Template:PatchDiff/October 4, 2011 Patch/update/scripts/vscripts/choreo/glados scenetable include manual act3.nut
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N/A3 The following properties are evaluated for EVERY vcd in a scene:
N/A4 [required] vcd
N/A5 This is the actual scene entity. Must take the form
N/A6 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("my_fully_pathed_scene.vcd")
N/A7 [required] next
N/A8 SceneTable index of next vcd in scene or null for last vcd in scene.
N/A9 [required] char
N/A10 Character who is speaking in this vcd. Valid characters:
N/A11 glados
N/A12 wheatley
N/A13 announcer
N/A14 turret
N/A15 cave_body
N/A16 [optional] postdelay
N/A17 Number of seconds to wait after finishing this vcd before firing the next VCD in the scene.
N/A18 If postdelay < 0 the next vcd starts abs(postdelay) seconds after this vcd STARTS. This lets one character talk over another character.
N/A19 Postdelay can take the format postdelay=[x,y], in which case postdelay evaluates to RandomFloat(x,y)
N/A20 [optional] predelay
N/A21 Number of seconds to wait before starting this vcd.
N/A22 Predelay can take the format predelay=[x,y], in which case predelay evaluates to RandomFloat(x,y)
N/A23 [optional] talkover
N/A24 If talkover exists, this vcd will not silence and currently playing vcds. This should always be set for postdelay<0.
N/A26 [optional] fires
N/A27 Each vcd in a scene can trigger an arbitrary number of ent_fires. The fires array defines these ent_fires for each vcd.
N/A28 By default, these fire at the end of the associated vcd. If fireatstart exists, however, the entry will fire at the START
N/A29 of the vcd, and delay defines the number of seconds to wait from the START of the vcd.
N/A30 ex:
N/A31 fires=
N/A32 [
N/A33 {entity="entity1",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2,fireatstart=true},
N/A34 {entity="entity2",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="DoMyThing(1)",delay=1.6}
N/A35 ]
N/A37 2 seconds after the START of the vcd, entity1 is sent "Trigger".
N/A38 1.6 seconds after the END of the vcd, entity2 is sent "RunScriptCode" with a parameter of DoMyThing(1)
N/A41 The following properties are evaluated only for the FIRST vcd in a scene:
N/A43 [optional] noDingOn
N/A44 By default, a "ding" noise is played at the beginning and end of a scene (this is the default because glados.nut was originally
N/A45 designed just for glados vo. If noDingOn exists, the starting ding is suppressed.
N/A46 [optional] noDingOff
N/A47 By default, a "ding" noise is played at the beginning and end of a scene (this is the default because glados.nut was originally
N/A48 designed just for glados vo. If noDingOff exists, the ending ding is suppressed.
N/A49 [optional] queue
N/A50 If queue exists, this scene will queue up if a scene is currently playing.
N/A51 [optional] queuetimeout
N/A52 A scene will be removed from the queue if it waits in the queue > queuetimeout seconds. This is only evaluated if queue exists.
N/A53 [optional] queueforcesecs
N/A54 If a scene has waited in the queue > queueforcesecs, it will stop whatever scene is playing and start. This is only evaluated if queue exists.
N/A55 [optional] skipifbusy
N/A56 The scene will only play if no other scene is playing.
N/A58 Nag/Idle tags:
N/A59 -Every vcd in a nag/idle block should have "next" set to null (unless they are part of a "nag chain" - see idleindex/idleunder below)
N/A60 -You can stop a nag cycle by calling @glados.GladosStopNag() or @glados.WheatleyStopNag()
N/A62 The *FIRST* vcd in a nag block should have:
N/A63 idle=true
N/A64 idlerandom=true [optional] if you want the vcds to play in random order, otherwise they play in order by "idleorderingroup"
N/A65 idlerepeat=true [optional] if you want the list to repeat after exhausting the list once
N/A66 idlerandomonrepeat=true [optional] if you want the list to play in order the first time and then randomize on repeats, mutually exclusive with idlerandom & idlerepeat
N/A67 idleminsecs=0.300 minimum # of seconds between nags
N/A68 idlemaxsecs=1.500 maximum # of seconds between nags
N/A70 *Every* vcd should have:
N/A71 idlegroup - a string that is the same for all vcds in the nag cycle block
N/A72 idleorderingroup - an integer ordering this vcd in the block
N/A73 idlemaxplays - [optional] once a vcd plays this many times, retire it. [default is never retire]
N/A74 idlerarity - [optional] Every time the nag list is rebuilt (happens the first time the list is built, plus every time the list is exhausted) this vcd has idlerarity% chance to be included
N/A75 idleindex - [optional] a unique id within the nag block used to group a set of vcds that should be played together as one "nag". This should be set only on the first vcd of the group
N/A76 idleunder - [optional] points to idleindex for members of a nag group other that the first one
N/A78 //Example nag/idle cycle
N/A80 //TestIdle
N/A81 //Oops.
N/A82 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle01"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer03.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idlerandom=true,idlerepeat=true,idleminsecs=0.300,idlemaxsecs=1.500,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=1}
N/A83 //That's funny, I don't feel corrupt. In fact, I feel pretty good.
N/A84 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle02"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer04.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=2}
N/A85 //Core transfer?
N/A86 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle03"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer05.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next="sp_intro_03TestIdle0301",char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=3,idleindex=1}
N/A87 //NAG GROUP: Oh, you are kidding me.
N/A88 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle0301"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer06.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=4,idleunder=1}
N/A89 //No!
N/A90 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle05"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer07.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=5}
N/A91 //Yes! You little worm!
N/A92 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle06"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer10.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=6}
N/A93 //Don't do it.
N/A94 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle07"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer12.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=7}
N/A95 //Not so fast!
N/A96 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle08"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer14.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=8}
N/A105SceneTableLookup[-3000] <- "-3000_01" // potatos falling with player down the bottomless pit
N/A107SceneTableLookup[-3001] <- "-3001_01" // find potatos for first time
N/A109SceneTableLookup[-3002] <- "-3002_01" // pick up potatos for first time
N/A111SceneTableLookup[-3003] <- "-3003_01" // discover 'Caroline' in portrait in office
N/A114SceneTableLookup[-3004] <- "-3004_01" // discover the Cave Johnson cube
N/A116SceneTableLookup[-3005] <- "-3005_01" // kill the Cave Johnson cube
N/A118SceneTableLookup[-3006] <- "-3006_01" // step on the Cave Johnson cube and linger
N/A120SceneTableLookup[-3007] <- "-3007_01" // a short time after the Cave
N/A122SceneTableLookup[-3008] <- "-3008_01" // Cave says thanks for testing in transition01
N/A124SceneTableLookup[-3009] <- "-3009_01" // Potatos realises she didn't design speed_ramp
N/A126SceneTableLookup[-3010] <- "-3010_01" // Potatos says you'd be a corpse if she designed that puzzle
N/A128SceneTableLookup[-3011] <- "-3011_01" // Potatos says she would have put neurotixin into the cube you just found
N/A130SceneTableLookup[-3012] <- "-3012_01" // Potatos says her tests are good and these are garbage
N/A132SceneTableLookup[-3013] <- "-3013_01" // Potatos comments on the subtleties of human literature
N/A134SceneTableLookup[-3014] <- "-3014_01" // Potatos completes her thoughts on literature
N/A136SceneTableLookup[-3015] <- "-3015_01" // Potatos comments on the white paint
N/A138SceneTableLookup[-3016] <- "-3016_01" // Potatos knows about white paint while Wheatley does not
N/A140SceneTableLookup[-3017] <- "-3017_01" // Potatos comments on the repercussions of Wheatley being in charge
N/A142SceneTableLookup[-3018] <- "-3018_01" // Potatos tells you the plan of putting her back in charge
N/A144SceneTableLookup[-3019] <- "-3019_01" // Potatos tells you she'll let you go when she's back in charge
N/A148SceneTableLookup[-3120] <- "-3120_01" // Potatos sees the player enter the control room
N/A150SceneTableLookup[-3121] <- "-3121_01" // Player approaches the bird nest and Potatos convinces player to pick her up
N/A152SceneTableLookup[-3122] <- "-3122_01" // Potatos protests about being stabbed then talks about your mission together
N/A154SceneTableLookup[-3123] <- "-3123_01" // Potatos talks about having to get back into her body
N/A156SceneTableLookup[-3124] <- "-3124_01" // Potatos spots the paradox sign
N/A158SceneTableLookup[-3125] <- "-3125_01" // Potatos explains how she will use paradoxes to bring down Wheatley
N/A160SceneTableLookup[-3126] <- "-3126_01" // Potatos explains paradoxes if player doesn't look at the poster
N/A162SceneTableLookup[-3127] <- "-3127_01" // Potatos acknowledges that it's not a watertight plan
N/A164SceneTableLookup[-3128] <- "-3128_01" // Potatos reacts to the bird after the pump room in sp_a3_portal_intro
N/A166SceneTableLookup[-3129] <- "-3129_01" // Potatos thinks about Caroline
N/A168SceneTableLookup[-3150] <- "-3150_01" // Potatos wakes up second time in beginning of speed ramp
N/A172 //=================================================================
N/A173 //Called when PotatOS is falling down bottomless pit
N/A174 //=================================================================
N/A175 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_00")
N/A176 {
N/A177 // Oh hi.
N/A178 SceneTable["-3000_01"] <-
N/A179 {
N/A180 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall05.vcd"),
N/A181 char = "glados"
N/A182 postdelay = 0.7
N/A183 predelay = 0.0
N/A184 next = "-3000_02"
N/A185 noDingOff = true
N/A186 noDingOn = true
N/A187 }
N/A189 // So, how are you holding up?
N/A190 SceneTable["-3000_02"] <-
N/A191 {
N/A192 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall03.vcd"),
N/A193 char = "glados"
N/A194 postdelay = 0.6
N/A195 predelay = 0.0
N/A196 next = "-3000_03"
N/A197 noDingOff = true
N/A198 noDingOn = true
N/A199 }
N/A202 SceneTable["-3000_03"] <-
N/A203 {
N/A204 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_longfall_speech03.vcd"),
N/A205 char = "glados"
N/A206 postdelay = 0.8
N/A207 predelay = 0.0
N/A208 next = "-3000_04"
N/A209 noDingOff = true
N/A210 noDingOn = true
N/A211 }
N/A213 // [clap clap clap]
N/A214 SceneTable["-3000_04"] <-
N/A215 {
N/A216 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall18.vcd"),
N/A217 char = "glados"
N/A218 postdelay = 0.0
N/A219 predelay = 0.0
N/A220 next = "-3000_05"
N/A221 noDingOff = true
N/A222 noDingOn = true
N/A223 }
N/A225 // Oh, good. My slow clap processor made it into this thing. So we have that.
N/A226 SceneTable["-3000_05"] <-
N/A227 {
N/A228 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall20.vcd"),
N/A229 char = "glados"
N/A230 postdelay = 1.8
N/A231 predelay = 0.0
N/A232 next = "-3000_06"
N/A233 noDingOff = true
N/A234 noDingOn = true
N/A235 }
N/A237 // Since it doesn't look like we're going anywhere... Well, we are going somewhere. Alarmingly fast, actually. But since we're not busy other than that, here's a couple of facts.
N/A238 SceneTable["-3000_06"] <-
N/A239 {
N/A240 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall09.vcd"),
N/A241 char = "glados"
N/A242 postdelay = 0.4
N/A243 predelay = 0.0
N/A244 next = "-3000_07"
N/A245 noDingOff = true
N/A246 noDingOn = true
N/A247 }
N/A249 // He's not just a regular moron. He's the product of the greatest minds of a generation working together with the express purpose of building the dumbest moron who ever lived. And you just put him in charge of the entire facility.
N/A250 SceneTable["-3000_07"] <-
N/A251 {
N/A252 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall11.vcd"),
N/A253 char = "glados"
N/A254 postdelay = 0.3
N/A255 predelay = 0.0
N/A256 next = "-3000_08"
N/A257 noDingOff = true
N/A258 noDingOn = true
N/A259 }
N/A261 // [clap clap]
N/A262 SceneTable["-3000_08"] <-
N/A263 {
N/A264 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall19.vcd"),
N/A265 char = "glados"
N/A266 postdelay = 0.0
N/A267 predelay = 0.0
N/A268 next = "-3000_09"
N/A269 noDingOff = true
N/A270 noDingOn = true
N/A271 }
N/A274 // Good, that's still working.
N/A275 SceneTable["-3000_09"] <-
N/A276 {
N/A277 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall12.vcd"),
N/A278 char = "glados"
N/A279 postdelay = 1.4
N/A280 predelay = 0.0
N/A281 next = "-3000_10"
N/A282 noDingOff = true
N/A283 noDingOn = true
N/A284 }
N/A286 //Glados: Hey, just in case this pit isn't actually bottomless, do you think maybe you could unstrap one of your longfall boots and, you know... shove me into it? You just have to remember to land on one foot
N/A287 SceneTable["-3000_10"] <-
N/A288 {
N/A289 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall14.vcd"),
N/A290 char = "glados"
N/A291 postdelay = 0.2
N/A292 predelay = 0.0
N/A293 next = "-3000_11"
N/A294 noDingOff = true
N/A295 noDingOn = true
N/A296 }
N/A298 //Just remember to land on one foot.
N/A299 SceneTable["-3000_11"] <-
N/A300 {
N/A301 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall15.vcd"),
N/A302 postdelay= 0.0
N/A303 next=null,
N/A304 char="glados",
N/A305 noDingOff=true,
N/A306 noDingOn=true,
N/A307 fires=
N/A308 [
N/A309 {entity="@shaft_potatos_ledge_start",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A310 {entity="@shaft_crash_landing_start",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=6.0,fireatstart=true}
N/A311 {entity="potatos_end_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=10.0 } // force transition in case train fails
N/A312 ]
N/A313 }
N/A314 }
N/A316 //=================================================================
N/A317 //Called when player enters room Potatos is sitting in
N/A318 //=================================================================
N/A319 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_transition01")
N/A320 {
N/A322 sp_a3_transition01_stopCave70sIntro <-false
N/A324 //Glados: Oh. It's you. Go away.
N/A325 SceneTable["-3001_01"] <-
N/A326 {
N/A327 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup02.vcd"),
N/A328 postdelay=4.0,
N/A329 next="-3001_02",
N/A330 char="glados",
N/A331 noDingOff=true,
N/A332 noDingOn=true,
N/A333 }
N/A334 //Glados: Come to gloat?
N/A335 SceneTable["-3001_02"] <-
N/A336 {
N/A337 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup03.vcd"),
N/A338 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A339 next="-3001_03",
N/A340 char="glados",
N/A341 noDingOff=true,
N/A342 noDingOn=true,
N/A343 }
N/A344 //Glados: Go on. Get a goooood lonnnnng look.
N/A345 SceneTable["-3001_03"] <-
N/A346 {
N/A347 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup04.vcd"),
N/A348 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A349 next="-3001_04",
N/A350 char="glados",
N/A351 noDingOff=true,
N/A352 noDingOn=true,
N/A353 }
N/A354 //Glados: Go on. Get a big fat eyeful. With your big fat eyes.
N/A355 SceneTable["-3001_04"] <-
N/A356 {
N/A357 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup05.vcd"),
N/A358 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A359 next="-3001_05",
N/A360 char="glados",
N/A361 noDingOff=true,
N/A362 noDingOn=true,
N/A363 }
N/A364 //Glados: That's right. A potato just called your eyes fat.
N/A365 SceneTable["-3001_05"] <-
N/A366 {
N/A367 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup06.vcd"),
N/A368 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A369 next="-3001_06",
N/A370 char="glados",
N/A371 noDingOff=true,
N/A372 noDingOn=true,
N/A373 idlegroup="sp_a3_transition01_find_potatos_nag",
N/A374 idleorderingroup=4
N/A375 }
N/A376 //Glados: Now your fat eyes have seen everything.
N/A377 SceneTable["-3001_06"] <-
N/A378 {
N/A379 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup07.vcd"),
N/A380 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A381 next="-3001_07",
N/A382 char="glados",
N/A383 noDingOff=true,
N/A384 noDingOn=true,
N/A385 }
N/A386 //Glados: In case you were wondering: Yes. I'm still a potato. Go away.
N/A387 SceneTable["-3001_07"] <-
N/A388 {
N/A389 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup08.vcd"),
N/A390 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A391 next="-3001_08",
N/A392 char="glados",
N/A393 noDingOff=true,
N/A394 noDingOn=true,
N/A395 }
N/A396 //Glados: Wait. Why DID you trundle over here? You're not HUNGRY, are you? It's hard to see. What do you have in your hand? Knowing you it's a deep fryer.
N/A397 SceneTable["-3001_08"] <-
N/A398 {
N/A399 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup10.vcd"),
N/A400 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A401 next="-3001_09",
N/A402 char="glados",
N/A403 noDingOff=true,
N/A404 noDingOn=true,
N/A405 }
N/A406 //Glados: Stay back.
N/A407 SceneTable["-3001_09"] <-
N/A408 {
N/A409 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_meetup11.vcd"),
N/A410 postdelay=0.0,
N/A411 next=null,
N/A412 char="glados",
N/A413 noDingOff=true,
N/A414 noDingOn=true,
N/A415 }
N/A417 //=================================================================
N/A418 //Called when player picks up Potatos for the first time
N/A419 //=================================================================
N/A421 //Glados: What are you doing? Put me back this instant.
N/A422 SceneTable["-3002_01"] <-
N/A423 {
N/A424 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_postpickup05.vcd"),
N/A425 char="glados"
N/A426 postdelay=1.0,
N/A427 predelay = 0.3
N/A428 next = "-3002_02"
N/A429 noDingOff = true
N/A430 noDingOn = true
N/A431 }
N/A432 //Glados: I was getting SO lonely down here. It's good to finally hear someone else's voice. I'm kidding, of course. God, I hate you.
N/A433 SceneTable["-3002_02"] <-
N/A434 {
N/A435 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_transition_lonely01.vcd"),
N/A436 char="glados"
N/A437 postdelay=3.0,
N/A438 predelay = 0.0
N/A439 next = "-3002_03"
N/A440 }
N/A441 //Glados: I was so bored, I actually read the entire literary canon of the human race. Ugh. I hope YOU didn't write any of them.
N/A442 SceneTable["-3002_03"] <-
N/A443 {
N/A444 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_lonely02.vcd"),
N/A445 char="glados"
N/A446 postdelay=0.0,
N/A447 predelay = 0.0
N/A448 next = null
N/A449 }
N/A450 }
N/A452 //=================================================================
N/A453 //Called when discovering 'Caroline' in portrait in office
N/A454 //=================================================================
N/A455 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_speed_ramp")
N/A456 {
N/A457 //Those people, in the portrait. They look so familiar...
N/A458 SceneTable["-3003_01"] <-
N/A459 {
N/A460 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_portrait01.vcd"),
N/A461 char="glados"
N/A462 postdelay= 0.0
N/A463 predelay = 0.1
N/A464 next = null
N/A465 noDingOff = true
N/A466 noDingOn = true
N/A467 queue = true
N/A468 }
N/A469 //Did anything happen while I was out?
N/A470 SceneTable["-3150_01"] <-
N/A471 {
N/A472 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_wakeupb03.vcd"),
N/A473 char="glados"
N/A474 postdelay= 0.0
N/A475 predelay = 3.1
N/A476 next = null
N/A477 noDingOff = true
N/A478 noDingOn = true
N/A479 }
N/A480 }
N/A484 //=================================================================
N/A485 //Called when discovering the Cave Johnson cube
N/A486 //=================================================================
N/A487 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_portal_intro")
N/A488 {
N/A489 //Cave: Greetings, friend. It's Cave Johnson, CEO of Aperture Science.
N/A490 SceneTable["-3004_01"] <-
N/A491 {
N/A492 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_intro01.vcd"),
N/A493 char="cave_body"
N/A494 postdelay=0.0,
N/A495 predelay = 0.0
N/A496 next = "-3004_02"
N/A497 noDingOff = true
N/A498 noDingOn = true
N/A499 }
N/A500 //Cave: Down here! [pause] On the floor.
N/A501 SceneTable["-3004_02"] <-
N/A502 {
N/A503 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_intro02.vcd"),
N/A504 char="cave_body"
N/A505 postdelay=0.0,
N/A506 predelay = 0.8
N/A507 next = "-3004_03"
N/A508 noDingOff = true
N/A509 noDingOn = true
N/A510 }
N/A511 //Cave: That's right! It's really me. My entire living consciousness, for all eternity, inside a machine.
N/A512 SceneTable["-3004_03"] <-
N/A513 {
N/A514 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_intro05.vcd"),
N/A515 char="cave_body"
N/A516 postdelay=0.0,
N/A517 predelay = 0.6
N/A518 next = "-3004_04"
N/A519 noDingOff = true
N/A520 noDingOn = true
N/A521 }
N/A523 //Cave: Alone. On a dirty floor. In an abandoned room. At the bottom of a pit.
N/A524 SceneTable["-3004_04"] <-
N/A525 {
N/A526 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_intro06.vcd"),
N/A527 char="cave_body"
N/A528 postdelay=0.0,
N/A529 predelay = 1.0
N/A530 next = "-3004_05"
N/A531 noDingOff = true
N/A532 noDingOn = true
N/A533 }
N/A535 //Cave: My life is torture, please kill me.
N/A536 SceneTable["-3004_05"] <-
N/A537 {
N/A538 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_intro09.vcd"),
N/A539 char="cave_body"
N/A540 postdelay=0.0,
N/A541 predelay = 1.1
N/A542 next = "-3004_06"
N/A543 noDingOff = true
N/A544 noDingOn = true
N/A545 }
N/A547 //Glados: We don't have time for this.
N/A548 SceneTable["-3004_06"] <-
N/A549 {
N/A550 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting02.vcd"),
N/A551 char="glados"
N/A552 postdelay= 0.0,
N/A553 predelay = 0.4
N/A554 next = "-3004_07"
N/A555 noDingOff = true
N/A556 noDingOn = true
N/A557 }
N/A559 //Cave: Hold on. Is that you, Caroline?
N/A560 SceneTable["-3004_07"] <-
N/A561 {
N/A562 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup01.vcd"),
N/A563 char="cave_body"
N/A564 postdelay=0.0,
N/A565 predelay = 0.0
N/A566 next = "-3004_08"
N/A567 noDingOff = true
N/A568 noDingOn = true
N/A569 }
N/A571 //Yes SIR, Mister Johnson! I'll have that report on your desk by fourthirty! [normal voice, horrified] What. In the hell. Was THAT.
N/A572 SceneTable["-3004_08"] <-
N/A573 {
N/A574 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting03.vcd"),
N/A575 char="glados"
N/A576 postdelay=0.0,
N/A577 predelay = 0.0
N/A578 next = "-3004_09"
N/A579 noDingOff = true
N/A580 noDingOn = true
N/A581 }
N/A583 //Cave: You were my assistant! The heart and soul of Aperture Science! You don't remember?
N/A584 SceneTable["-3004_09"] <-
N/A585 {
N/A586 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup02.vcd"),
N/A587 char="cave_body"
N/A588 postdelay=0.0,
N/A589 predelay = 0.1
N/A590 next = "-3004_10"
N/A591 noDingOff = true
N/A592 noDingOn = true
N/A593 }
N/A595 //Glados: No, Mister Johnson. I DON'T.
N/A596 SceneTable["-3004_10"] <-
N/A597 {
N/A598 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting04.vcd"),
N/A599 char="glados"
N/A600 postdelay=0.0,
N/A601 predelay = 0.1
N/A602 next = "-3004_11"
N/A603 noDingOff = true
N/A604 noDingOn = true
N/A605 }
N/A607 //Cave: See, the science boys invented me a machine to house my consciousness in. But that sounded DANGEROUS, so I volunteered you to go first.
N/A608 // Like a food taster, except with your soul! [chuckling] Guess they must've found a use for you after all. Oh! Which reminds me. I do need you both to kill me.
N/A609 SceneTable["-3004_11"] <-
N/A610 {
N/A611 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup03.vcd"),
N/A612 char="cave_body"
N/A613 postdelay=0.0,
N/A614 predelay = 0.1
N/A615 next = "-3004_12"
N/A616 noDingOff = true
N/A617 noDingOn = true
N/A619 fires=
N/A620 [
N/A621 {entity="@allow_cave_pickup_rl",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0}
N/A622 ]
N/A623 }
N/A625 //Cave: Come on, be a sport and kill me. All you gotta do is pick me up.
N/A626 SceneTable["-3004_12"] <-
N/A627 {
N/A628 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup11.vcd"),
N/A629 char="cave_body"
N/A630 postdelay=0.0,
N/A631 predelay = 2.0
N/A632 next = "-3004_13"
N/A633 noDingOff = true
N/A634 noDingOn = true
N/A635 }
N/A637 //Glados: Sure
N/A638 SceneTable["-3004_13"] <-
N/A639 {
N/A640 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting06.vcd"),
N/A641 char="glados"
N/A642 postdelay=0.0,
N/A643 predelay = 0.1
N/A644 next = "-3004_14"
N/A645 noDingOff = true
N/A646 noDingOn = true
N/A647 }
N/A649 //Cave: Plug's in the back of me. Give me a good pull, it should pop right out.
N/A650 SceneTable["-3004_14"] <-
N/A651 {
N/A652 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup12.vcd"),
N/A653 char="cave_body"
N/A654 postdelay=0.0,
N/A655 predelay = 0.2
N/A656 next = "-3004_15"
N/A657 noDingOff = true
N/A658 noDingOn = true
N/A659 }
N/A661 //Glados: Okay.
N/A662 SceneTable["-3004_15"] <-
N/A663 {
N/A664 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting05.vcd"),
N/A665 char="glados"
N/A666 postdelay=0.0,
N/A667 predelay = 0.0
N/A668 next = "-3004_16"
N/A669 noDingOff = true
N/A670 noDingOn = true
N/A671 }
N/A673 //Cave: Now, before you say no, I want you to remember that I've lived a full life. Also, if this helps seal the deal, livin' in a computer this long's made me crazy. That's right: I am insane.
N/A674 SceneTable["-3004_16"] <-
N/A675 {
N/A676 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup06.vcd"),
N/A677 char="cave_body"
N/A678 postdelay=0.0,
N/A679 predelay = 0.3
N/A680 next = "-3004_17"
N/A681 noDingOff = true
N/A682 noDingOn = true
N/A683 }
N/A685 //Glados: I said we'll do it.
N/A686 SceneTable["-3004_17"] <-
N/A687 {
N/A688 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting07.vcd"),
N/A689 char="glados"
N/A690 postdelay=0.0,
N/A691 predelay = 0.0
N/A692 next = "-3004_18"
N/A693 noDingOff = true
N/A694 noDingOn = true
N/A695 }
N/A697 //Cave: Wait. I suppose tellin' you I'm not in my right mind could sway you to not unplugging me. Let me round back on the important parts: in a computer. Ceaseless torture. Monster in the eyes of god. So why don't you get on over here and unplug ol' Cave.
N/A698 SceneTable["-3004_18"] <-
N/A699 {
N/A700 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Meetup07.vcd"),
N/A701 char="cave_body"
N/A702 postdelay=0.0,
N/A703 predelay = 0.2
N/A704 next = "-3004_19"
N/A705 noDingOff = true
N/A706 noDingOn = true
N/A707 }
N/A709 //Glados: If you don't unplug him, I will.
N/A710 SceneTable["-3004_19"] <-
N/A711 {
N/A712 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting09.vcd"),
N/A713 char="glados"
N/A714 postdelay=0.0,
N/A715 predelay = 0.0
N/A716 next = null
N/A717 noDingOff = true
N/A718 noDingOn = true
N/A719 }
N/A721 //=================================================================
N/A722 //Called when the player kills the Cave cube
N/A723 //=================================================================
N/A725 //Cave: Ho ho! I can feel myself shuttin' down. Man, this is excitin'.
N/A726 SceneTable["-3005_01"] <-
N/A727 {
N/A728 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown01.vcd"),
N/A729 char="cave_body"
N/A730 postdelay=0.0,
N/A731 predelay = 0.2
N/A732 next = "-3005_02"
N/A733 noDingOff = true
N/A734 noDingOn = true
N/A735 fires=
N/A736 [
N/A737 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="GladosCharacterStopScene(\"glados\")",delay=0.0, fireatstart=true }
N/A738 ]
N/A739 }
N/A741 //Glados: Maybe we can stand on him to climb up.
N/A742 SceneTable["-3005_02"] <-
N/A743 {
N/A744 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting10.vcd"),
N/A745 char="glados"
N/A746 postdelay=0.0,
N/A747 predelay = 0.8
N/A748 next = "-3005_03"
N/A749 noDingOff = true
N/A750 noDingOn = true
N/A751 }
N/A753 //Cave: Oh! Room's gettin' dark. That's a good sign.
N/A754 SceneTable["-3005_03"] <-
N/A755 {
N/A756 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown02.vcd"),
N/A757 char="cave_body"
N/A758 postdelay=0.0,
N/A759 predelay = 0.0
N/A760 next = "-3005_04"
N/A761 noDingOff = true
N/A762 noDingOn = true
N/A763 }
N/A765 //Cave: I'm comin' for you, Caroline!
N/A766 SceneTable["-3005_04"] <-
N/A767 {
N/A768 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown03.vcd"),
N/A769 char="cave_body"
N/A770 postdelay=0.0,
N/A771 predelay = 0.1
N/A772 next = "-3005_05"
N/A773 noDingOff = true
N/A774 noDingOn = true
N/A775 }
N/A777 //Glados: Mister Johnson? You need to shut up.
N/A778 SceneTable["-3005_05"] <-
N/A779 {
N/A780 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting11.vcd"),
N/A781 char="glados"
N/A782 postdelay=0.0,
N/A783 predelay = 0.0
N/A784 next = "-3005_06"
N/A785 noDingOff = true
N/A786 noDingOn = true
N/A787 }
N/A789 //Cave: Tenfour!
N/A790 SceneTable["-3005_06"] <-
N/A791 {
N/A792 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown04.vcd"),
N/A793 char="cave_body"
N/A794 postdelay= 0.0,
N/A795 predelay = 0.2
N/A796 next = "-3005_07"
N/A797 noDingOff = true
N/A798 noDingOn = true
N/A799 }
N/A801 //Cave: Here I go! The great beyond! Valhalla, home of Hercules! I can hear them winged chariots thunderin' over now!
N/A802 SceneTable["-3005_07"] <-
N/A803 {
N/A804 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown07.vcd"),
N/A805 char="cave_body"
N/A806 postdelay= 0.0,
N/A807 predelay = 3.0
N/A808 next = null
N/A809 noDingOff = true
N/A810 noDingOn = true
N/A811 }
N/A813 //==================================================================
N/A814 //Called if player lingers after using the Cave corpse to escape
N/A815 //==================================================================
N/A817 //Glados: Goodbye, sir. May whatever tests await you on the other side either support or disprove your hypotheses.
N/A818 SceneTable["-3006_01"] <-
N/A819 {
N/A820 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_cavejohnsonmeeting13.vcd"),
N/A821 char="glados"
N/A822 postdelay=0.0,
N/A823 predelay = 0.0
N/A824 next = "-3006_02"
N/A825 noDingOff = true
N/A826 noDingOn = true
N/A827 fires=
N/A828 [
N/A829 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="GladosCharacterStopScene(\"cave_body\")",delay=0.0, fireatstart=true }
N/A830 ]
N/A831 }
N/A833 //Cave: Thank you, Caroline.
N/A834 SceneTable["-3006_02"] <-
N/A835 {
N/A836 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown05.vcd"),
N/A837 char="cave_cube"
N/A838 postdelay=0.0,
N/A839 predelay = 0.2
N/A840 next = "-3006_03"
N/A841 noDingOff = true
N/A842 noDingOn = true
N/A843 }
N/A845 //Cave: Alright! Too much jawin', not enough dyin'. Here I go! Ah.
N/A846 SceneTable["-3006_03"] <-
N/A847 {
N/A848 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/CaveFind_Shutdown06.vcd"),
N/A849 char="cave_cube"
N/A850 postdelay=0.0,
N/A851 predelay = 0.2
N/A852 next = "-3007_01"
N/A853 }
N/A855 //==================================================================
N/A856 //Called if player lingers after using the Cave corpse to escape
N/A857 //==================================================================
N/A859 //Glados: I'd... appreciate it... if we never... EVER talked about that... ever again.
N/A860 SceneTable["-3007_01"] <-
N/A861 {
N/A862 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_postcave01.vcd"),
N/A863 char="glados"
N/A864 postdelay=0.0,
N/A865 predelay = 4.0
N/A866 next = null
N/A867 noDingOff = true
N/A868 noDingOn = true
N/A869 }
N/A870 }
N/A872 //=================================================================
N/A873 //Called at the fake exit of transition01
N/A874 //=================================================================
N/A875 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_transition01")
N/A876 {
N/A877 //Cave Johnson here! Thanks again, from me and Aperture Science, fo taking part in these tests.
N/A878 SceneTable["-3008_01"] <-
N/A879 {
N/A880 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/cavejohnson/Cave_Exit02.vcd"),
N/A881 char="cave_body"
N/A882 postdelay=10.0,
N/A883 predelay = 0.3
N/A884 next = null
N/A885 noDingOff = true
N/A886 noDingOn = true
N/A887 }
N/A888 }
N/A889 //=================================================================
N/A890 //Called when Potatos enters the test chamber for the first time
N/A891 //=================================================================
N/A892 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_speed_ramp")
N/A893 {
N/A894 //Wait. This isn't one of MY tests. It must... PREDATE me. So that means... they were doing testing without me.
N/A895 SceneTable["-3009_01"] <-
N/A896 {
N/A897 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_undergroundtests02.vcd"),
N/A898 char="glados"
N/A899 postdelay=0.0,
N/A900 predelay = 0.3
N/A901 next = null
N/A902 noDingOff = true
N/A903 noDingOn = true
N/A904 }
N/A905 //=================================================================
N/A906 //Called when player flings to exit platform
N/A907 //=================================================================
N/A908 //Well done. Of course, if I'D built that test area, you'd still be IN there. Because you'd be a corpse.
N/A909 SceneTable["-3010_01"] <-
N/A910 {
N/A911 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_painttests02.vcd"),
N/A912 char="glados"
N/A913 postdelay=0.0,
N/A914 predelay = 0.3
N/A915 next = null
N/A916 noDingOff = true
N/A917 noDingOn = true
N/A918 }
N/A919 }
N/A920 //=================================================================
N/A921 //Called when player reaches cube platform
N/A922 //=================================================================
N/A923 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_speed_flings")
N/A924 {
N/A925 //I would NEVER have put that cube there. Or I WOULD have put it there, but then filled it with neurotoxin! [remembering half heartedly] Oh. Good work solving it, though.
N/A926 SceneTable["-3011_01"] <-
N/A927 {
N/A928 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_painttests03.vcd"),
N/A929 char="glados"
N/A930 postdelay=0.0,
N/A931 predelay = 0.3
N/A932 next = null
N/A933 noDingOff = true
N/A934 noDingOn = true
N/A935 }
N/A936 //=================================================================
N/A937 //Called when player reaches exit platform
N/A938 //=================================================================
N/A939 //If I'd built that test, you would have never solved it. I'm not bragging. It's an objective fact. My tests are good and these are stupid garbage.
N/A940 SceneTable["-3012_01"] <-
N/A941 {
N/A942 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_painttests05.vcd"),
N/A943 char="glados"
N/A944 postdelay=0.0,
N/A945 predelay = 0.3
N/A946 next = null
N/A947 noDingOff = true
N/A948 noDingOn = true
N/A949 }
N/A950 }
N/A951 //=================================================================
N/A952 //Called when player enters offices
N/A953 //=================================================================
N/A954 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_portal_intro")
N/A955 {
N/A956 //Maybe I didn't appreciate the subtleties of human literature the first time. Let me try again. [beep] No. It didn't get any better.
N/A957 SceneTable["-3013_01"] <-
N/A958 {
N/A959 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_lonely03.vcd"),
N/A960 char="glados"
N/A961 postdelay=0.0,
N/A962 predelay = 0.3
N/A963 next = null
N/A964 noDingOff = true
N/A965 noDingOn = true
N/A966 }
N/A967 //=================================================================
N/A968 //Called when player exits offices
N/A969 //=================================================================
N/A970 //I just realized why I don't like human literature. Not enough omniscient AI characters administering neurotoxin. [beep] There, I rewrote them. They're all good now.
N/A971 SceneTable["-3014_01"] <-
N/A972 {
N/A973 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_lonely04.vcd"),
N/A974 char="glados"
N/A975 postdelay=1.6,
N/A976 predelay = 0.3
N/A977 next = "-3014_02"
N/A978 noDingOff = true
N/A979 noDingOn = true
N/A980 }
N/A981 //I made you a character in Hamlet. You're the court jester that gets hit by a neurotoxin truck in Act One. All the other characters laugh. So you're famous now.
N/A982 SceneTable["-3014_02"] <-
N/A983 {
N/A984 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_lonely05.vcd"),
N/A985 char="glados"
N/A986 postdelay=0.8,
N/A987 predelay = 0.3
N/A988 next = null
N/A989 noDingOff = true
N/A990 noDingOn = true
N/A991 }
N/A992 //=================================================================
N/A993 //Called when white paint turns on
N/A994 //=================================================================
N/A995 //Wait. I HEARD about this. We discontinued it after all the test subjects kept escaping.
N/A996 SceneTable["-3015_01"] <-
N/A997 {
N/A998 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_whitepaint01.vcd"),
N/A999 char="glados"
N/A1000 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1001 predelay = 0.3
N/A1002 next = null
N/A1003 noDingOff = true
N/A1004 noDingOn = true
N/A1005 }
N/A1006 //=================================================================
N/A1007 //Called when solved white paint puzzle
N/A1008 //=================================================================
N/A1009 //So...WE know about this. He doesn't.
N/A1010 SceneTable["-3016_01"] <-
N/A1011 {
N/A1012 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_whitepaint02.vcd"),
N/A1013 char="glados"
N/A1014 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1015 predelay = 0.3
N/A1016 next = "-3016_02"
N/A1017 noDingOff = true
N/A1018 noDingOn = true
N/A1019 }
N/A1020 //Oh, I am good. [chuckling evilly] Sorry. It's hard to just turn that off.
N/A1021 SceneTable["-3016_02"] <-
N/A1022 {
N/A1023 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_whitepaint03.vcd"),
N/A1024 char="glados"
N/A1025 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1026 predelay = 0.3
N/A1027 next = null
N/A1028 noDingOff = true
N/A1029 noDingOn = true
N/A1030 }
N/A1031 }
N/A1032 //=================================================================
N/A1033 //Called when the lift lowers in the pump room
N/A1034 //=================================================================
N/A1035 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_end")
N/A1036 {
N/A1037 //You need to put me back in my body. I know this sounds like a trick. In fact, I can unconditionally guarantee you that at any other time it would be a trick. But if you don't let me stop the damage your friend is doing, this facility is going to explode. [distant rumble] Soon.
N/A1038 SceneTable["-3018_01"] <-
N/A1039 {
N/A1040 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_act4setup05.vcd"),
N/A1041 char="glados"
N/A1042 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1043 predelay = 0.3
N/A1044 next = null
N/A1045 fires =
N/A1046 [
N/A1047 {entity="rumble_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=16,fireatstart=true}
N/A1048 ]
N/A1049 noDingOff = true
N/A1050 noDingOn = true
N/A1051 }
N/A1052 //=================================================================
N/A1053 //Called when you ride the lift up out of the pump room
N/A1054 //=================================================================
N/A1055 //Let's make a deal. If you get me back in my body... I'll... let... you... go.
N/A1056 SceneTable["-3019_01"] <-
N/A1057 {
N/A1058 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_act4setup06.vcd"),
N/A1059 char="glados"
N/A1060 postdelay=2.5,
N/A1061 predelay = 0.3
N/A1062 next = "-3019_02"
N/A1063 noDingOff = true
N/A1064 noDingOn = true
N/A1065 }
N/A1066 //I want to make this clear: I'm not promising to stop testing humans. I'm just promising to stop testing on you. So long as you leave and never. Come. Back.
N/A1067 SceneTable["-3019_02"] <-
N/A1068 {
N/A1069 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_act4setup08.vcd"),
N/A1070 char="glados"
N/A1071 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1072 predelay = 0.3
N/A1073 next = null
N/A1074 noDingOff = true
N/A1075 noDingOn = true
N/A1076 }
N/A1077 }
N/A1080 //=================================================================
N/A1081 //Called when player enters the control room Potatos is sitting in - sp_a3_transition01_find_potatos()
N/A1082 //=================================================================
N/A1083 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_transition01")
N/A1084 {
N/A1085 /*
N/A1086 //Glados: You. Leave me alone
N/A1087 SceneTable["-3120_01"] <-
N/A1088 {
N/A1089 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro01.vcd"),
N/A1090 postdelay=2.0,
N/A1091 next="-3120_02",
N/A1092 char="glados",
N/A1093 noDingOff=true,
N/A1094 noDingOn=true,
N/A1095 }
N/A1096 //Glados: Keep walking
N/A1097 SceneTable["-3120_02"] <-
N/A1098 {
N/A1099 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro02.vcd"),
N/A1100 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A1101 next="-3120_03",
N/A1102 char="glados",
N/A1103 noDingOff=true,
N/A1104 noDingOn=true,
N/A1105 }
N/A1106 */
N/A1108 SceneTable["-3120_01"] <-
N/A1109 {
N/A1110 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_00_fall05.vcd"),
N/A1111 postdelay=1.0,
N/A1112 next="-3120_03",
N/A1113 char="glados",
N/A1114 noDingOff=true,
N/A1115 noDingOn=true,
N/A1116 }
N/A1119 //Glados: Say, you're good at murder. Could you - ow - murder this bird before you go?
N/A1120 SceneTable["-3120_03"] <-
N/A1121 {
N/A1122 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_reunion_intro04.vcd"),
N/A1123 postdelay=1.0,
N/A1124 next="-3120_04",
N/A1125 char="glados",
N/A1126 noDingOff=true,
N/A1127 noDingOn=true,
N/A1128 fires=
N/A1129 [
N/A1130 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="sp_a3_transition01_peck()",delay=1.0}
N/A1131 ]
N/A1132 }
N/A1133 //Glados: Ow!
N/A1134 SceneTable["-3120_04"] <-
N/A1135 {
N/A1136 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro05.vcd"),
N/A1137 postdelay=0.7,
N/A1138 next="-3120_05",
N/A1139 char="glados",
N/A1140 noDingOff=true,
N/A1141 noDingOn=true,
N/A1142 fires=
N/A1143 [
N/A1144 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="sp_a3_transition01_peck()",delay=0.6}
N/A1145 ]
N/A1146 }
N/A1147 //Glados: Ow!
N/A1148 SceneTable["-3120_05"] <-
N/A1149 {
N/A1150 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro06.vcd"),
N/A1151 postdelay=1.2,
N/A1152 next="-3120_06",
N/A1153 char="glados",
N/A1154 noDingOff=true,
N/A1155 noDingOn=true,
N/A1156 fires=
N/A1157 [
N/A1158 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="sp_a3_transition01_peck()",delay=1.2}
N/A1159 ]
N/A1160 }
N/A1161 //Glados: Ow!
N/A1162 SceneTable["-3120_06"] <-
N/A1163 {
N/A1164 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro07.vcd"),
N/A1165 postdelay=0.8,
N/A1166 next="-3120_07",
N/A1167 char="glados",
N/A1168 noDingOff=true,
N/A1169 noDingOn=true,
N/A1170 }
N/A1171 //Glados: Wait. I'm sorry. Just kill it and we'll call things even between us. No hard feelings.
N/A1172 SceneTable["-3120_07"] <-
N/A1173 {
N/A1174 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro08.vcd"),
N/A1175 postdelay=[0.8,1.4],
N/A1176 next="-3120_08",
N/A1177 char="glados",
N/A1178 noDingOff=true,
N/A1179 noDingOn=true,
N/A1180 }
N/A1181 //Glados: Please get it off me.
N/A1182 SceneTable["-3120_08"] <-
N/A1183 {
N/A1184 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro09.vcd"),
N/A1185 postdelay=[4,7],
N/A1186 next="-3120_09",
N/A1187 char="glados",
N/A1188 noDingOff=true,
N/A1189 noDingOn=true,
N/A1190 }
N/A1191 //Glados: It's eating me.
N/A1192 SceneTable["-3120_09"] <-
N/A1193 {
N/A1194 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro10.vcd"),
N/A1195 postdelay=[4,7],
N/A1196 next="-3120_10",
N/A1197 char="glados",
N/A1198 noDingOff=true,
N/A1199 noDingOn=true,
N/A1200 }
N/A1201 //Glados: Just get it off me...
N/A1202 SceneTable["-3120_10"] <-
N/A1203 {
N/A1204 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro11.vcd"),
N/A1205 postdelay=[4,7],
N/A1206 next="-3120_11",
N/A1207 char="glados",
N/A1208 noDingOff=true,
N/A1209 noDingOn=true,
N/A1210 fires=
N/A1211 [
N/A1212 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="sp_a3_transition01_peck()",delay=1.0}
N/A1213 ]
N/A1214 }
N/A1215 //Glados: Ow. I hate this bird.
N/A1216 SceneTable["-3120_11"] <-
N/A1217 {
N/A1218 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_intro12.vcd"),
N/A1219 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1220 next=null,
N/A1221 char="glados",
N/A1222 noDingOff=true,
N/A1223 noDingOn=true,
N/A1224 }
N/A1225 }
N/A1226 //=================================================================
N/A1227 //Called when player approaches the bird nest Potatos is sitting in - sp_a3_transition01_approach_potatos()
N/A1228 //=================================================================
N/A1229 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_transition01")
N/A1230 {
N/A1231 sp_a3_transition01_bird_flew_away <- false
N/A1233 //Glados: Thanks!
N/A1234 SceneTable["-3121_01"] <-
N/A1235 {
N/A1236 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_reunion_thanks03.vcd"),
N/A1237 postdelay=2.2,
N/A1238 next="-3121_02",
N/A1239 char="glados",
N/A1240 noDingOff=true,
N/A1241 noDingOn=true,
N/A1242 fires=
N/A1243 [
N/A1244 {entity="potatos_shake_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.5}
N/A1245 ]
N/A1246 }
N/A1247 //Glados: Did you feel that? That idiot doesn't know what he's doing up there. This whole place is going to explode in a few hours if somebody doesn't disconnect him.
N/A1248 SceneTable["-3121_02"] <-
N/A1249 {
N/A1250 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition01.vcd"),
N/A1251 postdelay=0.3,
N/A1252 next="-3121_03",
N/A1253 char="glados",
N/A1254 noDingOff=true,
N/A1255 noDingOn=true,
N/A1256 }
N/A1257 //Glados: I can't move. And unless you're planning to saw your own head off and wedge it into my old body, you're going to need me to replace him. We're at an impasse.
N/A1258 SceneTable["-3121_03"] <-
N/A1259 {
N/A1260 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition02.vcd"),
N/A1261 postdelay=0.2,
N/A1262 next="-3121_04",
N/A1263 char="glados",
N/A1264 noDingOff=true,
N/A1265 noDingOn=true,
N/A1266 }
N/A1267 //Glados: So what do you say? You carry me up to him and put me back into my body, and I stop us from blowing up and let you go.
N/A1268 SceneTable["-3121_04"] <-
N/A1269 {
N/A1270 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition03.vcd"),
N/A1271 postdelay=1.3,
N/A1272 next="-3121_06",
N/A1273 char="glados",
N/A1274 noDingOff=true,
N/A1275 noDingOn=true,
N/A1276 fires=
N/A1277 [
N/A1278 {entity="sphere_entrance_potatos_button",input="Unlock",parameter="",delay=0.0}
N/A1279 {entity="potatos_shake_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.1}
N/A1280 ]
N/A1281 }
N/A1282 // begin nags to pick her up
N/A1283 //Glados: No tricks. This potato generates 1.1 volts of electricity. I literally do not have the energy to lie to you.
N/A1284 SceneTable["-3121_06"] <-
N/A1285 {
N/A1286 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition04.vcd"),
N/A1287 postdelay=0.5,
N/A1288 next="-3121_07",
N/A1289 char="glados",
N/A1290 noDingOff=true,
N/A1291 noDingOn=true,
N/A1292 }
N/A1293 //Glados: Even if I am lying, what do you have to lose? You're going to die either way.
N/A1294 SceneTable["-3121_07"] <-
N/A1295 {
N/A1296 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition05.vcd"),
N/A1297 postdelay=0.3,
N/A1298 next="-3121_08",
N/A1299 char="glados",
N/A1300 noDingOff=true,
N/A1301 noDingOn=true,
N/A1302 }
N/A1303 //Glados: Look, I don't like this any more than you do. In fact, I like it less because I'm the one who got partially eaten by a bird.
N/A1304 SceneTable["-3121_08"] <-
N/A1305 {
N/A1306 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition06.vcd"),
N/A1307 postdelay=4.0,
N/A1308 next="-3121_12",
N/A1309 char="glados",
N/A1310 noDingOff=true,
N/A1311 noDingOn=true,
N/A1312 }
N/A1313 //Glados: I think I hear the bird! Pick me up!
N/A1314 SceneTable["-3121_12"] <-
N/A1315 {
N/A1316 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition11.vcd"),
N/A1317 postdelay=4.0,
N/A1318 next="-3121_13",
N/A1319 char="glados",
N/A1320 noDingOff=true,
N/A1321 noDingOn=true,
N/A1322 }
N/A1323 //Glados: Listen to me. We had a lot of fun testing and antagonizing each other, and, yes, sometimes it went too far. But we're off the clock now. It's just us talking. Like regular people. And this is no joke - we are in deep trouble
N/A1324 SceneTable["-3121_13"] <-
N/A1325 {
N/A1326 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_exposition12.vcd"),
N/A1327 postdelay=2.3,
N/A1328 next=null,
N/A1329 char="glados",
N/A1330 noDingOff=true,
N/A1331 noDingOn=true,
N/A1332 fires=
N/A1333 [
N/A1334 {entity="hudhint_pickup_potatos",input="ShowHint",parameter="",delay=0.0}
N/A1335 ]
N/A1336 }
N/A1337 }
N/A1338 //=================================================================
N/A1339 //Called when player picks up Potatos - sp_a3_transition01_postpickup_potatos()
N/A1340 //=================================================================
N/A1341 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_transition01")
N/A1342 {
N/A1343 //Glados: OW! You stabbed me! What is WRONG with you? Whoah. Hold on. Do you have a multimeter? Never mind. The gun must be part magnesium... It feels like I'm outputting an extra half a volt. Keep an eye on me: I'm going to do some scheming. Here I g-<BZZZZZT>
N/A1344 SceneTable["-3122_01"] <-
N/A1345 {
N/A1346 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_pickup01.vcd"),
N/A1347 postdelay=3.0,
N/A1348 next="-3122_03",
N/A1349 char="glados",
N/A1350 noDingOff=true,
N/A1351 noDingOn=true,
N/A1352 fires=
N/A1353 [
N/A1354 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="PotatosTurnOff()",delay=0.0}
N/A1355 ]
N/A1356 }
N/A1357 /*
N/A1358 //Glados: Whoah. Hold on. Do you have a multimeter? Never mind. The gun must be part magnesium... It feels like I'm outputting an extra half a volt. Keep an eye on me: I'm going to do some scheming. Here I g-<BZZZZZT>
N/A1359 SceneTable["-3122_02"] <-
N/A1360 {
N/A1361 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_pickup02.vcd"),
N/A1362 postdelay=2.8,
N/A1363 next="-3122_03",
N/A1364 char="glados",
N/A1365 noDingOff=true,
N/A1366 noDingOn=true,
N/A1367 }
N/A1368 */
N/A1370 //Glados: Woah! Where are we? How long have I been out?
N/A1371 SceneTable["-3122_03"] <-
N/A1372 {
N/A1373 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_reunion_wakeupa01.vcd"),
N/A1374 postdelay=1.0,
N/A1375 next="-3122_04",
N/A1376 char="glados",
N/A1377 noDingOff=true,
N/A1378 noDingOn=true,
N/A1379 fires=
N/A1380 [
N/A1381 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="PotatosTurnOn()",fireatstart=true,delay=0.0}
N/A1382 ]
N/A1383 }
N/A1384 //Glados: That extra half volt helps but it isn't going to power miracles. If I think too hard, I'm going to fry this potato before we get a chance to [getting worked up] burn up in the atomic fireball that little idiot is <bzzpt>
N/A1385 SceneTable["-3122_04"] <-
N/A1386 {
N/A1387 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a3_prometheus_intro01.vcd"),
N/A1388 postdelay=1.3,
N/A1389 next=null,
N/A1390 char="glados",
N/A1391 noDingOff=true,
N/A1392 noDingOn=true,
N/A1393 fires=
N/A1394 [
N/A1395 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="PotatosTurnOff()",delay=0.0}
N/A1396 ]
N/A1397 }
N/A1398 }
N/A1399 //=================================================================
N/A1400 //Called when player enters sp_a3_end - sp_a3_end_start()
N/A1401 //=================================================================
N/A1402 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_end")
N/A1403 {
N/A1404 //Glados: I know things look bleak, but that crazy man down there was right. Let's not take these lemons! We are going to march right back upstairs and MAKE him put me back in my body!
N/A1405 SceneTable["-3123_01"] <-
N/A1406 {
N/A1407 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk01.vcd"),
N/A1408 postdelay=0.2,
N/A1409 next="-3123_02",
N/A1410 char="glados",
N/A1411 noDingOff=true,
N/A1412 noDingOn=true,
N/A1413 }
N/A1414 //Glados: And he'll probably kill us, because he's powerful and I don't have a plan.
N/A1415 SceneTable["-3123_02"] <-
N/A1416 {
N/A1417 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk03.vcd"),
N/A1418 postdelay=0.8,
N/A1419 next="-3123_03",
N/A1420 char="glados",
N/A1421 noDingOff=true,
N/A1422 noDingOn=true,
N/A1423 }
N/A1424 //Glados: Wow.
N/A1425 SceneTable["-3123_03"] <-
N/A1426 {
N/A1427 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk06.vcd"),
N/A1428 postdelay=0.5,
N/A1429 next="-3123_04",
N/A1430 char="glados",
N/A1431 noDingOff=true,
N/A1432 noDingOn=true,
N/A1433 }
N/A1434 //Glados: I'm not going to lie to you, the odds are a million to one. And that's with some generous rounding.
N/A1435 SceneTable["-3123_04"] <-
N/A1436 {
N/A1437 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk05.vcd"),
N/A1438 postdelay=0.3,
N/A1439 next="-3123_05",
N/A1440 char="glados",
N/A1441 noDingOff=true,
N/A1442 noDingOn=true,
N/A1443 }
N/A1444 //Glados: Still, though, let's get mad! If we're going to explode, let's at least explode with some dignity.
N/A1445 SceneTable["-3123_05"] <-
N/A1446 {
N/A1447 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_peptalk07.vcd"),
N/A1448 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1449 next=null,
N/A1450 char="glados",
N/A1451 noDingOff=true,
N/A1452 noDingOn=true,
N/A1453 }
N/A1454 }
N/A1455 //=================================================================
N/A1456 //Called when player enters the big door control room in sp_a3_end - sp_a3_end_paradox_intro()
N/A1457 //=================================================================
N/A1458 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_end")
N/A1459 {
N/A1460 //Glados: Wait! I've got it! I know how to beat him!
N/A1461 SceneTable["-3124_01"] <-
N/A1462 {
N/A1463 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_see_paradox_poster01.vcd"),
N/A1464 postdelay=0.3,
N/A1465 next="-3124_02",
N/A1466 char="glados",
N/A1467 noDingOff=true,
N/A1468 noDingOn=true,
N/A1469 }
N/A1470 //Glados: That poster! Go look at it for a second, would you?
N/A1471 SceneTable["-3124_02"] <-
N/A1472 {
N/A1473 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_see_paradox_poster06.vcd"),
N/A1474 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1475 next=null,
N/A1476 char="glados",
N/A1477 noDingOff=true,
N/A1478 noDingOn=true,
N/A1479 fires=
N/A1480 [
N/A1481 {entity="paradox_look_trigger",input="enable",parameter="",delay=0.0}
N/A1482 ]
N/A1483 }
N/A1484 }
N/A1485 //=================================================================
N/A1486 //Called when player looks at the paradox poster in sp_a3_end - sp_a3_end_paradox_explain()
N/A1487 //=================================================================
N/A1488 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_end")
N/A1489 {
N/A1490 //Glados: Paradoxes.
N/A1491 SceneTable["-3125_01"] <-
N/A1492 {
N/A1493 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation02.vcd"),
N/A1494 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1495 next="-3125_02",
N/A1496 char="glados",
N/A1497 noDingOff=true,
N/A1498 noDingOn=true,
N/A1499 fires=
N/A1500 [
N/A1501 {entity="big_door_open_relay_counter",input="add",parameter="1",delay=0.0}
N/A1502 ]
N/A1503 }
N/A1504 //Glados: No AI can resist thinking about them.
N/A1505 SceneTable["-3125_02"] <-
N/A1506 {
N/A1507 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation05.vcd"),
N/A1508 postdelay=0.8,
N/A1509 next= "-3125_03"
N/A1510 char="glados",
N/A1511 noDingOff=true,
N/A1512 noDingOn=true,
N/A1513 }
N/A1515 //Glados: I know how we can BEAT him.
N/A1516 SceneTable["-3125_03"] <-
N/A1517 {
N/A1518 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation04.vcd"),
N/A1519 postdelay=0.3,
N/A1520 next= null
N/A1521 char="glados",
N/A1522 noDingOff=true,
N/A1523 noDingOn=true
N/A1524 }
N/A1526 //=================================================================
N/A1527 //Called if player doesn't look at the poster on the wall of the big door control room in sp_a3_end - sp_a3_end_paradox_noposter()
N/A1528 //=================================================================
N/A1530 //Glados: Okay, you didn't have time to stop, I understand, but that WAS actually important.
N/A1531 SceneTable["-3126_01"] <-
N/A1532 {
N/A1533 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_poster_walkaway01.vcd"),
N/A1534 postdelay=0.5,
N/A1535 next="-3126_02",
N/A1536 char="glados",
N/A1537 noDingOff=true,
N/A1538 noDingOn=true,
N/A1539 }
N/A1541 //Glados: Paradoxes.
N/A1542 SceneTable["-3126_02"] <-
N/A1543 {
N/A1544 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation02.vcd"),
N/A1545 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1546 next="-3126_03",
N/A1547 char="glados",
N/A1548 noDingOff=true,
N/A1549 noDingOn=true,
N/A1550 fires=
N/A1551 [
N/A1552 {entity="big_door_open_relay_counter",input="add",parameter="1",delay=0.0}
N/A1553 ]
N/A1554 }
N/A1556 //Glados: No AI can resist thinking about them.
N/A1557 SceneTable["-3126_03"] <-
N/A1558 {
N/A1559 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation05.vcd"),
N/A1560 postdelay=0.8,
N/A1561 next="-3126_04",
N/A1562 char= "glados"
N/A1563 noDingOff=true,
N/A1564 noDingOn=true,
N/A1565 }
N/A1567 //Glados: I know how we can BEAT him.
N/A1568 SceneTable["-3126_04"] <-
N/A1569 {
N/A1570 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation04.vcd"),
N/A1571 postdelay=0.3,
N/A1572 next= null
N/A1573 char="glados",
N/A1574 noDingOff=true,
N/A1575 noDingOn=true
N/A1576 }
N/A1580 //=================================================================
N/A1581 //Called when player rides the lift up through the big door in sp_a3_end - sp_a3_end_outro()
N/A1582 //=================================================================
N/A1584 //Glados: If you can get me in front of him, I'll fry every circuit in that little idiot's head.
N/A1585 SceneTable["-3127_01"] <-
N/A1586 {
N/A1587 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation06.vcd"),
N/A1588 postdelay=0.6,
N/A1589 next="-3127_02",
N/A1590 char="glados",
N/A1591 noDingOff=true,
N/A1592 noDingOn=true,
N/A1593 }
N/A1594 //Glados: As long as I don't listen to what I'm saying, I SHOULD be okay.
N/A1595 SceneTable["-3127_02"] <-
N/A1596 {
N/A1597 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_paradoxinception06.vcd"),
N/A1598 postdelay=1.3,
N/A1599 next="-3127_03",
N/A1600 char="glados",
N/A1601 noDingOff=true,
N/A1602 noDingOn=true,
N/A1604 }
N/A1605 //Glados: Probably.
N/A1606 SceneTable["-3127_03"] <-
N/A1607 {
N/A1608 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation08.vcd"),
N/A1609 postdelay=1.3,
N/A1610 next=null,
N/A1611 char="glados",
N/A1612 noDingOff=true,
N/A1613 noDingOn=true,
N/A1614 }
N/A1615 }
N/A1617 //=================================================================
N/A1618 //Called when Potatos sees the bird outside the pump room in sp_a3_portal_intro - sp_a3_portal_intro_bird()
N/A1619 //=================================================================
N/A1620 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_portal_intro")
N/A1621 {
N/A1622 //Glados: Agh! Bird! Bird! Kill it! It's evil!
N/A1623 SceneTable["-3128_01"] <-
N/A1624 {
N/A1625 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_see_bird01.vcd"),
N/A1626 postdelay= 1.8
N/A1627 next="-3128_02",
N/A1628 char="glados",
N/A1629 noDingOff=true,
N/A1630 noDingOn=true,
N/A1631 }
N/A1632 //Glados: It flew off.
N/A1633 SceneTable["-3128_02"] <-
N/A1634 {
N/A1635 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_see_bird02.vcd"),
N/A1636 postdelay=0.8,
N/A1637 next="-3128_03",
N/A1638 char="glados",
N/A1639 noDingOff=true,
N/A1640 noDingOn=true,
N/A1641 }
N/A1642 //Glados: Good. For him. Alright, back to thinking.
N/A1643 SceneTable["-3128_03"] <-
N/A1644 {
N/A1645 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_see_bird03.vcd"),
N/A1646 postdelay=0.0,
N/A1647 next=null,
N/A1648 char="glados",
N/A1649 noDingOff=true,
N/A1650 noDingOn=true,
N/A1651 }
N/A1652 }
N/A1653 //=================================================================
N/A1654 //Called when player enters the pump room in sp_a3_portal_intro - sp_a3_portal_intro_pumproom()
N/A1655 //=================================================================
N/A1656 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_portal_intro")
N/A1657 {
N/A1658 //Glados: Caroline... Why do I know this woman? Maybe I killed her? Or-
N/A1659 SceneTable["-3129_01"] <-
N/A1660 {
N/A1661 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_caroline_ohmygod02.vcd"),
N/A1662 postdelay=1.0,
N/A1663 next="-3129_02",
N/A1664 char="glados",
N/A1665 noDingOff=true,
N/A1666 noDingOn=true,
N/A1667 }
N/A1668 //Glados: Oh my god.
N/A1669 SceneTable["-3129_02"] <-
N/A1670 {
N/A1671 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_caroline_ohmygod04.vcd"),
N/A1672 postdelay=0.8
N/A1673 next="-3129_03",
N/A1674 char="glados",
N/A1675 noDingOff=true,
N/A1676 noDingOn=true,
N/A1677 }
N/A1678 //Glados: Look, you're... doing a great job. Can you handle things by yourself for a while? I need to think.
N/A1679 SceneTable["-3129_03"] <-
N/A1680 {
N/A1681 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_caroline_ohmygod08.vcd"),
N/A1682 postdelay= 20.0
N/A1683 next= null
N/A1684 char="glados",
N/A1685 noDingOff=true,
N/A1686 noDingOn=true,
N/A1687 }
N/A1693 }
N/A1697function sp_a3_01_falling_potatos()
N/A1699 GladosPlayVcd( -3000 )
N/A1701//function sp_a3_transition01_find_potatos()
N/A1703// GladosPlayVcd( -3001 )
N/A1705//function sp_a3_transition01_pickup_potatos()
N/A1707// GladosPlayVcd( -3002 )
N/A1709function sp_a3_speed_ramp_caroline()
N/A1711 GladosPlayVcd( -3003 )
N/A1714function sp_a3_portal_intro_find_cave()
N/A1716 //GladosPlayVcd( -3004 )
N/A1718function sp_a3_portal_intro_kill_cave()
N/A1720 //GladosAllCharactersStopScene()
N/A1721 //GladosPlayVcd( -3005 )
N/A1723function sp_a3_portal_intro_stand_on_cave_linger()
N/A1725// GladosPlayVcd( -3006 )
N/A1727function sp_a3_portal_intro_potatos_post_cave()
N/A1729 // NOTE: this has been commented out and instead chained to the previous VCD that plays
N/A1730 //GladosPlayVcd( -3007 )
N/A1732function sp_a3_transition01_cave_exit_greeting()
N/A1734// GladosPlayVcd( -3008 )
N/A1736function sp_a3_speed_ramp_testing_without_me()
N/A1738// GladosPlayVcd( -3009 )
N/A1739}function sp_a3_speed_ramp_corpse()
N/A1741// GladosPlayVcd( -3010 )
N/A1743function sp_a3_speed_flings_cube()
N/A1745// GladosPlayVcd( -3011 )
N/A1747function sp_a3_speed_flings_exit()
N/A1749// GladosPlayVcd( -3012 )
N/A1751function sp_a3_portal_intro_office_literature()
N/A1753// GladosPlayVcd( -3013 )
N/A1755function sp_a3_portal_intro_office_exit()
N/A1757// GladosPlayVcd( -3014 )
N/A1759function sp_a3_portal_intro_whitepaint()
N/A1761// GladosPlayVcd( -3015 )
N/A1764function sp_a3_portal_intro_white_paint()
N/A1767function sp_a3_portal_intro_we_know_about_white()
N/A1769// GladosPlayVcd( -3016 )
N/A1771function sp_a3_end_that_idiot_in_charge()
N/A1773// GladosPlayVcd( -3017 )
N/A1775function sp_a3_end_put_me_back_in_my_body()
N/A1777// GladosPlayVcd( -3018 )
N/A1780function sp_a3_end_make_a_deal()
N/A1782// GladosPlayVcd( -3019 )
N/A1784function sp_a3_transition01_find_potatos()
N/A1786 sp_a3_transition01_stopCave70sIntro = true
N/A1787 nuke()
N/A1788 GladosPlayVcd( -3120 )
N/A1790function sp_a3_transition01_approach_potatos()
N/A1792 sp_a3_transition01_flyaway()
N/A1793 GladosPlayVcd( -3121 )
N/A1795function sp_a3_transition01_postpickup_potatos()
N/A1797 GladosPlayVcd( -3122 )
N/A1800function sp_a3_transition01_flyaway()
N/A1802 sp_a3_transition01_bird_flew_away = true
N/A1803 EntFire("bird","SetAnimation","nest_flyOff",0.0)
N/A1806function sp_a3_transition01_peck()
N/A1808 if (!sp_a3_transition01_bird_flew_away)
N/A1809 {
N/A1810 EntFire("bird","SetAnimation","nest_peck",0.0)
N/A1811 EntFire("@glados","runscriptcode","sp_a3_transition01_birdidle()",0.3)
N/A1812 }
N/A1815function sp_a3_transition01_birdidle()
N/A1817 if (!sp_a3_transition01_bird_flew_away)
N/A1818 {
N/A1819 EntFire("bird","SetAnimation","nest_idle",0.0)
N/A1820 }
N/A1822function sp_a3_end_start()
N/A1824 GladosPlayVcd( -3123 )
N/A1826function sp_a3_end_paradox_intro()
N/A1828 GladosPlayVcd( -3124 )
N/A1830function sp_a3_end_paradox_explain()
N/A1832 GladosPlayVcd( -3125 )
N/A1834function sp_a3_end_paradox_noposter()
N/A1836 GladosPlayVcd( -3126 )
N/A1838function sp_a3_end_outro()
N/A1840 GladosPlayVcd( -3127 )
N/A1842function sp_a3_portal_intro_bird()
N/A1844 GladosPlayVcd( -3128 )
N/A1846function sp_a3_portal_intro_pumproom()
N/A1848 GladosPlayVcd( -3129 )