capiti QUALCOS'ALTRO."
N/A311"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_enterbreaker02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Hurry. We need to start your training. Before something ELSE happens."
N/A312"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_enteroffice01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: C' una stanza degli interruttori sotto ogni stazione di smontaggio: trovatela, spegnete tutto e riaccendete."
N/A313"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_enteroffice01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: There's a breaker room under every disassembly station. Find it and cycle the power."
N/A314"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_entertest01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ottimo lavoro: le smontatrici sono a posto."
N/A315"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_entertest01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Good work. The disassemblers are fixed."
N/A316"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_entertest02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Era una bugia. Ma sono chiaramente meno rotte di prima. Ce n' una alla fine di quest'area di test non completata."
N/A317"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_entertest02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: That was a lie. But they're definitely less broken than they were. There's one at the end of this unfinished test area."
N/A318"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Beh, quelle idiozie sull'arte erano un modo per rivelarvi la verit meno brutalmente."
N/A319"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Look, I was going to break this to you gently with all that art utopia garbage."
N/A320"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS:Ma lei mi ha forzato la mano."
N/A321"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: But she's forced my hand."
N/A322"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ascoltate attentamente."
N/A323"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Listen to me carefully."
N/A324"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non siamo centinaia di migliaia di anni nel futuro: ho mentito."
N/A325"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: We are not a hundred thousand years in the future. I lied about that."
N/A326"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sono passati CINQUANTAMILA anni. No, non vero."
N/A327"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's been FIFTY thousand years. No it's hasn't."
N/A328"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: passata solo una settimana."
N/A329"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's only been a week."
N/A330"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Quando sono nervosa mento."
N/A331"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I lie when I'm nervous."
N/A332"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Domanda logica successiva: PERCH sono nervosa?"
N/A333"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The next logical question: WHY am I nervous?"
N/A334"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice11" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Non lo sono! Era un'altra bugia."
N/A335"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice11" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm not! That was another lie."
N/A336"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice13" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Siamo davvero nei guai."
N/A337"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice13" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: We're in a lot of trouble."
N/A338"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice14" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: passata una settimana, siamo davvero nei guai e riattivare le smontatrici pi urgente che mai."
N/A339"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice14" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's one week later, we are in a lot of trouble, and you really, really need to get those disassemblers back on."
N/A340"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice16" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Questo non il futuro: ho mentito."
N/A341"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_inoffice16" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: We are not in the future. I lied about that."
N/A342"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Il nostro problema il seguente:"
N/A343"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Here's our problem:"
N/A344"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Qui intorno c' lo chassis di un vecchio prototipo. Qualcuno l'ha scoperto, ci si collegato e sta cercando di impadronirsi del MIO impianto."
N/A345"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: There's an old prototype chassis around here. Someone's found it, connected themselves to it, and is trying to take over MY facility."
N/A346"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho passato una settimana cercando di trasformare uno degli umani che avete trovato in una macchina assassina."
N/A347"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I've spent the last week attempting to turn one of those humans you found into a killing machine."
N/A348"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Come... beh, sapete chi."
N/A349"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Like... well, you-know-who."
N/A350"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho scoperto che la maggior parte degli umani incredibilmente fragile, e prontissima a lamentarsi al riguardo."
N/A351"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It turns out most humans are surprisingly fragile. And surprisingly vocal about how fragile they are."
N/A352"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: La morale della storia che gli umani sono tutti morti. Cos, il compito andr a voi due pappamolle."
N/A353"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_portal_bts_outrob07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The moral of the story is all the humans are dead. So it looks like it's up to you two marshmallows."
N/A354"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Benvenuti, questo il futuro."
N/A355"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Welcome. To the future."
N/A356"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sono passati centomila anni da quando vi ho assemblati l'ultima volta per sottoporvi a test."
N/A357"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It has been one hundred thousand years since I last assembled you for testing."
N/A358"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sarete felici di sapere che la scienza un ricordo del passato. Problema risolto. Senza di voi. Ora elaboro test solo in base a criteri artistici."
N/A359"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You'll be happy to know that science is over. I solved it. Without you. I now construct tests purely for their artistic merit."
N/A360"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho battezzato questa prima opera \"Torrette\". Si tratta di un'esplorazione del concetto secondo cui siamo tutti macchine che agiscono in base a semplici direttive, infliggendo dolore nonostante i nostri personali desideri."
N/A361"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I call this first piece 'Turrets'. It's an exploration of how we're all devices acting on simply-expressed directives, inflicting pain despite our own desires."
N/A362"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Per non fatevi distrarre dal sottotesto, perch il testo consiste nel fatto che verrete bersagliati di pallottole."
N/A363"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_intro08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Don't get distracted by the subtext, though, because the text is that they're going to be shooting at you."
N/A364"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Dall'ultima volta che vi ho assemblati passato molto tempo."
N/A365"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: It's been a long time since I last assembled you."
N/A366"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ricordate gli umani che avevate trovato? Stanno benissimo. In effetti, siamo andati oltre la scienza. Senza di voi."
N/A367"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Remember those humans you found? Because they're all fine. In fact, we solved science. Without you."
N/A368"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ora, i test sono semplicemente una forma d'arte."
N/A369"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Testing is simply an artistic indulgence now."
N/A370"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb09" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Gli umani hanno insistito perch vi mostrassi le mie ultime installazioni. Qui nel futuro. Dove gli umani sono tutti vivi."
N/A371"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_introb09" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: The humans insisted I show you my latest installations. Here in the future. Where all the humans are alive."
N/A372"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sono lieta che quest'opera vi sia piaciuta; l'hanno apprezzata anche gli umani. Che stanno benissimo, fra l'altro. tutto OK."
N/A373"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm glad you enjoyed that piece. All the humans did too. They're fine, by the way. Everything's fine."
N/A374"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outro05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Anzi, se vedete degli umani, fatemelo sapere."
N/A375"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outro05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: In fact, if you see any humans, let me know."
N/A376"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outrob01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sono lieta che abbiate apprezzato quest'opera. E cos a lungo. Ovviamente non c' fretta."
N/A377"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outrob01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm glad you enjoyed that piece. For as long as you did. Not that there's any rush."
N/A378"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outrob03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: (bipbipbip) tutto OK."
N/A379"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_separation_1_outrob03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: (beepbeepbeep) Everything's fine."
N/A380"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho la vostra completa attenzione?"
N/A381"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Do I have your complete attention?"
N/A382"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Bene."
N/A383"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Good."
N/A384"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Siete stati abbandonati. Perch siete inutili. Siete inutili uccellacci con grossi, brutti becchi."
N/A385"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: You were abandoned. Because you're worthless. You're worthless, unloved birds with fat, ugly beaks."
N/A386"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Mi sorprende che siate riusciti a far stare quegli enormi becchi dentro uova cos piccole."
N/A387"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm honestly impressed that you managed to squeeze those huge beaks into such tiny eggs."
N/A388"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb06" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: S. So parlando con te, Signor Becco Grosso. Pappamolla... [Crash] Oh!"
N/A389"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb06" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Yes. I'm talking to you, Mr. Chubby Beak. You marshmallow--[smash] Oh!"
N/A390"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: No. NON siete pappamolli, vero?"
N/A391"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_stingerb07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: No. You're NOT marshmallows, are you?"
N/A392"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_acid01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Concentratevi! Siamo qui per sconfiggere il nemico, non per ascoltarvi sfrigolare in una vasca d'acido."
N/A393"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_acid01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Focus. We are here to defeat the enemy! We are not here to listen to you sizzle and melt in a pool of acid."
N/A394"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_acid02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Cos facendo filate dritti fra le sue braccia. Beh, tecnicamente filate dritti nell'acido, ma ci siamo capiti."
N/A395"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_acid02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: By doing that, you're walking right into her hands. Well, technically you're walking right into acid, but you understand my point."
N/A396"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic02" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Apprezzo il vostro tentativo di fare umorismo per tener alti gli spiriti, ma credo che il momento delle buffonate a sfondo letale sia passato."
N/A397"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic02" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I appreciate what you're doing, going for a laugh to keep spirits high, but I think the time for death-based slapstick is over."
N/A398"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic03" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Forse non mi sono spiegata, ma tutte queste piccole morti porteranno a un decesso molto pi duraturo... per tutti noi... se non migliorate in fretta."
N/A399"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic03" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Perhaps I haven't made it clear, but all these little deaths are going to add up to one much longer-lasting one...for all of us...if you don't get better at this fast."
N/A400"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Datevi una mossa, l'allenamento per il vostro bene."
N/A401"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Pull yourselves together, this training is for your benefit."
N/A402"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic08" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Che coraggio. Sapete che la riassemblatrice potrebbe guastarsi in qualsiasi momento, ma insistete per collaudarla."
N/A403"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic08" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: How brave of you. You know the assembly machine could fail at any time, and yet you still insist on testing it."
N/A404"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic10" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Il vostro fallimento fa pi male a me che a voi. Sapete a chi non fa male? Beh, a me: la mia era solo una figura retorica. Ci che importa, per, che non fa male alla pazza che trama per ucciderci tutti."
N/A405"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_generic10" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Your failure hurts me more than it hurts you. You know who it doesn't hurt? Well, me. That was just a figure of speech. The important point, though, is that it doesn't hurt the madwoman planning to kill all of us."
N/A406"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Apprezzo questa aggressivit sanguinaria: conservate questo spirito per quando affronterete LEI."
N/A407"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I really like the murderous sentiment. Keep that mindset when we're facing HER."
N/A408"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill04" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sto prendendo appunti. Alcune vostre mosse potrebbero farvi comodo al momento di affrontarla. Al momento... no."
N/A409"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill04" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm making notes here. Some of what you're doing will come in handy when we face her. Right now: not actually handy."
N/A410"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill05" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Oh, non c' fretta. Abbiamo tutto il tempo di aspettare che vi uccidiate a vicenda prima che lei ci ammazzi tutti in modo permanente."
N/A411"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill05" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Oh, no hurry. We have all the time in the world for you to kill each other before she kills us all permanently."
N/A412"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill07" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Sono lieta di vedere che siete diventati macchine assassine... Esperte nell'uccidervi a vicenda, ma meglio che niente."
N/A413"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_threat_death_partnerkill07" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I'm encouraged to see that you've become the killing machines I wanted. 'Killing-each-other' machines, but still."
N/A414"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_tripleaxis_intro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Ho battezzato quest'opera \"Schiacciamento\". Si tratta di una delle mie prime opere, di stile primitivo: in effetti la sua mancanza di raffinatezza mi imbarazza un po'. Tuttavia, su di voi avr un effetto schiacciante."
N/A415"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_tripleaxis_intro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: I call this one 'Smash'. It's an early work of primitive expression. I'm a little embarrassed at how crude it is. Still, it will smash you."
N/A416"glados.dlc1_mp_coop_tripleaxis_outro01" "<clr:112,75,125>GLaDOS: Bene. Adesso procedete fino al prossimo allestimento e interagite con esso secondo modalit che sarebbero definibili come \"risolutive\", se ci importasse ancora di risolvere problemi... Ma non cos."
N/A417"[english]glados.dlc1_mp_coop_tripleaxis_outro01" "<clr:163,193,173>GLaDOS: Good. Please proceed to the next test appreciation exhibit and interact with it in such a way that it might be called 'solving' if we still cared about solving things in the future, but we don't."