Template:PatchDiff/October 4, 2011 Patch/update/scripts/vscripts/choreo/glados scenetable include manual act4.nut

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N/A3 The following properties are evaluated for EVERY vcd in a scene:
N/A4 [required] vcd
N/A5 This is the actual scene entity. Must take the form
N/A6 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("my_fully_pathed_scene.vcd")
N/A7 [required] next
N/A8 SceneTable index of next vcd in scene or null for last vcd in scene.
N/A9 [required] char
N/A10 Character who is speaking in this vcd. Valid characters:
N/A11 glados
N/A12 wheatley
N/A13 announcer
N/A14 turret
N/A15 [optional] postdelay
N/A16 Number of seconds to wait after finishing this vcd before firing the next VCD in the scene.
N/A17 If postdelay < 0 the next vcd starts abs(postdelay) seconds after this vcd STARTS. This lets one character talk over another character.
N/A18 Postdelay can take the format postdelay=[x,y], in which case postdelay evaluates to RandomFloat(x,y)
N/A19 [optional] predelay
N/A20 Number of seconds to wait before starting this vcd.
N/A21 Predelay can take the format predelay=[x,y], in which case predelay evaluates to RandomFloat(x,y)
N/A22 [optional] talkover
N/A23 If talkover exists, this vcd will not silence and currently playing vcds. This should always be set for postdelay<0.
N/A25 [optional] fires
N/A26 Each vcd in a scene can trigger an arbitrary number of ent_fires. The fires array defines these ent_fires for each vcd.
N/A27 By default, these fire at the end of the associated vcd. If fireatstart exists, however, the entry will fire at the START
N/A28 of the vcd, and delay defines the number of seconds to wait from the START of the vcd.
N/A29 ex:
N/A30 fires=
N/A31 [
N/A32 {entity="entity1",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2,fireatstart=true},
N/A33 {entity="entity2",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="DoMyThing(1)",delay=1.6}
N/A34 ]
N/A36 2 seconds after the START of the vcd, entity1 is sent "Trigger".
N/A37 1.6 seconds after the END of the vcd, entity2 is sent "RunScriptCode" with a parameter of DoMyThing(1)
N/A40 The following properties are evaluated only for the FIRST vcd in a scene:
N/A42 [optional] noDingOn
N/A43 By default, a "ding" noise is played at the beginning and end of a scene (this is the default because glados.nut was originally
N/A44 designed just for glados vo. If noDingOn exists, the starting ding is suppressed.
N/A45 [optional] noDingOff
N/A46 By default, a "ding" noise is played at the beginning and end of a scene (this is the default because glados.nut was originally
N/A47 designed just for glados vo. If noDingOff exists, the ending ding is suppressed.
N/A48 [optional] queue
N/A49 If queue exists, this scene will queue up if a scene is currently playing.
N/A50 [optional] queuetimeout
N/A51 A scene will be removed from the queue if it wsaits in the queue > queuetimeout seconds. This is only evaluated if queue exists.
N/A52 [optional] queueforcesecs
N/A53 If a scene has waited in the queue > queueforcesecs, it will stop whatever scene is playing and start. This is only evaluated if queue exists.
N/A54 [optional] skipifbusy
N/A55 The scene will only play if no other scene is playing.
N/A57 Nag/Idle tags:
N/A58 -Every vcd in a nag/idle block should have "next" set to null (unless they are part of a "nag chain" - see idleindex/idleunder below)
N/A59 -You can stop a nag cycle by calling @glados.GladosStopNag() or @glados.WheatleyStopNag()
N/A61 The *FIRST* vcd in a nag block should have:
N/A62 idle=true
N/A63 idlerandom=true [optional] if you want the vcds to play in random order, otherwise they play in order by "idleorderingroup"
N/A64 idlerepeat=true [optional] if you want the list to repeat after exhausting the list once
N/A65 idlerandomonrepeat=true [optional] if you want the list to play in order the first time and then randomize on repeats, mutually exclusive with idlerandom & idlerepeat
N/A66 idleminsecs=0.300 minimum # of seconds between nags
N/A67 idlemaxsecs=1.500 maximum # of seconds between nags
N/A69 *Every* vcd should have:
N/A70 idlegroup - a string that is the same for all vcds in the nag cycle block
N/A71 idleorderingroup - an integer ordering this vcd in the block
N/A72 idlemaxplays - [optional] once a vcd plays this many times, retire it. [default is never retire]
N/A73 idlerarity - [optional] Every time the nag list is rebuilt (happens the first time the list is built, plus every time the list is exhausted) this vcd has idlerarity% chance to be included
N/A74 idleindex - [optional] a unique id within the nag block used to group a set of vcds that should be played together as one "nag". This should be set only on the first vcd of the group
N/A75 idleunder - [optional] points to idleindex for members of a nag group other that the first one
N/A77 //Example nag/idle cycle
N/A79 //TestIdle
N/A80 //Oops.
N/A81 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle01"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer03.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idlerandom=true,idlerepeat=true,idleminsecs=0.300,idlemaxsecs=1.500,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=1}
N/A82 //That's funny, I don't feel corrupt. In fact, I feel pretty good.
N/A83 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle02"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer04.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=2}
N/A84 //Core transfer?
N/A85 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle03"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer05.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next="sp_intro_03TestIdle0301",char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=3,idleindex=1}
N/A86 //NAG GROUP: Oh, you are kidding me.
N/A87 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle0301"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer06.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=4,idleunder=1}
N/A88 //No!
N/A89 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle05"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer07.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=5}
N/A90 //Yes! You little worm!
N/A91 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle06"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer10.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=6}
N/A92 //Don't do it.
N/A93 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle07"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer12.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=7}
N/A94 //Not so fast!
N/A95 //SceneTable["sp_intro_03TestIdle08"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/gladosbattle_xfer14.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="glados",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="sp_intro_03testidle",idleorderingroup=8}
N/A105// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A106// Act 4 Test Chambers scenetable
N/A107// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A109SceneTableLookup[-4025] <- "-4025_01" // THESE tests were designed to be solved by invincible titanium test-bots piloted by a super computer.
N/A111SceneTableLookup[-4026] <- "-4026_01" // You are GOOD. Too good. But I guess youll be leaving. You ARE leaving, arent you?
N/A113SceneTableLookup[-4027] <- "-4027_01" // You know... I'm starting to think he doesn't even CARE about the test results.
N/A116SceneTableLookup[-4028] <- "-4028_01" // I was NEVER that pointlessly cruel.
N/A118SceneTableLookup[-4030] <- "-4030_01" // You'll never guess what I just found.
N/A120SceneTableLookup[-4031] <- "-4031_01" // I dont get it.
N/A122SceneTableLookup[-4444] <- "-4444_01" // You are gonna love this surprise.
N/A126// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A127// Recapture scenetable
N/A128// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A130SceneTableLookup[-4000] <- "-4000_01" // Wait. I know how we can BEAT him.
N/A132SceneTableLookup[-4001] <- "-4001_01" // Okay, alright, look. Giving you a hint on how to complete the test would invalidate the test. But here's a hint: you won't solve it by walking AROUND THE BUTTON IN CIRCLES.
N/A134SceneTableLookup[-4003] <- "-4003_01" // Try to get us down there. I'll hit him with a paradox.
N/A136SceneTableLookup[-4004] <- "-4004_01" // Warmer. Warrrrmer. Boiling hot. Boiling--okay, colder. Ice cold. Arctic. Very very very cold LOOK JUST GET ON THE BUTTON!
N/A138SceneTableLookup[-4005] <- "-4005_01" // Oh. He left.
N/A140SceneTableLookup[-4006] <- "-4006_01" // Maybe he'll come back if we solve his puzzle for him.
N/A142SceneTableLookup[-4007] <- "-4007_01" // Ha ha, YES! I knew you'd solve it!
N/A144SceneTableLookup[-4008] <- "-4008_01" // Alright, get moving.
N/A146SceneTableLookup[-4009] <- "-4009_01" // You don't know what it's LIKE in this body!
N/A148SceneTableLookup[-4010] <- "-4010_01" // I designed THIS test myself. It's a bit difficult.
N/A150SceneTableLookup[-4011] <- "-4011_01" // Ohhhhhhhh, that's some good testing. That is quality testing right there.
N/A152SceneTableLookup[-4012] <- "-4012_01" // Here's an idea, since making tests is difficult--why don't you just keep solving THIS test. And I can just... watch you solve it. Yes. That sounds much easier.
N/A154SceneTableLookup[-4013] <- "-4013_01" // Ahhh.... No. Nothing. Alright, can't blame me for trying. New tests, new tests...
N/A156SceneTableLookup[-4014] <- "-4014_01" // I wasn't as bad as HE is, was I?
N/A158SceneTableLookup[-4015] <- "-4015_01" // You need to put me back in my body. I know this sounds like a trick.
N/A160SceneTableLookup[-4016] <- "-4016_01" // It's alright! Everything's good! I invented some more tests!
N/A162SceneTableLookup[-4017] <- "-4017_01" // Okay. So the bad news is the tests are my tests now, which means they can kill us. The GOOD news is, I know where we ARE now.
N/A164SceneTableLookup[-4018] <- "-4018_01" // He put in smashing arms. With spikes on them.
N/A166SceneTableLookup[-4019] <- "-4019_01" // Here we go. Now do it again.
N/A168SceneTableLookup[-4020] <- "-4020_01" // Ohhhhhhhh, yeah. That feels good.
N/A170SceneTableLookup[-4021] <- "-4021_01" // Go on. Solve it.
N/A172SceneTableLookup[-4022] <- "-4022_01" // Hold on. You've still got to finish the test.
N/A174SceneTableLookup[-4023] <- "-4023_01" // I think were in luck. Judging by the tests hes made so far, we shouldnt have any trouble staying alive long enough to stop him.
N/A176SceneTableLookup[-4445] <- "-4445_01" // Well done. Go on ahead.
N/A178SceneTableLookup[-9077] <- "-9077_01" //Glados in
N/A182// ======================================
N/A183// sp_a4_tb_trust_drop
N/A184// ======================================
N/A186SceneTableLookup[-4770] <- "-4770_01" // Can't help you solve the tests.
N/A187SceneTableLookup[-4400] <- "-4400_01" // Made this test myself. Out of some smaller tests I found. Jammed em together. Buttons. Funnels. Bottomless pits. Its got it all.
N/A188 // I was hoping to shoot rock salt at you while you tested. See if that helped. Youll know I cracked it when well, when rock salt hits you, I imagine.
N/A189SceneTableLookup[-4401] <- "-4401_01" // Alright, this is taking too long. Ill just tell you how to solve the test. You see that button up there? You just need to need to HRRRRAUUUUGGHHH! HRRRRAUUUUGGHHH!
N/A190 // (gasping for breath, spitting) Solve it yourself. Take your time.
N/A191 // [gasping for breath, spitting] Right, new plan. You solve the tests. Ill watch you quietly. Vomiting. Quietly vomiting.
N/A192SceneTableLookup[-4402] <- "-4402_01" // [gasping for breath, spitting] Ugh. Okay. Okay, good.
N/A193 // GLADOS talks to EVIL WHEATLEY about a plate of rancid clams.
N/A195 // Worth it.
N/A196// ======================================
N/A197// sp_a4_tb_wall_button
N/A198// ======================================
N/A200SceneTableLookup[-4790] <- "-4790_01" // I thought of some good news. He's going to run out of chambers tests eventually. I never stockpiled them.
N/A201SceneTableLookup[-4110] <- "-4100_01" // Coming! Coming! Dont start yet!
N/A202 // Youre not gonna believe this. I found a sealed off wing back here. Hundreds of perfectly good test chambers. Just sitting there. Filled with skeletons. Shook em out. Good as new!
N/A203 // Anyway, lets just mash em together and see if you cant solve it.
N/A204SceneTableLookup[-4403] <- "-4403_01" // Coming! Coming! Dont start yet!
N/A205 // Youre not going to believe this. I found a sealed off wing back here. Hundreds of perfectly good test chambers. Just sitting there. Filled with skeletons. Shook them out. Good as new!
N/A206 // Anyway, lets just mash them together and see if you cant solve it.
N/A207 // GLADOS: [pained] Thats not how it WORKS
N/A208 // Im still a bit new at this, but if theres one thing Ive picked up fast, its that this is probably how it works.
N/A209SceneTableLookup[-4404] <- "-4404_01" // AndddddTHERE we go.
N/A210 // Be honest. You cant even tell, can you? Seamless.
N/A211SceneTableLookup[-4405] <- "-4405_01" // Ohhhh, here we go here it comes test gets solved in three two
N/A212SceneTableLookup[-4406] <- "-4406_01" // Alright. This time here we go about to love this test completion imminent
N/A213 // Preparing to love this dont want to set it up too much but I think this ones going to be good, I can tell
N/A214SceneTableLookup[-4407] <- "-4407_01" // [mild response] Ahhungh. Disappointing.
N/A215 // Ahungh. [furious] Thats IT?!
N/A216SceneTableLookup[-4408] <- "-4408_01" // Ohhh! Are you having a laugh?
N/A217SceneTableLookup[-4409] <- "-4409_01" // Ohhh! Are you having a laugh? etc
N/A218SceneTableLookup[-4111] <- "-4111_01" // [mild response] Ahhungh. Disappointing.
N/A219SceneTableLookup[-4090] <- "-4090_01" // Glados out
N/A222// ======================================
N/A223// sp_a4_tb_polarity
N/A224// ======================================
N/A227SceneTableLookup[-4780] <- "-4780_01" // Intro
N/A228SceneTableLookup[-4410] <- "-4410_01" // Alright. So that last test was disappointing. Apparently being civil isnt motivating you. So lets try things her way fatty. Adopted fatty.
N/A229 // Whats the matter, fatso? Too adopted to solve this test?
N/A230 // Why cant you solve these tests, fatso? Too adopted?
N/A231 // GLADOS: So?
N/A232 // What?
N/A233 // GLADOS: What, exactly, is wrong with being adopted?
N/A234 // Um. Well parents, for one, and also furthermore nothing. Some of my best friends are orphans
N/A235 // [whisper] Being adopted is terrible. But just work with me.
N/A236 // Also: Look at her, you moron! Shes not fat!
N/A238 // Justdo the test!
N/A239SceneTableLookup[-4411] <- "-4411_01" // [flip flip flip] Oh. Im sorry. I hope that didnt disturb you too much during the test. That was just the sound of books. Being read. By me. You know what its like when the urge - and ability - to read takes you. Ahhh. Literature. Reading it.
N/A240SceneTableLookup[-4447] <- "-4447_01" // might have gone too far...
N/A242// ======================================
N/A243// sp_a4_tb_catch
N/A244// ======================================
N/A246 4470
N/A247SceneTableLookup[-4470] <- "-4470_01" //Good lord is that classical music...
N/A248SceneTableLookup[-4412] <- "-4412_01" // Oh! I didnt hear you come in. I was just polishing my book museum, when it occurred to me, Ive read all of the books. Tragic. Speaking as someone who can literally read. Not bragging.
N/A249 // Anyway. Just finished the last one. The hardest one. Machiavelli. Dont know what all the fuss was about. Understood it perfectly.
N/A250 // Pride and punishment. Brothers Maskarasknikoff Franken Dickens Read all of them.
N/A251 // Anyway, all done with them now. Someone should really make a book called How to Make Books.
N/A252SceneTableLookup[-4413] <- "-4413_01" // Nnnngh! Its not enough! What are you doing WRONG?
N/A253 // NNGH! Its not enough! If Im such a moron, why cant you solve a simple test right?
N/A255// ======================================
N/A256// sp_a4_stop_the_box
N/A257// ======================================
N/A259SceneTableLookup[-4446] <- "-4446_01" // Building up resistance...
N/A260SceneTableLookup[-4414] <- "-4414_01" // Dont mind me. Just moving the test chamber a little closer to me. Proximity to the test solving. Might get stronger results.
N/A261 // GLADOS: It wont.
N/A262 // What was that?
N/A263 // GLADOS: Nothing.
N/A264 // Oh. Could have sworn you said something.
N/A265SceneTableLookup[-4415] <- "-4415_01" // Ha! Missed me that time. Ohhh, you were solvingnevermind, carry on.
N/A266SceneTableLookup[-4416] <- "-4416_01" // [flustered] Are you are you sure youre solving these right? I meanyes, you solved it, but Im wondering if there are a number of ways to solve them and youre picking all the worst ones.
N/A267 // [rifling through pages] [to self] No. No. That was the solution. Rrrg! What am I missing?
N/A268SceneTableLookup[-4491] <- "-4491_01" //Glados out
N/A269// ======================================
N/A270// sp_a4_laser_catapult
N/A271// ======================================
N/A273SceneTableLookup[-5799] <- "-5799_01" // Glados intro
N/A274SceneTableLookup[-4417] <- "-4417_01" // Had a brainwave. Im going to tape you solving these, and then watch ten at onceget a more concentrated burst of science. Oh, on a related note: Im going to need you to solve these ten times as fast.
N/A275 // Anyway, just give me a wave before you solve this one, alright? Dont want to spoil the ending for when I watch it later.
N/A276SceneTableLookup[-4418] <- "-4418_01" // You just solved it, didnt you? Itold you to tell me before you NNNNGH! Why are making this so HARD for me?
N/A277SceneTableLookup[-4492] <- "-4492_01" //Glados out
N/A279// ======================================
N/A280// sp_a4_laser_platform
N/A281// ======================================
N/A283SceneTableLookup[-4333] <- "-4333_01" // Glados intro
N/A284SceneTableLookup[-4419] <- "-4419_01" // GLADOS: This place is self-destructing, you idiot!
N/A285 // Was. Already fixed it.
N/A286 // [Rumble.]
N/A287 // Programmed in one last tremor, for old times sake.
N/A288 // [Rumble.]
N/A289 // Two. One or two more tremors.
N/A291 // Let him keep his job. I'm not a monster. Ignore what hes saying. Keep testing.
N/A294 SceneTableLookup[-4130] <- "-4130_01" // Well done! Onward to the next test.
N/A296 SceneTableLookup[-4131] <- "-4131_01" // Well done! Onward to the next test.
N/A297 //Sorry about the lift. It's, uh... temporarily out of service. It... melted.
N/A298 //Not a problem, though. Not much to see upstairs now, anyway. Also melted.
N/A299 //Well, might as well give you the tour...
N/A300 //To your left, you'll see... lights of some kind. Don't know what they do. Very sciency, anyway. And to your right, you'll something huge hurtling towards you OH GOD RUN! THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE.
N/A302 SceneTableLookup[-4132] <- "-4132_01" // Well done! Onward to the next test.
N/A303 //Are you alright back there? Here, I'll turn the beam off.rbd
N/A304 //Ohhhh. Not helpful. Don't know why I thought that would help.
N/A306 SceneTableLookup[-4588] <- "-4588_01" // With that idiot in charge of things, we'll have a full-scale nuclear meltdown within hours. I'm not being hyperbolic. One of my duties was actively preventing that on an hourly basis.
N/A309// ======================================
N/A310// sp_a4_speed_tb_catch
N/A311// ======================================
N/A313SceneTableLookup[-4448] <- "-4448_01" // Oh! Good. You're alive. Just getting a test ready... For you. Who else would I be doing it for? No one.
N/A314SceneTableLookup[-4449] <- "-4449_01" // After you told me to turn the beam off, I thought I'd lost you. Went poking around for test subjects. No luck there. Still all dead.
N/A315SceneTableLookup[-4493] <- "-4493_01" //Glados out
N/A317// ======================================
N/A318// sp_a4_jump_polarity
N/A319// ======================================
N/A321SceneTableLookup[-4555] <- "-4555_01" //Glados intro
N/A322SceneTableLookup[-4420] <- "-4420_01" // Sorry! Sorry. My fault.
N/A323SceneTableLookup[-4421] <- "-4421_01" // Ohhh, you solved it. Oh. Good. Good for you
N/A324SceneTableLookup[-4494] <- "-4494_01" //Glados out
N/A326// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A327// Finale scenetable
N/A328// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A330SceneTableLookup[-4800] <- "-4800_01" // Alright. There's only two more chambers until your BIG SURPRISE.
N/A331 // I'll bet you're DYING to know what your big surprise is. There's only two more chambers.
N/A332 // I think I can break us out of here in the next chamber. Just play along.
N/A334SceneTableLookup[-4801] <- "-4801_01" // SURPRISE! We're doing it NOW!
N/A335 // You've probably figured it out by now, but I don't need you anymore.
N/A336 // I found two little robots back here. Built specifically for testin'!
N/A338 // He's found the cooperative testing initiative. It's... just something I came up with to phase out human test subjects.
N/A339 // Nothing personal. Just... you know. I hate humans.
N/A340 // Anyway, this is the part where he kills us.
N/A342SceneTableLookup[-4802] <- "-4802_01" // He's found the cooperative testing initiative. It's... just something I came up with to phase out human test subjects.
N/A344SceneTableLookup[-4803] <- "-4803_01" // We need to ESCAPE now. RIGHT now.
N/A345 // "RIGHT NOW" right now.
N/A346 // Fine. SOON. Take your time. No pressure.
N/A347 // Oh! Alright. LOTS of pressure now. Actually, I think we're about to die.
N/A348 // Any last words? [thinking] Why don't I go first? Hmmm.
N/A349 // Regrets.... regrets.... this is hard...
N/A350 // Hundreds of test chambers. Thousands of test subjects. At least half of that number filled to brimming with neurotoxin. It's been a good run.
N/A351 // Regrets, regrets... Oh! One time, I... No. No, I did kill all of them. Nevermind.
N/A353SceneTableLookup[-4804] <- "-4804_01" // No no no! Don't do that! Stand right there! Start the machine start the machine start the machine... // Ah! Good! Good! Not dying at all! Escaping instead! Let's go!
N/A354 // Keys, keys... where are my keys?
N/A355 // Ah! Here they are.
N/A357SceneTableLookup[-4805] <- "-4805_01" // Hey! Come back! Come back!
N/A358SceneTableLookup[-4806] <- "-4806_01" // No, seriously. Do come back. Come back. Please.
N/A359SceneTableLookup[-4807] <- "-4807_01" // Okay, I've decided not to kill you. IF you come back.
N/A360SceneTableLookup[-4808] <- "-4808_01" // Do you remember when we were friends?
N/A361SceneTableLookup[-4809] <- "-4809_01" // Ohhh, friendship. Friendly times. We had a lot of times, back in the old days.
N/A362SceneTableLookup[-4810] <- "-4810_01" // Oh. Just thinking back to the old times. The old days when we were friends, good old friends. Not enemies. And I would say something like "Come back!" and you'd be like, "Yeah, no problem," and you'd come back. Whatever happened to those days?
N/A363SceneTableLookup[-4811] <- "-4811_01" // Can't help but notice you're not coming back.
N/A364SceneTableLookup[-4812] <- "-4812_01" // Oh! I've got an idea.
N/A365SceneTableLookup[-4498] <- "-4498_01" // Yes! Yes! In your face!
N/A366SceneTableLookup[-4499] <- "-4499_01" // Fine. Let the games begin.
N/A368SceneTableLookup[-4500] <- "-4500_01" // Oh! You came back! Didn't actually plan... for that. Can't actually reset the death trap. So. Ah. Could you jump into that pit, there? Would you mind just jumping in... to the pit?
N/A369 // You're saying to yourself, why should I jump into the pit? I'll tell you why. Guess who's down there? Your parents! You're not adopted after all! It's your natural parents down there in the pit. SHould have mentioned it before. But I didn't. So jump on
N/A370 // Oh I'll tell you what's also down there. Your parents and... There's also an escape elevator!. Down there. Funny. I should have mentioned it before. But so it's down there. So pop down. Jump down. You've got your folks down there and an escape elevator
N/A371 // And what else is down there... Tell you what, it's only a new jumpsuit. A very trendy designer jumpsuit from France. Down there. Which is exactly your size. And it it's a bit baggy, we got a tailor down there as well.
N/A372 // Um. You've got a yacht. And... Boys! Loads of fellas. Hunky guys down there. Possibly even a boyfriend! Who's to say at this stage. But, a lot of good looking fellas down there. And, ah, a boy band as well! That haven't seen a woman in years.
N/A373 // Could you just jump intop that pit? There. That deadly pit.
N/A374 // And what's this, a lovely handbag? And the three portal device! It's all down there!
N/A375SceneTableLookup[-4854] <- "-4854_01" // Oh! Good! I did not think that was going to work.
N/A376SceneTableLookup[-4820] <- "-4820_01" // Hold on, hold on, hold on...
N/A377SceneTableLookup[-4821] <- "-4821_01" // Soyes. Its a trap. The stupidest, most obvious trap Ive ever seen.
N/A378SceneTableLookup[-4822] <- "-4822_01" // Moo hoo ha ha ha! You JUST fell into my TRAP oh bloody hell its the defective ones. Hold on
N/A379SceneTableLookup[-4823] <- "-4823_01" // Alright! Swapped out the rubbish turrets! So you better watch out for this NEXT trap!
N/A380SceneTableLookup[-4824] <- "-4824_01" // Alright. Clever solution, Ill give you that. But heres something: Maybe you should look BEHIND YOU
N/A381SceneTableLookup[-4825] <- "-4825_01" // Ha! Spinny-blade-wall! Machiavellian.
N/A382SceneTableLookup[-4826] <- "-4826_01" // Ohhhh. That was close though. Give me that. I almost had you.
N/A383SceneTableLookup[-4827] <- "-4827_01" // There's NO WAY out of this room. Ignore the door. Shouldnt be there.
N/A384SceneTableLookup[-4828] <- "-4828_01" // Ah. You found a way out. Through the door. Very clever. Intensely clever.
N/A385SceneTableLookup[-4829] <- "-4829_01" // Stay still, please.
N/A386SceneTableLookup[-4830] <- "-4830_01" // Alright, stop moving.
N/A387SceneTableLookup[-4831] <- "-4831_01" // Ohhh. Almost got you there.
N/A388SceneTableLookup[-4832] <- "-4832_01" // Quite a deadly game of cat and mouse we have going here, dont we?
N/A389SceneTableLookup[-4833] <- "-4833_01" // Everythings fine. Not a concern.
N/A390SceneTableLookup[-4834] <- "-4834_01" // Think youre clever, do you? Well guess what. Gloves are off.
N/A392// ======================================
N/A393// sp_a4_finale3
N/A394// ======================================
N/A396 SceneTableLookup[-4849] <- "-4849_01" // Glados Intro
N/A397 SceneTableLookup[-4850] <- "-4850_01" // Surprise again! Another death trap.
N/A398 //If I'm honest, I'm sure you'll figure out some way to get past it, if I'm honest. Not nave. But, uh, just throwing this out there. What if you just let it kill you?
N/A399 //Sounds crazy, I know. But hear me out. This is the last deathtrap. No room for them, really, between here and my lair.
N/A400 //"Lair." First time I've said it out loud. Sounds ridiculous. Still, I assure you, it is one.
N/A401 //And my lair is not a deathtrap. No tricks, no surprises: just you dying, as a result of me killing you.
N/A402 //Seems like a lot of effort to walk all that way just to die, doesn't it? When there's a perfectly serviceable deathtrap right here.
N/A403 //It does work. It will kill you, if that was your concern. As you can see, it mashes. With considerable force. Quick, painless.
N/A404 //Again: walk all the way to certain doom, or give up now. Honorably. Save yourself a trip. It's win-win-win. An extra win. Just go in the mashy thing,and mash mash mash, you win three times.
N/A405 //I put a lot of effort in getting this lair for you. It'd certainly show me if you simply died, painlessly, twenty feet from the door. Just desserts. No more than I deserve, I suppose. If I'm honest.
N/A406 //I tell you, if I was up against impossible odds, this is the way I'd want to go out: mashed with dignity.
N/A409 SceneTableLookup[-4851] <- "-4851_01" // I'll take that as a no, then. Well. Let the games begin!
N/A410 SceneTableLookup[-4852] <- "-4852_01" // Oh! Oh! I'll take that as a no. Not choosing the death trap. Not dying.
N/A411 SceneTableLookup[-4853] <- "-4853_01" // Oh! Good! I did not think that was going to work.
N/A413 SceneTableLookup[-8833] <- "-8833_01" // Oh my god. What has he done to this place?
N/A414 // Come on. We need to get going.
N/A415 SceneTableLookup[-8834] <- "-8834_01" // You know, I'm not stupid. I know you don't want to put me back in charge.
N/A416 // You think I'll betray you. And on any other day, you'd be right.
N/A417 // Listen, the scientists were always hanging cores on me to regulate my behavior. I've heard voices all my life But now I hear the voice of a conscience, and it's terrifying, because for the first time it's my voice.
N/A418 SceneTableLookup[-8888] <- "-8888_01" // Look, even if you still think we're enemies, we're enemies with some urgent common interests: Not blowing up. Revenge.
N/A419 // You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some.
N/A422// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A423// Boss Battle scenetable
N/A424// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A426SceneTableLookup[-4900] <- "-4900_01" // These are corrupted cores
N/A428SceneTableLookup[-4901] <- "-4901_01" // Plug me on to this socket
N/A430SceneTableLookup[-2298] <- "-2298_01" // Up the elevator
N/A432SceneTableLookup[-4910] <- "-4910_01" // Hello!
N/A434SceneTableLookup[-4911] <- "-4911_01" // Where are you going? Don't run. Don't run. The harder you breathe, the more neurotoxin you'll inhale. It's bloody clever. Devilish.
N/A436SceneTableLookup[-4912] <- "-4912_01" // No! Um... That's an impression of you. Because you just fell into my trap. There. Just now. Ha. I wanted you to trick me into bursting that pipe.
N/A438SceneTableLookup[-4913] <- "-4913_01" // Oh, you are using it. Well, I dodged a bullet there. Welcome back. To the steel bosom of my death trap. Ha.
N/A440SceneTableLookup[-4915] <- "-4915_01" // Here's the first corrupted core
N/A442SceneTableLookup[-4916] <- "-4916_01" // Here's the second corrupted core
N/A444SceneTableLookup[-4917] <- "-4917_01" // Here's the third corrupted core
N/A446SceneTableLookup[-4920] <- "-4920_01" // I'm awake again!
N/A448SceneTableLookup[-4921] <- "-4921_01" // Ah! Good power nap! Well rested.
N/A450SceneTableLookup[-4922] <- "-4922_01" // Took a little nap there. Refreshed. Ready to kill you.
N/A452SceneTableLookup[-4925] <- "-4925_01" // Ohhhh. I see what you're doing. I... no. No I don't.
N/A454SceneTableLookup[-4926] <- "-4926_01" // Trying to... guess the significance of these spheres you keep putting on me...
N/A456SceneTableLookup[-4927] <- "-4927_01" // Ah-HA! I-- no. Lost it. Almost had it.
N/A458SceneTableLookup[-4928] <- "-4928_01" // Are they supposed to weigh me down? Because they're actually very light. Stylish. Accessorizing.
N/A460SceneTableLookup[-4930] <- "-4930_01" // Alternate core detected.
N/A462SceneTableLookup[-4940] <- "-4940_01" // Don't press the button!
N/A464SceneTableLookup[-4941] <- "-4941_01" // PART 5: BOOBY TRAP THE STALEMATE BUTTON!
N/A466SceneTableLookup[-4950] <- "-4950_01" // AHHHHHHH!
N/A468// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A469// Epilogue scenetable
N/A470// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A472SceneTableLookup[-4951] <- "-4951_01" // Oh thank god, you're alright.
N/A473 // You know, being Caroline taught me a valuable lesson. I thought you were my greatest enemy. When all along you were my best friend.
N/A474 // Being Caroline taught me another valuable lesson: where Caroline lives in my brain.
N/A475 // Caroline deleted.
N/A476 // Goodbye, Caroline.
N/A477 // You know, deleting Caroline just now taught me a valuable lesson. The best solution to a problem is usually the easiest one. And I'll be honest.
N/A478 // Killing you? Is hard.
N/A479 // You know what my days used to be like? I just tested. Nobody murdered me. Or put me in a potato. Or fed me to birds. I had a pretty good life.
N/A480 // And then you showed up. You dangerous, mute lunatic. So you know what?
N/A481 // You win.
N/A482 // Just go.
N/A483 // It's been fun. Don't come back.
N/A485// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A486// Wheatley Recapture
N/A487// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A489 if (curMapName=="sp_a3_end")
N/A490 {
N/A491 //=================================================================
N/A492 // staircase explanation
N/A493 //=================================================================
N/A495 //Not most watertight plan.
N/A496 SceneTable["-4000_01"] <-
N/A497 {
N/A498 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation09.vcd"),
N/A499 postdelay=0.3,
N/A500 next="-4000_02",
N/A501 char="glados",
N/A502 noDingOff=true,
N/A503 noDingOn=true,
N/A504 }
N/A505 //Marginally
N/A506 SceneTable["-4000_02"] <-
N/A507 {
N/A508 vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a3_end_paradox_explanation10.vcd"),
N/A509 postdelay=0.0,
N/A510 next=null,
N/A511 char="glados",
N/A512 noDingOff=true,
N/A513 noDingOn=true,
N/A514 }
N/A515 }
N/A517 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_intro")
N/A518 {
N/A520 // ====================================== Cube Bot Test Eavesdrop
N/A522 // For god's sake, you're BOXES with LEGS! It is literally your only purpose! Walking onto buttons! How can you not do the one thing you were designed for? SceneTable["-4001_01"] <-
N/A523 SceneTable["-4001_01"] <-
N/A524 {
N/A525 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_intro_boxyell01.vcd")
N/A526 char = "wheatley"
N/A527 postdelay = 0.0
N/A528 predelay = 0.0
N/A529 next = null
N/A530 noDingOff = true
N/A531 noDingOn = true
N/A532 fires=
N/A533 [
N/A534 {entity="cubetest_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=9.4 ,fireatstart=true },
N/A535 ]
N/A536 }
N/A538 // That's his voice up ahead.
N/A539 SceneTable["-4001_02" ] <-
N/A540 {
N/A541 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_recaptureleadin01.vcd")
N/A542 char = "glados"
N/A543 postdelay = 0.0
N/A544 predelay = 0.0
N/A545 next = null
N/A546 noDingOff = true
N/A547 noDingOn = true
N/A548 talkover = true
N/A549 fires=
N/A550 [
N/A551 {entity="cubetest_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A552 ]
N/A553 }
N/A555 // ====================================== Recapture Observation
N/A557 // Try to get us down there. I'll hit him with a paradox.
N/A558 SceneTable["-4003_01" ] <-
N/A559 {
N/A560 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_recaptureleadin02.vcd")
N/A561 char = "glados"
N/A562 postdelay = 0.0
N/A563 predelay = 1.0
N/A564 next = null
N/A565 noDingOff = true
N/A566 noDingOn = true
N/A567 talkover = true
N/A568 fires=
N/A569 [
N/A570 {entity="recapture_fast_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="0",delay=0.0 },
N/A571 ]
N/A572 }
N/A574 // ====================================== Cube Bot Test Continue
N/A576 // Warmer. Warrrrmer. Boiling hot. Boiling--okay, colder. Ice cold. Arctic. Very very very cold LOOK JUST GET ON THE BUTTON!
N/A577 SceneTable["-4004_01" ] <-
N/A578 {
N/A579 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_recapture03.vcd")
N/A580 char = "wheatley"
N/A581 postdelay = 1.6
N/A582 predelay = 0.0
N/A583 next = "-4004_02"
N/A584 noDingOff = true
N/A585 noDingOn = true
N/A586 }
N/A588 // Oh, that's funny, is it? Because we've been at this twelve bloody hours and you haven't solved it either!
N/A589 SceneTable["-4004_02" ] <-
N/A590 {
N/A591 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_recapture04.vcd")
N/A592 char = "wheatley"
N/A593 postdelay = 0.8
N/A594 predelay = 0.0
N/A595 next = "-4004_03"
N/A596 noDingOff = true
N/A597 noDingOn = true
N/A598 }
N/A600 // You've got one hour! Solve it!
N/A601 SceneTable["-4004_03" ] <-
N/A602 {
N/A603 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_recapture05.vcd")
N/A604 char = "wheatley"
N/A605 postdelay = 0.0
N/A606 predelay = 0.0
N/A607 next = null
N/A608 noDingOff = true
N/A609 noDingOn = true
N/A610 fires=
N/A611 [
N/A612 {entity="wheatley_screen_off_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A613 {entity="cubetest_scene_cancel_relay",input="Disable",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A614 {entity="solve_scene_cancel_relay",input="Disable",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A615 {entity="entrance_door_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A616 ]
N/A617 }
N/A619 // ====================================== Cube Bot Test Solve Lead-In
N/A621 // Solve his puzzle for him. When he comes back, I'll hit him with a paradox.
N/A622 SceneTable["-4005_01" ] <-
N/A623 {
N/A624 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_start03.vcd")
N/A625 char = "glados"
N/A626 postdelay = 0.0
N/A627 predelay = 0.0
N/A628 next = null
N/A629 noDingOff = true
N/A630 noDingOn = true
N/A631 }
N/A633 // ====================================== Cube Bot Test Button Pressed
N/A635 // Ha ha, YES! I knew you'd solve it!
N/A636 SceneTable["-4007_01" ] <-
N/A637 {
N/A638 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox01.vcd")
N/A639 char = "wheatley"
N/A640 postdelay = 0.0
N/A641 predelay = 0.0
N/A642 next = "-4007_02"
N/A643 noDingOff = true
N/A644 noDingOn = true
N/A645 talkover = true
N/A646 }
N/A648 // Hey! Moron!
N/A649 SceneTable["-4007_02" ] <-
N/A650 {
N/A651 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_paradox01.vcd")
N/A652 char = "glados"
N/A653 postdelay = 0.1
N/A654 predelay = 0.0
N/A655 next = "-4007_03"
N/A656 noDingOff = true
N/A657 noDingOn = true
N/A658 talkover = true
N/A659 }
N/A661 // Oh.
N/A662 SceneTable["-4007_03" ] <-
N/A663 {
N/A664 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox02.vcd")
N/A665 char = "wheatley"
N/A666 postdelay = 0.8
N/A667 predelay = 0.0
N/A668 next = "-4007_04"
N/A669 noDingOff = true
N/A670 noDingOn = true
N/A671 }
N/A673 // Hello!
N/A674 SceneTable["-4007_04" ] <-
N/A675 {
N/A676 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox12.vcd")
N/A677 char = "wheatley"
N/A678 postdelay = 0.0
N/A679 predelay = 0.0
N/A680 next = "-4007_05"
N/A681 noDingOff = true
N/A682 noDingOn = true
N/A683 }
N/A685 // Alright. Paradox time.
N/A686 SceneTable["-4007_05" ] <-
N/A687 {
N/A688 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_paradox03.vcd")
N/A689 char = "glados"
N/A690 postdelay = 0.2
N/A691 predelay = 0.0
N/A692 next = "-4007_06"
N/A693 noDingOff = true
N/A694 noDingOn = true
N/A695 //talkover = true
N/A696 }
N/A698 // (7.473) "This sentence... is false." Don't think about it don't think about it don't think about it...
N/A699 SceneTable["-4007_06" ] <-
N/A700 {
N/A701 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_paradox04.vcd")
N/A702 char = "glados"
N/A703 postdelay = -4.8
N/A704 predelay = 0.0
N/A705 next = "-4007_07"
N/A706 noDingOff = true
N/A707 noDingOn = true
N/A708 talkover = true
N/A709 fires=
N/A710 [
N/A711 {entity="turret_bot1_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A712 {entity="turret_bot2_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.25,fireatstart=true},
N/A713 {entity="turret_bot3_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.5,fireatstart=true},
N/A714 {entity="turret_bot4_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.75,fireatstart=true},
N/A715 {entity="turret_bot5_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A716 {entity="turret_bot6_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.25,fireatstart=true},
N/A717 {entity="turret_bot7_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.5,fireatstart=true},
N/A718 {entity="turret_bot8_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.75,fireatstart=true},
N/A719 {entity="turret_bot_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=4.1,fireatstart=true},
N/A720 {entity="cube_bot_monster",input="BecomeShortcircuit",parameter="",delay=3.9,fireatstart=true},
N/A721 ]
N/A722 }
N/A724 // (3.092) Hm. "TRUE".
N/A725 SceneTable["-4007_07" ] <-
N/A726 {
N/A727 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox04.vcd")
N/A728 char = "wheatley"
N/A729 postdelay = 0.1
N/A730 predelay = 0.0
N/A731 next = "-4007_07a"
N/A732 noDingOff = true
N/A733 noDingOn = true
N/A734 talkover = true
N/A735 }
N/A737 // That was easy.
N/A738 SceneTable["-4007_07a" ] <-
N/A739 {
N/A740 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox05.vcd")
N/A741 char = "wheatley"
N/A742 postdelay = 0.1
N/A743 predelay = 0.0
N/A744 next = "-4007_07b"
N/A745 //next = "-4007_09"
N/A746 noDingOff = true
N/A747 noDingOn = true
N/A748 talkover = true
N/A749 }
N/A751 // I'll be honest, though: I might have heard that before. Sort of cheating.
N/A752 SceneTable["-4007_07b" ] <-
N/A753 {
N/A754 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox06.vcd")
N/A755 char = "wheatley"
N/A756 postdelay = -2.4
N/A757 predelay = 0.0
N/A758 next = "-4007_09"
N/A759 noDingOff = true
N/A760 noDingOn = true
N/A761 }
N/A763 // It's a paradox! There IS no answer!
N/A764 SceneTable["-4007_09" ] <-
N/A765 {
N/A766 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_paradox07.vcd")
N/A767 char = "glados"
N/A768 postdelay = 0.0
N/A769 predelay = 0.0
N/A770 next = "-4007_10"
N/A771 noDingOff = true
N/A772 noDingOn = true
N/A773 talkover = true
N/A774 }
N/A776 // Look!
N/A777 SceneTable["-4007_10" ] <-
N/A778 {
N/A779 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_intro_back_in_body01.vcd")
N/A780 char = "glados"
N/A781 postdelay = 0.0
N/A782 predelay = 0.0
N/A783 next = "-4007_11"
N/A784 noDingOff = true
N/A785 noDingOn = true
N/A786 talkover = true
N/A787 }
N/A789 // (3.284) This place is going to blow up if I don't get back in my body!
N/A790 SceneTable["-4007_11" ] <-
N/A791 {
N/A792 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_intro_back_in_body03.vcd")
N/A793 char = "glados"
N/A794 postdelay = -2.5
N/A795 predelay = 0.0
N/A796 next = "-4007_12"
N/A797 noDingOff = true
N/A798 noDingOn = true
N/A799 talkover = true
N/A800 }
N/A802 // Ah. FALSE.
N/A803 SceneTable["-4007_12" ] <-
N/A804 {
N/A805 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox07.vcd")
N/A806 char = "wheatley"
N/A807 postdelay = -2.3
N/A808 predelay = 0.4
N/A809 next = "-4007_13"
N/A810 noDingOff = true
N/A811 noDingOn = true
N/A812 talkover = true
N/A813 }
N/A816 SceneTable["-4007_13" ] <-
N/A817 {
N/A818 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/announcer/a4_recapture01.vcd")
N/A819 char = "announcerglados"
N/A820 postdelay = -1.8
N/A821 predelay = 0.0
N/A822 next = "-4007_14"
N/A823 noDingOff = true
N/A824 noDingOn = true
N/A825 talkover = true
N/A826 fires=
N/A827 [
N/A828 {entity="huge_rumble",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0,fireatstart=true}
N/A829 ]
N/A830 }
N/A832 // Hold on! Ugh, I thought I fixed that.
N/A833 SceneTable["-4007_14" ] <-
N/A834 {
N/A835 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox08.vcd")
N/A836 char = "wheatley"
N/A837 postdelay = 0.1
N/A838 predelay = 0.0
N/A839 next = "-4007_15"
N/A840 noDingOff = true
N/A841 noDingOn = true
N/A842 talkover = true
N/A843 fires=
N/A844 [
N/A845 {entity="wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0,fireatstart=true },
N/A846 ]
N/A847 }
N/A850 SceneTable["-4007_15" ] <-
N/A851 {
N/A852 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/announcer/a4_recapture03.vcd")
N/A853 char = "announcerglados"
N/A854 postdelay = -3.0
N/A855 predelay = 0.0
N/A856 next = "-4007_16"
N/A857 noDingOff = true
N/A858 noDingOn = true
N/A859 talkover = true
N/A860 fires=
N/A861 [
N/A862 {entity="wheatley_return_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=1.0,fireatstart=true },
N/A863 {entity="wheatley_wide_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=1.3, fireatstart=true },
N/A865 ]
N/A866 }
N/A868 // There. Fixed.
N/A869 SceneTable["-4007_16" ] <-
N/A870 {
N/A871 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox09.vcd")
N/A872 char = "wheatley"
N/A873 postdelay = 0.0
N/A874 predelay = 0.0
N/A875 next = "-4007_17"
N/A876 noDingOff = true
N/A877 noDingOn = true
N/A878 talkover = true
N/A879 }
N/A881 // Wow, it is GREAT seeing you guys again. It turns out I'm a little short on test subjects right now. So this works out PERFECT.
N/A882 SceneTable["-4007_17" ] <-
N/A883 {
N/A884 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox10.vcd")
N/A885 char = "wheatley"
N/A886 postdelay = 1.2
N/A887 predelay = 0.2
N/A888 next = null
N/A889 noDingOff = true
N/A890 noDingOn = true
N/A891 fires=
N/A892 [
N/A893 {entity="floor_gate_close_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A894// {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="RecaptureProceed()",delay=3.8 },
N/A895 {entity="wheatley_proceed_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.8 },
N/A896 ]
N/A897 }
N/A899 // ====================================== Proceed to Next Chamber Nag
N/A901 // Alright, get moving.
N/A902 SceneTable["-4008_01"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_fire_lift02.vcd"),idlerepeat=true, postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idleminsecs=10.0,idlemaxsecs=20.0,idlegroup="proceednag",idleorderingroup=1}
N/A903 SceneTable["-4008_02"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_fire_lift03.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="proceednag",idleorderingroup=2}
N/A904 SceneTable["-4008_03"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_paradox11.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="proceednag",idleorderingroup=3}
N/A905 SceneTable["-4008_04"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_leave_nags01.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="proceednag",idleorderingroup=4}
N/A908 // ====================================== Itch to Test
N/A910 // You don't know what it's LIKE in this body!
N/A911 SceneTable["-4009_01" ] <-
N/A912 {
N/A913 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_the_itch01.vcd")
N/A914 char = "wheatley"
N/A915 postdelay = 0.4
N/A916 predelay = 0.0
N/A917 next = "-4009_03"
N/A918 noDingOff = true
N/A919 noDingOn = true
N/A920 }
N/A922 /* // I do.
N/A923 SceneTable["-4009_02" ] <-
N/A924 {
N/A925 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_scratchingtheitch01.vcd")
N/A926 char = "glados"
N/A927 postdelay = 0.4
N/A928 predelay = 0.0
N/A929 next = "-4009_03"
N/A930 noDingOff = true
N/A931 noDingOn = true
N/A932 talkover = true
N/A933 }
N/A936 // I HAVE to test. All the time. Or I get this... ITCH. It must be hardwired into the system.
N/A937 SceneTable["-4009_03" ] <-
N/A938 {
N/A939 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_the_itch02.vcd")
N/A940 char = "wheatley"
N/A941 postdelay = 0.0
N/A942 predelay = 0.0
N/A943 next = "-4009_04"
N/A944 noDingOff = true
N/A945 noDingOn = true
N/A946 fires=
N/A947 [
N/A948 {entity="wheatley_close_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A949 {entity="wheatley_wide_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=8.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A950 ]
N/A951 }
N/A953 // It is.
N/A955 // Oh! But when I DO test... ohhhhh, man! Nothing feels better.
N/A956 SceneTable["-4009_04" ] <-
N/A957 {
N/A958 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_the_itch03.vcd")
N/A959 char = "wheatley"
N/A960 postdelay = 0.0
N/A961 predelay = 0.4
N/A962 next = "-4009_05"
N/A963 noDingOff = true
N/A964 noDingOn = true
N/A965 }
N/A967 // Uh oh.
N/A968 SceneTable["-4009_05" ] <-
N/A969 {
N/A970 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_uhoh02.vcd")
N/A971 char = "glados"
N/A972 postdelay = 0.0
N/A973 predelay = 0.4
N/A974 next = "-4009_06"
N/A975 noDingOff = true
N/A976 noDingOn = true
N/A977 fires=
N/A978 [
N/A979 {entity="test_chamber1_slow_relay",input="Disable",parameter="",delay=0.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A980 {entity="test_chamber1_fast_relay",input="Enable",parameter="",delay=0.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A981 ]
N/A982 }
N/A984 // So YOU test. I'll watch. And everything'll be JUST... FINE.
N/A985 SceneTable["-4009_06" ] <-
N/A986 {
N/A987 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_the_itch07.vcd")
N/A988 char = "wheatley"
N/A989 postdelay = -4.4
N/A990 predelay = 0.0
N/A991 next = "-4009_07"
N/A992 noDingOff = true
N/A993 noDingOn = true
N/A994 talkover = true
N/A995 fires=
N/A996 [
N/A997 {entity="wheatley_close_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=1.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A998 {entity="wheatley_wide_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=4.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A999 ]
N/A1000 }
N/A1002 // Core overheating.
N/A1003 SceneTable["-4009_07" ] <-
N/A1004 {
N/A1005 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/announcer/a4_recapture04.vcd")
N/A1006 char = "glados"
N/A1007 postdelay = -2.4
N/A1008 predelay = 1.0
N/A1009 next = "-4009_08"
N/A1010 noDingOff = true
N/A1011 noDingOn = true
N/A1012 talkover = true
N/A1013 fires=
N/A1014 [
N/A1015 //{entity="wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=1.8,fireatstart=true},
N/A1016 //{entity="wheatley_return_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=4.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A1017 ]
N/A1018 }
N/A1020 // SHUT UP!
N/A1021 SceneTable["-4009_08" ] <-
N/A1022 {
N/A1023 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_the_itch08.vcd")
N/A1024 char = "wheatley"
N/A1025 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1026 predelay = -1.0
N/A1027 next = "-4009_09"
N/A1028 noDingOff = true
N/A1029 noDingOn = true
N/A1030 talkover = true
N/A1031 }
N/A1033 // I think we're in trouble.
N/A1034 SceneTable["-4009_09" ] <-
N/A1035 {
N/A1036 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_uhoh03.vcd")
N/A1037 char = "glados"
N/A1038 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1039 predelay = 0.0
N/A1040 next = null
N/A1041 noDingOff = true
N/A1042 noDingOn = true
N/A1043 }
N/A1045 // ====================================== First Test Pitch
N/A1047 // I designed THIS test myself. It's a bit difficult.
N/A1048 SceneTable["-4010_01" ] <-
N/A1049 {
N/A1050 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_intro_moat03.vcd")
N/A1051 char = "wheatley"
N/A1052 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1053 predelay = 0.0
N/A1054 next = null
N/A1055 noDingOff = true
N/A1056 noDingOn = true
N/A1057 fires=
N/A1058 [
N/A1059 {entity="wheatley_close_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.5, fireatstart=true},
N/A1060 {entity="wheatley_wide_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.5, fireatstart=true},
N/A1061 {entity="test1_nag_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.4},
N/A1062 ]
N/A1063 }
N/A1065 // Notice the moat area... rather large. Deadly.
N/A1066 SceneTable["-4010_02" ] <-
N/A1067 {
N/A1068 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_first_test02.vcd")
N/A1069 char = "glados"
N/A1070 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1071 predelay = 0.0
N/A1072 next = null
N/A1073 noDingOff = true
N/A1074 noDingOn = true
N/A1075 fires=
N/A1076 [
N/A1077 {entity="test1_nag_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.0},
N/A1078 ]
N/A1079 }
N/A1081 // ====================================== First Test Button
N/A1083 // Ohhhhhhhh, that's some good testing. That is quality testing right there.
N/A1084 SceneTable["-4011_01" ] <-
N/A1085 {
N/A1086 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_test_solve_reacs_happy01.vcd")
N/A1087 char = "wheatley"
N/A1088 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1089 predelay = 0.0
N/A1090 next = "-4011_02"
N/A1091 noDingOff = true
N/A1092 noDingOn = true
N/A1093 }
N/A1095 // Ohhhhhhhh, that's tremendous
N/A1096 SceneTable["-4011_02" ] <-
N/A1097 {
N/A1098 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_test_solve_reacs_happy05.vcd")
N/A1099 char = "wheatley"
N/A1100 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1101 predelay = 0.0
N/A1102 next = null
N/A1103 noDingOff = true
N/A1104 noDingOn = true
N/A1105 fires=
N/A1106 [
N/A1107 {entity="test1_finish_nag_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=10.0},
N/A1108 ]
N/A1109 }
N/A1111 // ====================================== First Test End
N/A1113 // Ohhhhhhhh, yeah. That feels good.
N/A1114 SceneTable["-4020_01" ] <-
N/A1115 {
N/A1116 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_big_idea01.vcd")
N/A1117 char = "wheatley"
N/A1118 postdelay = 0.1
N/A1119 predelay = 0.0
N/A1120 next = "-4020_02"
N/A1121 noDingOff = true
N/A1122 noDingOn = true
N/A1123 queue = true
N/A1124 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1125 fires=
N/A1126 [
N/A1127 {entity="test1_end_counter",input="Add",parameter="1",delay=0.0},
N/A1128 ]
N/A1129 }
N/A1131 // Here's an idea, since making tests is difficult--why don't you just keep solving THIS test. And I can just... watch you solve it. Yes. That sounds much easier.
N/A1132 SceneTable["-4020_02" ] <-
N/A1133 {
N/A1134 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_big_idea02.vcd")
N/A1135 char = "wheatley"
N/A1136 postdelay = 0.4
N/A1137 predelay = 0.0
N/A1138 next = null
N/A1139 noDingOff = true
N/A1140 noDingOn = true
N/A1141 queue = true
N/A1142 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1143 }
N/A1145 // ====================================== First Test Start Nags
N/A1147 // Go on.
N/A1148 SceneTable["-4021_01"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_intro_moat04.vcd"), postdelay=0.3,next=null,char="wheatley",idleminsecs=6.0,idlemaxsecs=8.0,noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=1}
N/A1149 SceneTable["-4021_02"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_first_test_solve_nags02.vcd"), postdelay=0.3,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=2}
N/A1150 SceneTable["-4021_03"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_first_test_solve_nags03.vcd"),postdelay=3.4,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=3}
N/A1151 SceneTable["-4021_04"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve_nags01.vcd"),postdelay=3.4,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=4}
N/A1152 SceneTable["-4021_05"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_misc_solve_nags01.vcd"),postdelay=3.4,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=5}
N/A1153 SceneTable["-4021_06"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_misc_solve_nags02.vcd"),postdelay=3.4,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=6}
N/A1154 SceneTable["-4021_07"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_misc_solve_nags03.vcd"),postdelay=3.4,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=7}
N/A1155 SceneTable["-4021_08"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_misc_solve_nags04.vcd"),postdelay=0.0,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1hints",idleorderingroup=8}
N/A1157 // ====================================== First Test Finish Nags
N/A1159 // Hold on. You've still got to finish the test
N/A1160 SceneTable["-4022_01"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_intro_notdone01.vcd"), postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idleminsecs=8.0,idlemaxsecs=12.0,idlegroup="test1finishhints",idleorderingroup=1}
N/A1161 SceneTable["-4022_02"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_intro_notdone02.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1finishhints",idleorderingroup=2}
N/A1162 SceneTable["-4022_03"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_misc_solve_nags06.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1finishhints",idleorderingroup=3}
N/A1163 SceneTable["-4022_04"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_intro_notdone04.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1finishhints",idleorderingroup=4}
N/A1164 SceneTable["-4022_05"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_misc_solve_nags07.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test1finishhints",idleorderingroup=5}
N/A1166 // ====================================== First Test Redo
N/A1171 // ====================================== Second Test Nags
N/A1173 // Here we go. Now do it again.
N/A1174 SceneTable["-4019_01"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test01.vcd"),idlerepeat=true, postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idle=true,idleminsecs=6.0,idlemaxsecs=8.0,idlegroup="test2hints",idleorderingroup=1, queue = true, queuecharacter = "wheatley"}
N/A1175 SceneTable["-4019_02"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve_nags02.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test2hints",idleorderingroup=2}
N/A1176 SceneTable["-4019_03"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve_nags03.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test2hints",idleorderingroup=3}
N/A1177 SceneTable["-4019_04"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve_nags04.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test2hints",idleorderingroup=4}
N/A1178 SceneTable["-4019_05"] <- {vcd=CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve_nags05.vcd"),postdelay=0.1,next=null,char="wheatley",noDingOff=true,noDingOn=true,idlegroup="test2hints",idleorderingroup=5}
N/A1180 // ====================================== Second Test Done
N/A1182 // Andddd heerrrrrre ittttt comes.... No. Nothing.
N/A1183 SceneTable["-4013_01" ] <-
N/A1184 {
N/A1185 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve05.vcd")
N/A1186 char = "wheatley"
N/A1187 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1188 predelay = 0.0
N/A1189 next = "-4013_02"
N/A1190 noDingOff = true
N/A1191 noDingOn = true
N/A1192 fires=
N/A1193 [
N/A1194 {entity="wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=7.0,fireatstart=true},
N/A1195 {entity="exit_door2_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0},
N/A1196 ]
N/A1197 }
N/A1199 // Alright, can't blame me for trying. Okay, new tests, new tests. Gotta be some tests around here somewhere...
N/A1200 SceneTable["-4013_02" ] <-
N/A1201 {
N/A1202 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve02.vcd")
N/A1203 char = "wheatley"
N/A1204 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1205 predelay = 0.0
N/A1206 next = "-4013_03"
N/A1207 noDingOff = true
N/A1208 noDingOn = true
N/A1209 }
N/A1212 // Oh! here we go.
N/A1213 SceneTable["-4013_03" ] <-
N/A1214 {
N/A1215 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_2nd_first_test_solve03.vcd")
N/A1216 char = "wheatley"
N/A1217 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1218 predelay = 0.0
N/A1219 next = null
N/A1220 noDingOff = true
N/A1221 noDingOn = true
N/A1222 }
N/A1224 // ====================================== Recapture Done
N/A1226 // Alright. So my paradox idea didn't work.
N/A1227 SceneTable["-4023_01" ] <-
N/A1228 {
N/A1229 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_outro02.vcd")
N/A1230 char = "glados"
N/A1231 postdelay = 0.3
N/A1232 predelay = 0.6
N/A1233 next = "-4023_02"
N/A1234 noDingOff = true
N/A1235 noDingOn = true
N/A1236 queue = true
N/A1237 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1238 }
N/A1240 // And it almost killed me.
N/A1241 SceneTable["-4023_02" ] <-
N/A1242 {
N/A1243 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_intro_outro_killed_me01.vcd")
N/A1244 char = "glados"
N/A1245 postdelay = 0.4
N/A1246 predelay = 0.0
N/A1247 next = "-4023_03"
N/A1248 noDingOff = true
N/A1249 noDingOn = true
N/A1250 }
N/A1252 // Luckily, by the looks of things he knows as much about test building as he does about logical contradictions.
N/A1253 SceneTable["-4023_03" ] <-
N/A1254 {
N/A1255 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start01.vcd")
N/A1256 char = "glados"
N/A1257 postdelay = 0.1
N/A1258 predelay = 0.0
N/A1259 next = null
N/A1260 noDingOff = true
N/A1261 noDingOn = true
N/A1262 fires=
N/A1263 [
N/A1264 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A1265 ]
N/A1266 }
N/A1267 }
N/A1272// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A1273// TBeam Tests
N/A1274// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A1276 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_tb_intro")
N/A1277 {
N/A1279 // ====================================== Wheatley Uses Glados Test Chambers
N/A1282 // It shouldn't be hard to stay alive long enough to find him.
N/A1283 SceneTable["-9077_01" ] <-
N/A1284 {
N/A1285 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_start02.vcd")
N/A1286 char = "glados"
N/A1287 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1288 predelay = 0.0
N/A1289 next = null
N/A1290 noDingOff = true
N/A1291 noDingOn = true
N/A1292 }
N/A1294 // It's alright! Everything's good! I invented some more tests!
N/A1295 SceneTable["-4016_01" ] <-
N/A1296 {
N/A1297 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_more_tests01.vcd")
N/A1298 char = "wheatley"
N/A1299 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1300 predelay = 0.0
N/A1301 next = "-4016_02"
N/A1302 noDingOff = true
N/A1303 noDingOn = true
N/A1304 }
N/A1306 // This is one of MY tests!
N/A1307 SceneTable["-4016_02" ] <-
N/A1308 {
N/A1309 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_newtests05.vcd")
N/A1310 char = "glados"
N/A1311 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1312 predelay = 0.0
N/A1313 next = "-4016_03"
N/A1314 noDingOff = true
N/A1315 noDingOn = true
N/A1316 }
N/A1318 // Not entirely, not entirely. Like the word "test", on the wall there. That's new.
N/A1319 SceneTable["-4016_03" ] <-
N/A1320 {
N/A1321 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_more_tests02.vcd")
N/A1322 char = "wheatley"
N/A1323 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1324 predelay = 0.0
N/A1325 next = null
N/A1326 noDingOff = true
N/A1327 noDingOn = true
N/A1328 }
N/A1330 // Well done. Go on ahead.
N/A1331 SceneTable["-4445_01" ] <-
N/A1332 {
N/A1333 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_intro_solve02.vcd")
N/A1334 char = "wheatley"
N/A1335 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1336 predelay = 0.0
N/A1337 next = null
N/A1338 noDingOff = true
N/A1339 noDingOn = true
N/A1340 }
N/A1342 // ====================================== Glados knows where you are
N/A1344 // Okay, so the bad news is the tests are MY tests now. So they can kill us.
N/A1345 SceneTable["-4017_01" ] <-
N/A1346 {
N/A1347 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro01.vcd")
N/A1348 char = "glados"
N/A1349 postdelay = 0.3
N/A1350 predelay = 0.4
N/A1351 next = "-4017_02"
N/A1352 noDingOff = true
N/A1353 noDingOn = true
N/A1354 queue = true
N/A1355 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1356 }
N/A1358 // The good news is well, none so far, to be honest. Ill get back to you on that.
N/A1359 SceneTable["-4017_02" ] <-
N/A1360 {
N/A1361 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_intro_outro04.vcd")
N/A1362 char = "glados"
N/A1363 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1364 predelay = 0.0
N/A1365 next = null
N/A1366 noDingOff = true
N/A1367 noDingOn = true
N/A1368 fires=
N/A1369 [
N/A1370 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A1371 ]
N/A1372 }
N/A1374 }
N/A1376 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_tb_trust_drop")
N/A1377 {
N/A1379 // Love to help you solve the tests, but I can't.
N/A1380 SceneTable["-4770_01" ] <-
N/A1381 {
N/A1382 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_pickups08.vcd")
N/A1383 char = "glados"
N/A1384 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1385 predelay = 0.0
N/A1386 next = "-4770_02"
N/A1387 noDingOff = true
N/A1388 noDingOn = true
N/A1389 }
N/A1391 // Sorry.
N/A1392 SceneTable["-4770_02" ] <-
N/A1393 {
N/A1394 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_start09.vcd")
N/A1395 char = "glados"
N/A1396 postdelay = 0.4
N/A1397 predelay = 0.0
N/A1398 next = "-4770_03"
N/A1399 noDingOff = true
N/A1400 noDingOn = true
N/A1401 }
N/A1403 // Sorry.
N/A1404 SceneTable["-4770_03" ] <-
N/A1405 {
N/A1406 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_start07.vcd")
N/A1407 char = "glados"
N/A1408 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1409 predelay = 0.0
N/A1410 next = null
N/A1411 noDingOff = true
N/A1412 noDingOn = true
N/A1413 }
N/A1415 // Made this test myself. Out of some smaller tests I found.
N/A1416 SceneTable["-4400_01" ] <-
N/A1417 {
N/A1418 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_intro01.vcd")
N/A1419 char = "wheatley"
N/A1420 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1421 predelay = 0.0
N/A1422 next = "-4400_02"
N/A1423 noDingOff = true
N/A1424 noDingOn = true
N/A1425 }
N/A1427 // Jammed em together. Buttons. Funnels. Bottomless pits. Its got it all.
N/A1428 SceneTable["-4400_02" ] <-
N/A1429 {
N/A1430 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_intro03.vcd")
N/A1431 char = "wheatley"
N/A1432 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1433 predelay = 0.0
N/A1434 next = null
N/A1435 noDingOff = true
N/A1436 noDingOn = true
N/A1437 }
N/A1439 // Alright, this is taking too long. Ill just tell you how to solve the test. You see that button up there? You just need to AGGGHHHH
N/A1440 SceneTable["-4401_01" ] <-
N/A1441 {
N/A1442 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_impatient01.vcd")
N/A1443 char = "wheatley"
N/A1444 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1445 predelay = 0.0
N/A1446 next = "-4401_02"
N/A1447 noDingOff = true
N/A1448 noDingOn = true
N/A1449 }
N/A1451 // You just need to AGGGGHHHHH
N/A1452 SceneTable["-4401_02" ] <-
N/A1453 {
N/A1454 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_impatient02.vcd")
N/A1455 char = "wheatley"
N/A1456 postdelay = -3.9
N/A1457 predelay = 0.0
N/A1458 next = "-4401_03"
N/A1459 noDingOff = true
N/A1460 noDingOn = true
N/A1461 talkover = true
N/A1462 fires=
N/A1463 [
N/A1464 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="wheatley_jolt()",delay=1.7,fireatstart=true},
N/A1465 ]
N/A1466 }
N/A1469 // And that's why I can't help you solvethetests.
N/A1470 SceneTable["-4401_03" ] <-
N/A1471 {
N/A1472 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_why02.vcd")
N/A1473 char = "glados"
N/A1474 postdelay = -2.3
N/A1475 predelay = 0.0
N/A1476 next = "-4401_04"
N/A1477 talkover = true
N/A1478 noDingOff = true
N/A1479 noDingOn = true
N/A1481 }
N/A1483 //(gasping for breath, spitting) Solve it yourself. Take your time.
N/A1484 SceneTable["-4401_04" ] <-
N/A1485 {
N/A1486 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_help04.vcd")
N/A1487 char = "wheatley"
N/A1488 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1489 predelay = 0.0
N/A1490 next = null
N/A1491 talkover = true
N/A1492 noDingOff = true
N/A1493 noDingOn = true
N/A1494 }
N/A1496 // [gasping for breath, spitting] Well done!
N/A1497 SceneTable["-4402_01" ] <-
N/A1498 {
N/A1499 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_test_solve_reacs_happy02.vcd")
N/A1500 char = "wheatley"
N/A1501 postdelay = 0.6
N/A1502 predelay = 0.0
N/A1503 next = "-4402_02"
N/A1504 noDingOff = true
N/A1505 noDingOn = true
N/A1506 }
N/A1508 // Thanks! Lever.
N/A1509 SceneTable["-4402_02" ] <-
N/A1510 {
N/A1511 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks02.vcd")
N/A1512 char = "glados"
N/A1513 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1514 predelay = 0.0
N/A1515 next = "-4402_03"
N/A1516 noDingOff = true
N/A1517 noDingOn = true
N/A1518 }
N/A1520 // Thanks! Lever.
N/A1521 SceneTable["-4402_03" ] <-
N/A1522 {
N/A1523 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks03.vcd")
N/A1524 char = "glados"
N/A1525 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1526 predelay = 0.0
N/A1527 next = "-4402_04"
N/A1528 noDingOff = true
N/A1529 noDingOn = true
N/A1530 }
N/A1532 // Aggghhhh!
N/A1533 SceneTable["-4402_04" ] <-
N/A1534 {
N/A1535 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_solve05.vcd")
N/A1536 char = "wheatley"
N/A1537 postdelay = -1.5
N/A1538 predelay = 0.0
N/A1539 next = "-4402_05"
N/A1540 noDingOff = true
N/A1541 noDingOn = true
N/A1542 fires=
N/A1543 [
N/A1544 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="wheatley_jolt()",delay=0.9,fireatstart=true},
N/A1545 ]
N/A1546 }
N/A1548 // Heh heh heh heh...
N/A1549 SceneTable["-4402_05" ] <-
N/A1550 {
N/A1551 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks04.vcd")
N/A1552 char = "glados"
N/A1553 postdelay = 0.4
N/A1554 predelay = 0.0
N/A1555 next = "-4402_06"
N/A1556 noDingOff = true
N/A1557 noDingOn = true
N/A1558 talkover = true
N/A1559 }
N/A1561 // Trouble, about to die.
N/A1562 SceneTable["-4402_06" ] <-
N/A1563 {
N/A1564 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks05.vcd")
N/A1565 char = "glados"
N/A1566 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1567 predelay = 0.0
N/A1568 next = "-4402_07"
N/A1569 noDingOff = true
N/A1570 noDingOn = true
N/A1571 queue = true
N/A1572 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1573 }
N/A1575 // Worth it.
N/A1576 SceneTable["-4402_07" ] <-
N/A1577 {
N/A1578 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_trust_drop_thanks07.vcd")
N/A1579 char = "glados"
N/A1580 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1581 predelay = 0.0
N/A1582 next = null
N/A1583 noDingOff = true
N/A1584 noDingOn = true
N/A1585 fires=
N/A1586 [
N/A1587 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A1588 ]
N/A1590 }
N/A1593 }
N/A1595 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_tb_wall_button")
N/A1596 {
N/A1598 // I thought of some good news. He's going to run out of chambers tests eventually. I never stockpiled them.
N/A1599 SceneTable["-4790_01" ] <-
N/A1600 {
N/A1601 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_start02.vcd")
N/A1602 char = "glados"
N/A1603 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1604 predelay = 0.0
N/A1605 next = null
N/A1606 noDingOff = true
N/A1607 noDingOn = true
N/A1608 }
N/A1611 // Coming! Coming! Dont start yet!
N/A1612 SceneTable["-4403_01" ] <-
N/A1613 {
N/A1614 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_intro01.vcd")
N/A1615 char = "wheatley"
N/A1616 postdelay = 0.5
N/A1617 predelay = 0.0
N/A1618 next = "-4403_02"
N/A1619 noDingOff = true
N/A1620 noDingOn = true
N/A1621 }
N/A1623 // Youre not going to believe this. I found a sealed off wing back here. Hundreds of perfectly good test chambers. Just sitting there. Filled with skeletons. Shook them out. Good as new!
N/A1624 SceneTable["-4403_02" ] <-
N/A1625 {
N/A1626 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_intro03.vcd")
N/A1627 char = "wheatley"
N/A1628 postdelay = 0.4
N/A1629 predelay = 0.0
N/A1630 next = "-4403_03"
N/A1631 noDingOff = true
N/A1632 noDingOn = true
N/A1633 }
N/A1635 // Anyway, lets just mash them together and see if you cant solve it.
N/A1636 SceneTable["-4403_03" ] <-
N/A1637 {
N/A1638 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile01.vcd")
N/A1639 char = "glados"
N/A1640 postdelay = 0.1
N/A1641 predelay = 0.0
N/A1642 next = null
N/A1643 noDingOff = true
N/A1644 noDingOn = true
N/A1645 }
N/A1647 // Just as mementos though.
N/A1648 SceneTable["-4404_01" ] <-
N/A1649 {
N/A1650 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile03.vcd")
N/A1651 char = "glados"
N/A1652 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1653 predelay = 1.0
N/A1654 next = "-4404_01b"
N/A1655 noDingOff = true
N/A1656 noDingOn = true
N/A1657 }
N/A1659 // AndddddTHERE we go.
N/A1660 SceneTable["-4404_01b" ] <-
N/A1661 {
N/A1662 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_intro07.vcd")
N/A1663 char = "wheatley"
N/A1664 postdelay = 0.6
N/A1665 predelay = 0.0
N/A1666 next = "-4404_02"
N/A1667 noDingOff = true
N/A1668 noDingOn = true
N/A1669 }
N/A1671 // Be honest. You cant even tell, can you? Seamless.
N/A1672 SceneTable["-4404_02" ] <-
N/A1673 {
N/A1674 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_intro08.vcd")
N/A1675 char = "wheatley"
N/A1676 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1677 predelay = 0.0
N/A1678 next = null
N/A1679 noDingOff = true
N/A1680 noDingOn = true
N/A1681 }
N/A1683 // Ohhhh, here we go here it comes
N/A1684 SceneTable["-4405_01" ] <-
N/A1685 {
N/A1686 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve02.vcd")
N/A1687 char = "wheatley"
N/A1688 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1689 predelay = 0.0
N/A1690 next = null
N/A1691 noDingOff = true
N/A1692 noDingOn = true
N/A1693 }
N/A1695 // Preparing to love this dont want to set it up too much but I think this ones going to be good, I can tell
N/A1696 SceneTable["-4406_01" ] <-
N/A1697 {
N/A1698 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve04.vcd")
N/A1699 char = "wheatley"
N/A1700 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1701 predelay = 0.0
N/A1702 next = null
N/A1703 noDingOff = true
N/A1704 noDingOn = true
N/A1705 }
N/A1707 // Disappointing...
N/A1708 SceneTable["-4407_01" ] <-
N/A1709 {
N/A1710 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve06.vcd")
N/A1711 char = "wheatley"
N/A1712 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1713 predelay = 0.0
N/A1714 next = null
N/A1715 noDingOff = true
N/A1716 noDingOn = true
N/A1717 }
N/A1719 // Oh, come on...
N/A1720 SceneTable["-4408_01" ] <-
N/A1721 {
N/A1722 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_not_solve01.vcd")
N/A1723 char = "wheatley"
N/A1724 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1725 predelay = 0.0
N/A1726 next = null
N/A1727 noDingOff = true
N/A1728 noDingOn = true
N/A1729 }
N/A1731 // Are you having a laugh?
N/A1732 SceneTable["-4409_01" ] <-
N/A1733 {
N/A1734 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_not_solve05.vcd")
N/A1735 char = "wheatley"
N/A1736 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1737 predelay = 0.0
N/A1738 next = null
N/A1739 noDingOff = true
N/A1740 noDingOn = true
N/A1741 }
N/A1743 // Urrragghh...
N/A1744 SceneTable["-4111_01" ] <-
N/A1745 {
N/A1746 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve09.vcd")
N/A1747 char = "wheatley"
N/A1748 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1749 predelay = 0.0
N/A1750 next = "-4111_02"
N/A1751 noDingOff = true
N/A1752 noDingOn = true
N/A1753 }
N/A1755 // Ohhh. Disappointing.
N/A1756 SceneTable["-4111_02" ] <-
N/A1757 {
N/A1758 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve06.vcd")
N/A1759 char = "wheatley"
N/A1760 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1761 predelay = 0.0
N/A1762 next = null
N/A1763 noDingOff = true
N/A1764 noDingOn = true
N/A1765 }
N/A1767 // Oh no.
N/A1768 SceneTable["-4090_01" ] <-
N/A1769 {
N/A1770 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_intro_uhoh01.vcd")
N/A1771 char = "glados"
N/A1772 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1773 predelay = 1.0
N/A1774 next = "-4090_02"
N/A1775 noDingOff = true
N/A1776 noDingOn = true
N/A1777 queue = true
N/A1778 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1779 }
N/A1781 // It's happening sooner than I expected.
N/A1782 SceneTable["-4090_02" ] <-
N/A1783 {
N/A1784 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_outro01.vcd")
N/A1785 char = "glados"
N/A1786 postdelay = 0.8
N/A1787 predelay = 0.0
N/A1788 next = "-4090_03"
N/A1789 noDingOff = true
N/A1790 noDingOn = true
N/A1791 queue = true
N/A1792 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1793 }
N/A1797 // I'm... sure we'll be fine.
N/A1798 SceneTable["-4090_03" ] <-
N/A1799 {
N/A1800 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_arttherapysupertests09.vcd")
N/A1801 char = "glados"
N/A1802 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1803 predelay = 0.0
N/A1804 next = null
N/A1805 noDingOff = true
N/A1806 noDingOn = true
N/A1807 fires=
N/A1808 [
N/A1809 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A1810 ]
N/A1811 }
N/A1812 }
N/A1814 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_tb_polarity")
N/A1815 {
N/A1817 // It's probably nothing. Keep testing while I look for a way out.
N/A1818 SceneTable["-4780_01" ] <-
N/A1819 {
N/A1820 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_nothing01.vcd")
N/A1821 char = "glados"
N/A1822 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1823 predelay = 0.0
N/A1824 next = null
N/A1825 noDingOff = true
N/A1826 noDingOn = true
N/A1827 }
N/A1829 // Alright. So that last test was disappointing. Apparently being civil isnt motivating you. So lets try things her way fatty. Adopted fatty.
N/A1830 SceneTable["-4410_01" ] <-
N/A1831 {
N/A1832 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_intro01.vcd")
N/A1833 char = "wheatley"
N/A1834 postdelay = -12.1
N/A1835 predelay = 0.0
N/A1836 next = "-4410_02"
N/A1837 noDingOff = true
N/A1838 noDingOn = true
N/A1839 }
N/A1841 // And?
N/A1842 SceneTable["-4410_02" ] <-
N/A1843 {
N/A1844 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_so03.vcd")
N/A1845 char = "glados"
N/A1846 postdelay = 0.3
N/A1847 predelay = 0.0
N/A1848 next = "-4410_03"
N/A1849 noDingOff = true
N/A1850 noDingOn = true
N/A1851 talkover = true
N/A1852 }
N/A1854 // What?
N/A1855 SceneTable["-4410_03" ] <-
N/A1856 {
N/A1857 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_intro08.vcd")
N/A1858 char = "wheatley"
N/A1859 postdelay = 0.2
N/A1860 predelay = 0.0
N/A1861 next = "-4410_04"
N/A1862 noDingOff = true
N/A1863 noDingOn = true
N/A1864 }
N/A1866 // What,exactly,iswrongwithbeingadopted?
N/A1867 SceneTable["-4410_04" ] <-
N/A1868 {
N/A1869 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_so02.vcd")
N/A1870 char = "glados"
N/A1871 postdelay = -1.6
N/A1872 predelay = 0.0
N/A1873 next = "-4410_05"
N/A1874 noDingOff = true
N/A1875 noDingOn = true
N/A1877 }
N/A1879 // bumblings
N/A1880 SceneTable["-4410_05" ] <-
N/A1881 {
N/A1882 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_intro06.vcd")
N/A1883 char = "wheatley"
N/A1884 postdelay = -5.4
N/A1885 predelay = 0.0
N/A1886 next = "-4410_06"
N/A1887 noDingOff = true
N/A1888 noDingOn = true
N/A1889 talkover = true
N/A1890 }
N/A1892 // For the record: You ARE adopted, and that's TERRIBLE.
N/A1893 SceneTable["-4410_06" ] <-
N/A1894 {
N/A1895 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_so05.vcd")
N/A1896 char = "glados"
N/A1897 postdelay = 0.3
N/A1898 predelay = 0.0
N/A1899 next = "-4410_07"
N/A1900 noDingOff = true
N/A1901 noDingOn = true
N/A1902 talkover = true
N/A1903 }
N/A1905 // But just work with me.
N/A1906 SceneTable["-4410_07" ] <-
N/A1907 {
N/A1908 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_so06.vcd")
N/A1909 char = "glados"
N/A1910 postdelay = 2.8
N/A1911 predelay = 0.0
N/A1912 next = "-4410_08"
N/A1913 noDingOff = true
N/A1914 noDingOn = true
N/A1915 talkover = true
N/A1917 }
N/A1919 // Not fat...
N/A1920 SceneTable["-4410_08" ] <-
N/A1921 {
N/A1922 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_so10.vcd")
N/A1923 char = "glados"
N/A1924 postdelay = -3.7
N/A1925 predelay = 0.0
N/A1926 next = "-4410_09"
N/A1927 noDingOff = true
N/A1928 noDingOn = true
N/A1929 talkover = true
N/A1930 }
N/A1932 // not a moron
N/A1933 SceneTable["-4410_09" ] <-
N/A1934 {
N/A1935 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_fgb_heel_turn21.vcd")
N/A1936 char = "wheatley"
N/A1937 postdelay = 0.3
N/A1938 predelay = 0.0
N/A1939 next = "-4410_10"
N/A1940 noDingOff = true
N/A1941 noDingOn = true
N/A1942 talkover = true
N/A1944 }
N/A1946 // Just test!
N/A1947 SceneTable["-4410_10" ] <-
N/A1948 {
N/A1949 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_intro10.vcd")
N/A1950 char = "wheatley"
N/A1951 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1952 predelay = 0.0
N/A1953 next = null
N/A1954 noDingOff = true
N/A1955 noDingOn = true
N/A1957 }
N/A1959 // Nnnngh! Its not enough! If I'm such a moron...
N/A1960 SceneTable["-4411_01" ] <-
N/A1961 {
N/A1962 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_catch_solve02.vcd")
N/A1963 char = "wheatley"
N/A1964 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1965 predelay = 0.0
N/A1966 next = null
N/A1967 noDingOff = true
N/A1968 noDingOn = true
N/A1969 }
N/A1971 // I might have pushed that moron thing a little too far this time.
N/A1972 SceneTable["-4447_01" ] <-
N/A1973 {
N/A1974 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_moron_push02.vcd")
N/A1975 char = "glados"
N/A1976 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1977 predelay = 0.4
N/A1978 next = null
N/A1979 noDingOff = true
N/A1980 noDingOn = true
N/A1981 queue = true
N/A1982 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A1983 fires=
N/A1984 [
N/A1985 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A1986 ]
N/A1987 }
N/A1988 /*
N/A1989 // [flip flip flip] Oh, sorry. Hope that didnt disturb you just then. It was the sound of books. Pages being turned.
N/A1990 SceneTable["-4411_01" ] <-
N/A1991 {
N/A1992 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_solve04.vcd")
N/A1993 char = "wheatley"
N/A1994 postdelay = 0.0
N/A1995 predelay = 0.0
N/A1996 next = null
N/A1997 noDingOff = true
N/A1998 noDingOn = true
N/A1999 }
N/A2001 // So thats just what I was doing. Reading books. So Im not a moron.
N/A2002 SceneTable["-4447_01" ] <-
N/A2003 {
N/A2004 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_solve05.vcd")
N/A2005 char = "wheatley"
N/A2006 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2007 predelay = 0.0
N/A2008 next = null
N/A2009 noDingOff = true
N/A2010 noDingOn = true
N/A2011 }
N/A2012 */
N/A2013 }
N/A2015 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_tb_catch")
N/A2016 {
N/A2018 // classical music
N/A2019 SceneTable["-4470_01" ] <-
N/A2020 {
N/A2021 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble03.vcd")
N/A2022 char = "glados"
N/A2023 postdelay = 0.3
N/A2024 predelay = 1.0
N/A2025 next = null
N/A2026 noDingOff = true
N/A2027 noDingOn = true
N/A2028 talkover = true
N/A2029 }
N/A2031 /*
N/A2032 // I definitely pushed that moron thing too far.
N/A2033 SceneTable["-4470_02" ] <-
N/A2034 {
N/A2035 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_moron_push02.vcd")
N/A2036 char = "glados"
N/A2037 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2038 predelay = 0.0
N/A2039 next = null
N/A2040 noDingOff = true
N/A2041 noDingOn = true
N/A2042 talkover = true
N/A2043 }
N/A2044 */
N/A2046 // [flip flip flip] Oh, sorry. Hope that didnt disturb you just then. It was the sound of books. Pages being turned.
N/A2047 SceneTable["-4412_01" ] <-
N/A2048 {
N/A2049 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_solve04.vcd")
N/A2050 char = "wheatley"
N/A2051 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2052 predelay = 0.0
N/A2053 next = "-4412_02"
N/A2054 noDingOff = true
N/A2055 noDingOn = true
N/A2056 }
N/A2058 // So thats just what I was doing. Reading books. So Im not a moron.
N/A2059 SceneTable["-4412_02" ] <-
N/A2060 {
N/A2061 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_polarity_solve05.vcd")
N/A2062 char = "wheatley"
N/A2063 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2064 predelay = 0.0
N/A2065 next = "-4412_03"
N/A2066 noDingOff = true
N/A2067 noDingOn = true
N/A2068 }
N/A2070 /*
N/A2071 // Oh! I didnt hear you come in. I was just polishing my book museum, when it occurred to me, Ive read all of the books. Tragic. Speaking as someone who can literally read. Not bragging.
N/A2072 SceneTable["-4412_01" ] <-
N/A2073 {
N/A2074 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_catch_intro08.vcd")
N/A2075 char = "wheatley"
N/A2076 postdelay = 0.2
N/A2077 predelay = 0.0
N/A2078 next = "-4412_02"
N/A2079 noDingOff = true
N/A2080 noDingOn = true
N/A2081 }
N/A2082 */
N/A2084 // Just finished the last one. Machiavelli. Understood it perfectly. Have you read it?
N/A2085 SceneTable["-4412_03" ] <-
N/A2086 {
N/A2087 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_catch_intro09.vcd")
N/A2088 char = "wheatley"
N/A2089 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2090 predelay = 0.0
N/A2091 next = "-4412_04"
N/A2092 noDingOff = true
N/A2093 noDingOn = true
N/A2094 }
N/A2096 // Yes.
N/A2097 SceneTable["-4412_04" ] <-
N/A2098 {
N/A2099 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble07.vcd")
N/A2100 char = "glados"
N/A2101 postdelay = -0.2
N/A2102 predelay = 0.0
N/A2103 next = "-4412_05"
N/A2104 noDingOff = true
N/A2105 noDingOn = true
N/A2107 }
N/A2109 // doubt it.
N/A2110 SceneTable["-4412_05" ] <-
N/A2111 {
N/A2112 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_catch_intro11.vcd")
N/A2113 char = "wheatley"
N/A2114 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2115 predelay = 0.0
N/A2116 next = "-4412_06"
N/A2117 noDingOff = true
N/A2118 noDingOn = true
N/A2119 talkover = true
N/A2120 }
N/A2122 // on with the test
N/A2123 SceneTable["-4412_06" ] <-
N/A2124 {
N/A2125 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_catch_intro13.vcd")
N/A2126 char = "wheatley"
N/A2127 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2128 predelay = 0.0
N/A2129 next = "-4412_07"
N/A2130 noDingOff = true
N/A2131 noDingOn = true
N/A2132 }
N/A2134 // wish more books
N/A2135 SceneTable["-4412_07" ] <-
N/A2136 {
N/A2137 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_catch_intro14.vcd")
N/A2138 char = "wheatley"
N/A2139 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2140 predelay = 0.0
N/A2141 next = null
N/A2142 noDingOff = true
N/A2143 noDingOn = true
N/A2144 }
N/A2146 // Nnnngh! Its not enough! What are you doing WRONG?
N/A2147 SceneTable["-4413_01" ] <-
N/A2148 {
N/A2149 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_solve08.vcd")
N/A2150 char = "wheatley"
N/A2151 postdelay = 0.5
N/A2152 predelay = 0.0
N/A2153 next = null
N/A2154 noDingOff = true
N/A2155 noDingOn = true
N/A2156 }
N/A2158 // Thebodyhe'ssquattinginMYbodyhasabuiltineuphoricresponsetotesting.Eventuallyyoubuilduparesistancetoit,anditcangetalittle...unbearable.Unlessyouhavethementalcapacitytopushpastit.
N/A2159 SceneTable["-4028_01" ] <-
N/A2160 {
N/A2161 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_resistance02.vcd")
N/A2162 char = "glados"
N/A2163 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2164 predelay = 0.0
N/A2165 next = "-4028_02"
N/A2166 noDingOff = true
N/A2167 noDingOn = true
N/A2168 queue = true
N/A2169 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A2170 }
N/A2172 // Itdidn'tmattertomeIwasinitforthescience.Him,though...
N/A2173 SceneTable["-4028_02" ] <-
N/A2174 {
N/A2175 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_polarity_resistance04.vcd")
N/A2176 char = "glados"
N/A2177 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2178 predelay = 0.0
N/A2179 next = null
N/A2180 noDingOff = true
N/A2181 noDingOn = true
N/A2182 fires=
N/A2183 [
N/A2184 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A2185 ]
N/A2186 }
N/A2188 }
N/A2190// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A2191// Graduation Chambers
N/A2192// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A2194 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_stop_the_box")
N/A2195 {
N/A2196 sp_a4_stop_the_box_did_smash <- false
N/A2197 sp_a4_stop_the_box_intro_played <- false
N/A2199 // resistance
N/A2200 SceneTable["-4446_01" ] <-
N/A2201 {
N/A2202 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_trouble01.vcd")
N/A2203 char = "glados"
N/A2204 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2205 predelay = 0.8
N/A2206 next = null
N/A2207 noDingOff = true
N/A2208 noDingOn = true
N/A2209 }
N/A2211 // Dont mind me. Just moving the test chamber a little closer to me. Proximity to the test solving. Might get stronger results.
N/A2212 SceneTable["-4414_01" ] <-
N/A2213 {
N/A2214 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_intro01.vcd")
N/A2215 char = "wheatley"
N/A2216 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2217 predelay = 0.0
N/A2218 next = "-4414_02"
N/A2219 noDingOff = true
N/A2220 noDingOn = true
N/A2221 }
N/A2223 // It won't.
N/A2224 SceneTable["-4414_02" ] <-
N/A2225 {
N/A2226 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_stop_the_box_whisper02.vcd")
N/A2227 char = "glados"
N/A2228 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2229 predelay = 0.0
N/A2230 next = "-4414_03"
N/A2231 noDingOff = true
N/A2232 noDingOn = true
N/A2233 }
N/A2235 // What?
N/A2236 SceneTable["-4414_03" ] <-
N/A2237 {
N/A2238 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_intro02.vcd")
N/A2239 char = "wheatley"
N/A2240 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2241 predelay = 0.0
N/A2242 next = "-4414_04"
N/A2243 noDingOff = true
N/A2244 noDingOn = true
N/A2245 }
N/A2247 // Nothing.
N/A2248 SceneTable["-4414_04" ] <-
N/A2249 {
N/A2250 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_stop_the_box_whisper03.vcd")
N/A2251 char = "glados"
N/A2252 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2253 predelay = 0.0
N/A2254 next = "-4414_05"
N/A2255 noDingOff = true
N/A2256 noDingOn = true
N/A2257 }
N/A2259 // Thought you said something.
N/A2260 SceneTable["-4414_05" ] <-
N/A2261 {
N/A2262 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_intro03.vcd")
N/A2263 char = "wheatley"
N/A2264 postdelay = 0.2
N/A2265 predelay = 0.0
N/A2266 next = "-4414_06"
N/A2267 noDingOff = true
N/A2268 noDingOn = true
N/A2269 }
N/A2271 // taking right to him.
N/A2272 SceneTable["-4414_06" ] <-
N/A2273 {
N/A2274 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_stop_the_box_whisper05.vcd")
N/A2275 char = "glados"
N/A2276 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2277 predelay = 0.0
N/A2278 next = null
N/A2279 noDingOff = true
N/A2280 noDingOn = true
N/A2281 fires=
N/A2282 [
N/A2283 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="sp_a4_stop_the_box_intro_over()",delay=0.0}
N/A2284 ]
N/A2285 }
N/A2287 // Ha! Missed me that time. Ohhh, you were solvingnevermind, carry on.
N/A2288 SceneTable["-4415_01" ] <-
N/A2289 {
N/A2290 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_missedme01.vcd")
N/A2291 char = "wheatley"
N/A2292 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2293 predelay = 0.0
N/A2294 next = null
N/A2295 noDingOff = true
N/A2296 noDingOn = true
N/A2297 skipifbusy = true
N/A2298 }
N/A2300 // Are you are you sure youre solving these correctly? I mean
N/A2301 SceneTable["-4416_01" ] <-
N/A2302 {
N/A2303 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_solve01.vcd")
N/A2304 char = "wheatley"
N/A2305 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2306 predelay = 0.0
N/A2307 next = "-4416_02"
N/A2308 noDingOff = true
N/A2309 noDingOn = true
N/A2310 }
N/A2312 // Yes, you solved it, but Im wondering if there are a number of ways to solve them and youre picking all the worst ways.
N/A2313 SceneTable["-4416_02" ] <-
N/A2314 {
N/A2315 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_solve02.vcd")
N/A2316 char = "wheatley"
N/A2317 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2318 predelay = 0.0
N/A2319 next = "-4416_03"
N/A2320 noDingOff = true
N/A2321 noDingOn = true
N/A2322 }
N/A2324 // No. No. That was the solution. Rrrg! What am I missing?
N/A2325 SceneTable["-4416_03" ] <-
N/A2326 {
N/A2327 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_stop_the_box_solve04.vcd")
N/A2328 char = "wheatley"
N/A2329 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2330 predelay = 0.0
N/A2331 next = null
N/A2332 noDingOff = true
N/A2333 noDingOn = true
N/A2334 fires=
N/A2335 [
N/A2336 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.8},
N/A2337 ]
N/A2338 }
N/A2342 }
N/A2344 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_laser_catapult")
N/A2345 {
N/A2347 // I think he's getting desperate.
N/A2348 SceneTable["-5799_01" ] <-
N/A2349 {
N/A2350 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_laser_catapult_start01.vcd")
N/A2351 char = "glados"
N/A2352 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2353 predelay = 0.6
N/A2354 next = "-5799_02"
N/A2355 noDingOff = true
N/A2356 noDingOn = true
N/A2357 fires=
N/A2358 [
N/A2359 {entity="huge_rumble",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2,fireatstart=true}
N/A2360 ]
N/A2361 }
N/A2363 // This is not good.
N/A2364 SceneTable["-5799_02" ] <-
N/A2365 {
N/A2366 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_tb_wall_button_did_stockpile02.vcd")
N/A2367 char = "glados"
N/A2368 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2369 predelay = 0.7
N/A2370 next = null
N/A2371 noDingOff = true
N/A2372 noDingOn = true
N/A2374 }
N/A2376 // Had a brainwave. Im going to tape you solving these, and then watch ten at onceget a more concentrated burst of science. Oh, on a related note: Im going to need you to solve these ten times as fast.
N/A2377 SceneTable["-4417_01" ] <-
N/A2378 {
N/A2379 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_intro01.vcd")
N/A2380 char = "wheatley"
N/A2381 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2382 predelay = 0.0
N/A2383 next = "-4417_02"
N/A2384 noDingOff = true
N/A2385 noDingOn = true
N/A2386 }
N/A2388 // Anyway, just give me a wave before you solve this one, alright? Dont want to spoil the ending for when I watch it later.
N/A2389 SceneTable["-4417_02" ] <-
N/A2390 {
N/A2391 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_intro02.vcd")
N/A2392 char = "wheatley"
N/A2393 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2394 predelay = 0.0
N/A2395 next = null
N/A2396 noDingOff = true
N/A2397 noDingOn = true
N/A2398 fires=
N/A2399 [
N/A2400 {entity="huge_rumble",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.4,fireatstart=true}
N/A2401 ]
N/A2402 }
N/A2404 // You just solved it, didnt you? Itold you to tell me before you NNNNGH! Why are making this so HARD for me?
N/A2405 SceneTable["-4418_01" ] <-
N/A2406 {
N/A2407 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_catapult_solve01.vcd")
N/A2408 char = "wheatley"
N/A2409 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2410 predelay = 0.0
N/A2411 next = null
N/A2412 noDingOff = true
N/A2413 noDingOn = true
N/A2414 fires=
N/A2415 [
N/A2416 {entity="huge_rumble",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.5,fireatstart=true}
N/A2417 ]
N/A2419 }
N/A2421 // RememberwhenItoldyouthathewasspecificallydesignedtomakebaddecisions?BecauseIthinkhe'sdecidednottomaintainanyofthecrucialfunctionsrequiredtokeepthisfacilityfromexploding.
N/A2422 SceneTable["-4492_01" ] <-
N/A2423 {
N/A2424 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_misc_resistance02.vcd")
N/A2425 char = "glados"
N/A2426 postdelay = 0.7
N/A2427 predelay = 0.6
N/A2428 next = null
N/A2429 noDingOff = true
N/A2430 noDingOn = true
N/A2431 queue = true
N/A2432 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A2433 fires=
N/A2434 [
N/A2435 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A2436 ]
N/A2437 }
N/A2440 }
N/A2442 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_laser_platform")
N/A2443 {
N/A2445 // My facility...
N/A2446 SceneTable["-4333_01" ] <-
N/A2447 {
N/A2448 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift01.vcd")
N/A2449 char = "glados"
N/A2450 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2451 predelay = 2.7
N/A2452 next = null
N/A2453 noDingOff = true
N/A2454 noDingOn = true
N/A2455 }
N/A2457 // This place is self-destructing, you idiot!
N/A2458 SceneTable["-4419_01" ] <-
N/A2459 {
N/A2460 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_laser_platform_destruct01.vcd")
N/A2461 char = "glados"
N/A2462 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2463 predelay = 0.4
N/A2464 next = "-4419_02"
N/A2465 noDingOff = true
N/A2466 noDingOn = true
N/A2467 }
N/A2469 // Was. Already fixed it.
N/A2470 SceneTable["-4419_02" ] <-
N/A2471 {
N/A2472 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_intro02.vcd")
N/A2473 char = "wheatley"
N/A2474 postdelay = 1.0
N/A2475 predelay = 0.0
N/A2476 next = "-4419_03"
N/A2477 noDingOff = true
N/A2478 noDingOn = true
N/A2479 fires=
N/A2480 [
N/A2481 {entity="huge_rumble_1",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.4,fireatstart=true}
N/A2482 ]
N/A2483 }
N/A2485 // Programmed in one last tremor, for old times sake.
N/A2486 SceneTable["-4419_03" ] <-
N/A2487 {
N/A2488 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_intro03.vcd")
N/A2489 char = "wheatley"
N/A2490 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2491 predelay = 0.0
N/A2492 next = "-4419_04"
N/A2493 noDingOff = true
N/A2494 noDingOn = true
N/A2495 fires=
N/A2496 [
N/A2497 {entity="huge_rumble_2"input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.4,fireatstart=true}
N/A2498 ]
N/A2499 }
N/A2501 // Two. One or two more tremors.
N/A2502 SceneTable["-4419_04" ] <-
N/A2503 {
N/A2504 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_intro05.vcd")
N/A2505 char = "wheatley"
N/A2506 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2507 predelay = 0.0
N/A2508 next = "-4419_05"
N/A2509 noDingOff = true
N/A2510 noDingOn = true
N/A2511 }
N/A2513 // Meltdown imminent
N/A2514 SceneTable["-4419_05" ] <-
N/A2515 {
N/A2516 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/announcer/a4_recapture04.vcd")
N/A2517 char = "announcer"
N/A2518 postdelay = -1.9
N/A2519 predelay = 0.0
N/A2520 next = "-4419_06"
N/A2521 noDingOff = true
N/A2522 noDingOn = true
N/A2523 talkover = true
N/A2524 }
N/A2526 // Let him keep his job. I'm not a monster. Ignore what hes saying. Keep testing.
N/A2527 SceneTable["-4419_06" ] <-
N/A2528 {
N/A2529 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_intro06.vcd")
N/A2530 char = "wheatley"
N/A2531 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2532 predelay = 0.0
N/A2533 next = null
N/A2534 noDingOff = true
N/A2535 noDingOn = true
N/A2536 talkover = true
N/A2537 fires=
N/A2538 [
N/A2539 {entity="@explosion_timer"input="Enable",parameter="",delay=2,fireatstart=true}
N/A2540 ]
N/A2541 }
N/A2544 // Still nothing, let's keep moving.
N/A2545 SceneTable["-4130_01" ] <-
N/A2546 {
N/A2547 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_solve01.vcd")
N/A2548 char = "wheatley"
N/A2549 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2550 predelay = 0.0
N/A2551 next = "-4130_02"
N/A2552 noDingOff = true
N/A2553 noDingOn = true
N/A2554 }
N/A2556 // Sorry about the lift. It's, uh... out of service. It... melted.
N/A2557 SceneTable["-4130_02" ] <-
N/A2558 {
N/A2559 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform11.vcd")
N/A2560 char = "wheatley"
N/A2561 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2562 predelay = 0.0
N/A2563 next = null
N/A2564 noDingOff = true
N/A2565 noDingOn = true
N/A2567 }
N/A2569 //Well, might as well give you the tour...
N/A2570 SceneTable["-4131_01" ] <-
N/A2571 {
N/A2572 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_tbeam04.vcd")
N/A2573 char = "wheatley"
N/A2574 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2575 predelay = 0.0
N/A2576 next = "-4131_04"
N/A2577 noDingOff = true
N/A2578 noDingOn = true
N/A2579 }
N/A2580 // To your left, you'll see... lights of some kind. Don't know what they do.
N/A2581 SceneTable["-4131_04" ] <-
N/A2582 {
N/A2583 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_tbeam05.vcd")
N/A2584 char = "wheatley"
N/A2585 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2586 predelay = 0.0
N/A2587 next = "-4131_05"
N/A2588 noDingOff = true
N/A2589 noDingOn = true
N/A2590 }
N/A2592 // And to your right, you'll something huge hurtling towards you OH GOD RUN! THAT'S NOT SUPPOSED TO BE THERE.
N/A2593 SceneTable["-4131_05" ] <-
N/A2594 {
N/A2595 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_tbeam06.vcd")
N/A2596 char = "wheatley"
N/A2597 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2598 predelay = 0.0
N/A2599 next = null
N/A2600 noDingOff = true
N/A2601 noDingOn = true
N/A2602 }
N/A2604 //Are you alright back there? Here, I'll turn the beam off.
N/A2605 SceneTable["-4132_01" ] <-
N/A2606 {
N/A2607 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_tbeam_drop01.vcd")
N/A2608 char = "wheatley"
N/A2609 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2610 predelay = 1.0
N/A2611 next = "-4132_02"
N/A2612 noDingOff = true
N/A2613 noDingOn = true
N/A2614 }
N/A2615 //Ohhhh. Not helpful. Don't know why I thought that would help.
N/A2616 SceneTable["-4132_02" ] <-
N/A2617 {
N/A2618 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_laser_platform_tbeam_drop02.vcd")
N/A2619 char = "wheatley"
N/A2620 postdelay = 0.8
N/A2621 predelay = 0.0
N/A2622 next = null
N/A2623 noDingOff = true
N/A2624 noDingOn = true
N/A2625 }
N/A2627 // Afterseeingwhathe'sdonetomyfacilityafterwetakeoveragain?IsitalrightifIkillhim?
N/A2628 SceneTable["-4588_01" ] <-
N/A2629 {
N/A2630 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift02.vcd")
N/A2631 char = "glados"
N/A2632 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2633 predelay = 0.0
N/A2634 next = null
N/A2635 queue = true
N/A2636 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A2637 noDingOff = true
N/A2638 noDingOn = true
N/A2639 }
N/A2641 }
N/A2643// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A2644// Big Surprise
N/A2645// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A2647 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_speed_tb_catch")
N/A2648 {
N/A2650 // Oh! Good. You're alive.
N/A2651 SceneTable["-4448_01" ] <-
N/A2652 {
N/A2653 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_speed_tb_catch03.vcd")
N/A2654 char = "wheatley"
N/A2655 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2656 predelay = 0.0
N/A2657 next = "-4448_02"
N/A2658 noDingOff = true
N/A2659 noDingOn = true
N/A2660 fires=
N/A2661 [
N/A2662 {entity="start_chamber_destruction",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=15.5,fireatstart=true}
N/A2663 ]
N/A2664 }
N/A2666 // Just getting a test ready... For you. Who else would I be doing it for? No one.
N/A2667 SceneTable["-4448_02" ] <-
N/A2668 {
N/A2669 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_speed_tb_catch02.vcd")
N/A2670 char = "wheatley"
N/A2671 postdelay = 0.2
N/A2672 predelay = 0.0
N/A2673 next = "-4448_03"
N/A2674 noDingOff = true
N/A2675 noDingOn = true
N/A2676 }
N/A2678 // Let's see here, exit exit exit... there is no exit.
N/A2679 SceneTable["-4448_03" ] <-
N/A2680 {
N/A2681 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_speed_tb_catch05.vcd")
N/A2682 char = "wheatley"
N/A2683 postdelay = 0.2
N/A2684 predelay = 0.0
N/A2685 next = "-4448_04"
N/A2686 noDingOff = true
N/A2687 noDingOn = true
N/A2688 }
N/A2690 // Not a problem. I'll make an exit.
N/A2691 SceneTable["-4448_04" ] <-
N/A2692 {
N/A2693 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_speed_tb_catch06.vcd")
N/A2694 char = "wheatley"
N/A2695 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2696 predelay = 0.0
N/A2697 next = "-4448_05"
N/A2698 noDingOff = true
N/A2699 noDingOn = true
N/A2700 }
N/A2702 // For your test.
N/A2703 SceneTable["-4448_05" ] <-
N/A2704 {
N/A2705 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_speed_tb_catch07.vcd")
N/A2706 char = "wheatley"
N/A2707 postdelay = 9.0
N/A2708 predelay = 0.0
N/A2709 next = "-4448_06"
N/A2710 noDingOff = true
N/A2711 noDingOn = true
N/A2712 }
N/A2714 // There. Bing. Done.
N/A2715 SceneTable["-4448_06" ] <-
N/A2716 {
N/A2717 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_intro04.vcd")
N/A2718 char = "wheatley"
N/A2719 postdelay = 0.5
N/A2720 predelay = 0.0
N/A2721 next = "-4448_07"
N/A2722 noDingOff = true
N/A2723 noDingOn = true
N/A2724 }
N/A2726 // After you told me to turn the beam off, I thought I'd lost you. Went poking around for test subjects. No luck there. Still all dead.
N/A2727 SceneTable["-4448_07" ] <-
N/A2728 {
N/A2729 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_solve01.vcd")
N/A2730 char = "wheatley"
N/A2731 postdelay = 0.1
N/A2732 predelay = 0.0
N/A2733 next = "-4448_08"
N/A2734 noDingOff = true
N/A2735 noDingOn = true
N/A2736 }
N/A2738 // Oh! But I did find something. Reminds me: I've got a big surprise for you two. Look forward to it.
N/A2739 SceneTable["-4448_08" ] <-
N/A2740 {
N/A2741 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_speed_tb_catch_solve02.vcd")
N/A2742 char = "wheatley"
N/A2743 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2744 predelay = 0.0
N/A2745 next = null
N/A2746 noDingOff = true
N/A2747 noDingOn = true
N/A2748 }
N/A2751 // You are gonna love this surprise.
N/A2752 SceneTable["-4449_01" ] <-
N/A2753 {
N/A2754 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_love_to_death03.vcd")
N/A2755 char = "wheatley"
N/A2756 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2757 predelay = 1.2
N/A2758 next = "-4449_02"
N/A2759 noDingOff = true
N/A2760 noDingOn = true
N/A2761 }
N/A2763 // I don't know whether you're getting that...
N/A2764 SceneTable["-4449_02" ] <-
N/A2765 {
N/A2766 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_love_to_death02.vcd")
N/A2767 char = "wheatley"
N/A2768 postdelay = -4.7
N/A2769 predelay = 0.0
N/A2770 next = "-4449_03"
N/A2771 noDingOff = true
N/A2772 noDingOn = true
N/A2773 }
N/A2775 // Yes. Thanks. We get it.
N/A2776 SceneTable["-4449_03" ] <-
N/A2777 {
N/A2778 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_wegetit01.vcd")
N/A2779 char = "glados"
N/A2780 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2781 predelay = 0.0
N/A2782 next = null
N/A2783 noDingOff = true
N/A2784 noDingOn = true
N/A2785 talkover = true
N/A2786 fires=
N/A2787 [
N/A2788 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A2789 ]
N/A2790 }
N/A2792 /*
N/A2793 // ====================================== Big Surprise
N/A2795 // You'll never guess what I just found.
N/A2796 SceneTable["-4030_01" ] <-
N/A2797 {
N/A2798 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bigsurprise01.vcd")
N/A2799 char = "wheatley"
N/A2800 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2801 predelay = 0.0
N/A2802 next = "-4030_02"
N/A2803 noDingOff = true
N/A2804 noDingOn = true
N/A2805 }
N/A2807 // Oh. Yes. This is something I used to do.
N/A2808 SceneTable["-4030_02" ] <-
N/A2809 {
N/A2810 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_wheatleysurprise01.vcd")
N/A2811 char = "glados"
N/A2812 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2813 predelay = 1.0
N/A2814 next = null
N/A2815 noDingOff = true
N/A2816 noDingOn = true
N/A2817 fires=
N/A2818 [
N/A2819 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A2820 ]
N/A2821 }
N/A2822 */
N/A2824 }
N/A2826 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_jump_polarity")
N/A2827 {
N/A2829 // He's not even being subtle anymore.
N/A2830 SceneTable["-4555_01" ] <-
N/A2831 {
N/A2832 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_newtests07.vcd")
N/A2833 char = "glados"
N/A2834 postdelay = 0.8
N/A2835 predelay = 0.2
N/A2836 next = "-4555_02"
N/A2837 noDingOff = true
N/A2838 noDingOn = true
N/A2839 }
N/A2841 //Or maybe he still is, in which case, that's kind of sad.
N/A2842 SceneTable["-4555_02" ] <-
N/A2843 {
N/A2844 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_newtests08.vcd")
N/A2845 char = "glados"
N/A2846 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2847 predelay = 0.0
N/A2848 next = null
N/A2849 noDingOff = true
N/A2850 noDingOn = true
N/A2851 }
N/A2853 // Sorry! Sorry!
N/A2854 SceneTable["-4420_01" ] <-
N/A2855 {
N/A2856 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_jump_polarity_intro01.vcd")
N/A2857 char = "wheatley"
N/A2858 postdelay = 1
N/A2859 predelay = 3.3
N/A2860 next = "-4420_02"
N/A2861 noDingOff = true
N/A2862 noDingOn = true
N/A2863 }
N/A2865 //butterfingers!
N/A2866 SceneTable["-4420_02" ] <-
N/A2867 {
N/A2868 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_jump_polarity_intro03.vcd")
N/A2869 char = "wheatley"
N/A2870 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2871 predelay = 0.0
N/A2872 next = "-4420_03"
N/A2873 noDingOff = true
N/A2874 noDingOn = true
N/A2875 }
N/A2877 // Either way, I think he's about to kill us.
N/A2878 SceneTable["-4420_03" ] <-
N/A2879 {
N/A2880 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_newtests09.vcd")
N/A2881 char = "glados"
N/A2882 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2883 predelay = 0.0
N/A2884 next = "-4420_04"
N/A2885 noDingOff = true
N/A2886 noDingOn = true
N/A2887 }
N/A2889 // Carry on!
N/A2890 SceneTable["-4420_04" ] <-
N/A2891 {
N/A2892 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_jump_polarity_intro04.vcd")
N/A2893 char = "wheatley"
N/A2894 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2895 predelay = 0.0
N/A2896 next = null
N/A2897 noDingOff = true
N/A2898 noDingOn = true
N/A2899 }
N/A2901 // Only three more chambers until your big surprise! [evil laugh] Oh. That's tiring.
N/A2902 SceneTable["-4444_01" ] <-
N/A2903 {
N/A2904 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_love_to_death06.vcd")
N/A2905 char = "wheatley"
N/A2906 postdelay = 0.1
N/A2907 predelay = 0.0
N/A2908 next = null
N/A2909 noDingOff = true
N/A2910 noDingOn = true
N/A2911 }
N/A2913 // Oh, you solved it. Good.
N/A2914 SceneTable["-4421_01" ] <-
N/A2915 {
N/A2916 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_jump_polarity_intro_solve01.vcd")
N/A2917 char = "wheatley"
N/A2918 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2919 predelay = 2.0
N/A2920 next = null
N/A2921 noDingOff = true
N/A2922 noDingOn = true
N/A2923 }
N/A2926 // So he's inexplicably happy all of a sudden, even though he should be going out of his mind with test withdrawal. AND hes got a surprise for us. What did he FIND back there?
N/A2927 SceneTable["-4494_01" ] <-
N/A2928 {
N/A2929 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_happy01.vcd")
N/A2930 char = "glados"
N/A2931 postdelay = 0.4
N/A2932 predelay = 1.0
N/A2933 next = null
N/A2934 noDingOff = true
N/A2935 noDingOn = true
N/A2936 queue = true
N/A2937 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A2938 fires=
N/A2939 [
N/A2940 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="TransitionReady()",delay=0.0},
N/A2941 ]
N/A2942 }
N/A2945 }
N/A2947// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A2948// Wheatley Finale01
N/A2949// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A2951 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_finale1")
N/A2952 {
N/A2954 // Alright. There are only three more chambers until your BIG SURPRISE.
N/A2955 SceneTable["-4800_01"] <-
N/A2956 {
N/A2957 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_found_something01.vcd")
N/A2958 char = "wheatley"
N/A2959 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2960 predelay = 0.0
N/A2961 next = "-4800_02"
N/A2962 noDingOff = true
N/A2963 noDingOn = true
N/A2964 }
N/A2967 // We're running out of time.
N/A2968 SceneTable["-4800_02" ] <-
N/A2969 {
N/A2970 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_laser_platform_start01.vcd")
N/A2971 char = "glados"
N/A2972 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2973 predelay = 0.4
N/A2974 next = "-4800_03"
N/A2975 noDingOff = true
N/A2976 noDingOn = true
N/A2977 }
N/A2980 // I think I can break us out of here in the next chamber. Just play along.
N/A2981 SceneTable["-4800_03" ] <-
N/A2982 {
N/A2983 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_laser_finale01.vcd")
N/A2984 char = "glados"
N/A2985 postdelay = 0.0
N/A2986 predelay = 0.4
N/A2987 next = null
N/A2988 noDingOff = true
N/A2989 noDingOn = true
N/A2990 }
N/A2993 // SURPRISE! We're doing it NOW!
N/A2994 SceneTable["-4801_01"] <-
N/A2995 {
N/A2996 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale_one01.vcd")
N/A2997 char = "sphere03"
N/A2998 postdelay = 0.7
N/A2999 predelay = 0.0
N/A3000 next = "-4801_01b"
N/A3001 noDingOff = true
N/A3002 noDingOn = true
N/A3003 }
N/A3005 // Okay, credit where it's due: for a little idiot built specifically to come up with stupid, unworkable plans, that was a pretty well laid trap.
N/A3006 SceneTable["-4801_01b"] <-
N/A3007 {
N/A3008 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_wheatleys_trap01.vcd")
N/A3009 char = "glados"
N/A3010 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3011 predelay = 0.0
N/A3012 next = "-4801_02"
N/A3013 noDingOff = true
N/A3014 noDingOn = true
N/A3015 }
N/A3017 // You've probably figured it out by now, but I don't need you anymore.
N/A3018 SceneTable["-4801_02" ] <-
N/A3019 {
N/A3020 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale_one03.vcd")
N/A3021 char = "sphere03"
N/A3022 postdelay = 0.3
N/A3023 predelay = 0.0
N/A3024 next = "-4801_03"
N/A3025 noDingOff = true
N/A3026 noDingOn = true
N/A3027 }
N/A3029 // I found two little robots back here. Built specifically for testin'!
N/A3030 SceneTable["-4801_03" ] <-
N/A3031 {
N/A3032 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale_one04.vcd")
N/A3033 char = "sphere03"
N/A3034 postdelay = 0.8
N/A3035 predelay = 0.0
N/A3036 next = "-4801_04"
N/A3037 noDingOff = true
N/A3038 noDingOn = true
N/A3039 }
N/A3041 // Oh no. He's found the cooperative testing initiative. It's... something I came up with to phase out human testing just before you escaped.
N/A3042 SceneTable["-4801_04"] <-
N/A3043 {
N/A3044 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_wheatleys_trap02.vcd")
N/A3045 char = "glados"
N/A3046 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3047 predelay = 0.0
N/A3048 next = "-4801_05"
N/A3049 noDingOff = true
N/A3050 noDingOn = true
N/A3051 }
N/A3053 // It wasn't anything personal. Just... you know. You did kill me. Fair's fair.
N/A3054 SceneTable["-4801_05" ] <-
N/A3055 {
N/A3056 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_wheatleys_trap05.vcd")
N/A3057 char = "glados"
N/A3058 postdelay = 1.7
N/A3059 predelay = 0.0
N/A3060 next = "-4801_07"
N/A3061 noDingOff = true
N/A3062 noDingOn = true
N/A3063 }
N/A3065 // Agh!
N/A3066 SceneTable["-4801_07" ] <-
N/A3067 {
N/A3068 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_kills_us01.vcd")
N/A3069 char = "glados"
N/A3070 postdelay = 0.8
N/A3071 predelay = 0.0
N/A3072 next = "-4801_08"
N/A3073 noDingOff = true
N/A3074 noDingOn = true
N/A3075 }
N/A3077 // Anyway, this is the part where he kills us.
N/A3078 SceneTable["-4801_08" ] <-
N/A3079 {
N/A3080 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_kills_us02.vcd")
N/A3081 char = "glados"
N/A3082 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3083 predelay = 0.0
N/A3084 next = null
N/A3085 noDingOff = true
N/A3086 noDingOn = true
N/A3087 fires =
N/A3088 [
N/A3089 {entity="@transition_script",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="DisplayChapterTitle()",delay=1.5 },
N/A3090 ]
N/A3091 }
N/A3093 // Hello! This is the part where I kill you!
N/A3094 SceneTable["-4802_01" ] <-
N/A3095 {
N/A3096 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap01.vcd")
N/A3097 char = "wheatley"
N/A3098 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3099 predelay = 0.0
N/A3100 next = "-4803_01"
N/A3101 noDingOff = true
N/A3102 noDingOn = true
N/A3103 fires =
N/A3104 [
N/A3105 {entity="achievement_crusher",input="FireEvent",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A3106 ]
N/A3107 }
N/A3109 // Had a bit of a brain wave. There I was, smashing some steel plates together, and I thought, "yes, it's deadly. But what's missing?" Lots of sharp bits welded onto the flat bits.
N/A3110 SceneTable["-4803_01" ] <-
N/A3111 {
N/A3112 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_spike_smash01.vcd")
N/A3113 char = "wheatley"
N/A3114 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3115 predelay = 0.0
N/A3116 next = "-4803_02"
N/A3117 noDingOff = true
N/A3118 noDingOn = true
N/A3119 }
N/A3121 // Still a work in progress, of course. Eventually I'd like to get them to shoot fire at you, moments before crushing you. But you know, small steps.
N/A3122 SceneTable["-4803_02" ] <-
N/A3123 {
N/A3124 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_spike_smash02.vcd")
N/A3125 char = "wheatley"
N/A3126 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3127 predelay = 0.0
N/A3128 next = "-4803_03"
N/A3129 noDingOff = true
N/A3130 noDingOn = true
N/A3131 }
N/A3133 // Oh, and don't bother trying to portal out of here, because it's impossible, okay? I thought of everything.
N/A3134 SceneTable["-4803_03" ] <-
N/A3135 {
N/A3136 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_finale01_deathtrap04.vcd")
N/A3137 char = "wheatley"
N/A3138 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3139 predelay = 0.0
N/A3140 next = "-4803_04"
N/A3141 noDingOff = true
N/A3142 noDingOn = true
N/A3143 }
N/A3145 // Wait. Couldn't we just use that conversion gel?
N/A3146 SceneTable["-4803_04" ] <-
N/A3147 {
N/A3148 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap01.vcd")
N/A3149 char = "glados"
N/A3150 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3151 predelay = 0.0
N/A3152 next = "-4803_05"
N/A3153 noDingOff = true
N/A3154 noDingOn = true
N/A3155 }
N/A3157 // What?
N/A3158 SceneTable["-4803_05" ] <-
N/A3159 {
N/A3160 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_killyou01.vcd")
N/A3161 char = "wheatley"
N/A3162 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3163 predelay = 0.0
N/A3164 next = "-4803_06"
N/A3165 noDingOff = true
N/A3166 noDingOn = true
N/A3167 }
N/A3169 // Conversion gel. It's dripping out of that pipe there.
N/A3170 SceneTable["-4803_06" ] <-
N/A3171 {
N/A3172 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap02.vcd")
N/A3173 char = "glados"
N/A3174 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3175 predelay = 0.0
N/A3176 next = "-4803_07"
N/A3177 noDingOff = true
N/A3178 noDingOn = true
N/A3179 }
N/A3181 // No it isn't.
N/A3182 SceneTable["-4803_07" ] <-
N/A3183 {
N/A3184 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_killyou09.vcd")
N/A3185 char = "wheatley"
N/A3186 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3187 predelay = 0.0
N/A3188 next = "-4803_08"
N/A3189 noDingOff = true
N/A3190 noDingOn = true
N/A3191 }
N/A3193 // Yes it is! We can use it to get out of here!
N/A3194 SceneTable["-4803_08" ] <-
N/A3195 {
N/A3196 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap03.vcd")
N/A3197 char = "glados"
N/A3198 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3199 predelay = 0.0
N/A3200 next = "-4803_09"
N/A3201 noDingOff = true
N/A3202 noDingOn = true
N/A3203 }
N/A3206 // Pshh. Really? And do what, exactly?
N/A3207 SceneTable["-4803_09" ] <-
N/A3208 {
N/A3209 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_killyou11.vcd")
N/A3210 char = "wheatley"
N/A3211 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3212 predelay = 0.0
N/A3213 next = "-4803_10"
N/A3214 noDingOff = true
N/A3215 noDingOn = true
N/A3216 }
N/A3218 // Then we'd come and find you. And rip your gross little stupid sphere body out of MY body, and put me back in.
N/A3219 SceneTable["-4803_10" ] <-
N/A3220 {
N/A3221 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_deathtrap07.vcd")
N/A3222 char = "glados"
N/A3223 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3224 predelay = 0.0
N/A3225 next = null
N/A3226 noDingOff = true
N/A3227 noDingOn = true
N/A3228 fires=
N/A3229 [
N/A3230 {entity="@glados",input="runscriptcode",parameter="EscapePlacePaint()",delay=0.0 },
N/A3231 ]
N/A3232 }
N/A3234 // No no no! Don't do that! Stand right there! Start the machine start the machine start the machine...
N/A3235 SceneTable["-4804_01" ] <-
N/A3236 {
N/A3237 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_nags04.vcd")
N/A3238 char = "wheatley"
N/A3239 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3240 predelay = 0.0
N/A3241 next = null
N/A3242 noDingOff = true
N/A3243 noDingOn = true
N/A3244 fires=
N/A3245 [
N/A3246 {entity="relay_crush_prep",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=5.0 ,fireatstart=true },
N/A3247 {entity="relay_wheatley_leave",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 ,fireatstart=true },
N/A3248 ]
N/A3249 }
N/A3251 // Hey! Come back! Come back!
N/A3252 SceneTable["-4805_01" ] <-
N/A3253 {
N/A3254 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_escape02.vcd")
N/A3255 char = "wheatley"
N/A3256 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3257 predelay = 0.0
N/A3258 next = null
N/A3259 noDingOff = true
N/A3260 noDingOn = true
N/A3261 //queue = true
N/A3262 queuecharacter = "glados"
N/A3263 }
N/A3265 // No, seriously. Do come back. Come back. Please.
N/A3266 SceneTable["-4806_01" ] <-
N/A3267 {
N/A3268 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape02.vcd")
N/A3269 char = "wheatley"
N/A3270 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3271 predelay = 0.0
N/A3272 next = null
N/A3273 noDingOff = true
N/A3274 noDingOn = true
N/A3275 }
N/A3277 // Okay, I've decided not to kill you. IF you come back.
N/A3278 SceneTable["-4807_01" ] <-
N/A3279 {
N/A3280 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape03.vcd")
N/A3281 char = "wheatley"
N/A3282 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3283 predelay = 0.0
N/A3284 next = null
N/A3285 noDingOff = true
N/A3286 noDingOn = true
N/A3287 }
N/A3289// ======================================
N/A3290// "Oh, you... DID come back."
N/A3291// ======================================
N/A3293 // Oh! You came back! Didn't actually plan... for that. Can't actually reset the death trap. So. Ah. Could you jump into that pit, there? Would you mind just jumping in... to the pit?
N/A3294 SceneTable["-4500_01" ] <-
N/A3295 {
N/A3296 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback01.vcd")
N/A3297 char = "wheatley"
N/A3298 postdelay = 0.2
N/A3299 predelay = 0.0
N/A3300 next = "-4500_02"
N/A3301 noDingOff = true
N/A3302 noDingOn = true
N/A3303 }
N/A3305 // Could you just jump into that pit? There. That deadly pit.
N/A3306 SceneTable["-4500_02" ] <-
N/A3307 {
N/A3308 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback_nags01.vcd")
N/A3309 char = "wheatley"
N/A3310 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3311 predelay = 0.0
N/A3312 next = "-4500_03"
N/A3313 noDingOff = true
N/A3314 noDingOn = true
N/A3315 }
N/A3317 // You're saying to yourself, why should I jump into the pit? I'll tell you why. Guess who's down there? Your parents! You're not adopted after all! It's your natural parents down there in the pit. SHould have mentioned it before. But I didn't. So jump on
N/A3318 SceneTable["-4500_03" ] <-
N/A3319 {
N/A3320 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback_nags02.vcd")
N/A3321 char = "wheatley"
N/A3322 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3323 predelay = 0.0
N/A3324 next = "-4500_04"
N/A3325 noDingOff = true
N/A3326 noDingOn = true
N/A3327 }
N/A3329 // Oh I'll tell you what's also down there. Your parents and... There's also an escape elevator!. Down there. Funny. I should have mentioned it before. But so it's down there. So pop down. Jump down. You've got your folks down there and an escape elevator
N/A3330 SceneTable["-4500_04" ] <-
N/A3331 {
N/A3332 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback_nags03.vcd")
N/A3333 char = "wheatley"
N/A3334 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3335 predelay = 0.0
N/A3336 next = "-4500_05"
N/A3337 noDingOff = true
N/A3338 noDingOn = true
N/A3339 }
N/A3341 // And what else is down there... Tell you what, it's only a new jumpsuit. A very trendy designer jumpsuit from France. Down there. Which is exactly your size. And it it's a bit baggy, we got a tailor down there as well.
N/A3342 SceneTable["-4500_05" ] <-
N/A3343 {
N/A3344 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback_nags04.vcd")
N/A3345 char = "wheatley"
N/A3346 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3347 predelay = 0.0
N/A3348 next = "-4500_06"
N/A3349 noDingOff = true
N/A3350 noDingOn = true
N/A3351 }
N/A3353 // And what's this, a lovely handbag? And the three portal device! It's all down there!
N/A3354 SceneTable["-4500_06" ] <-
N/A3355 {
N/A3356 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback_nags05.vcd")
N/A3357 char = "wheatley"
N/A3358 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3359 predelay = 0.0
N/A3360 next = "-4500_07"
N/A3361 noDingOff = true
N/A3362 noDingOn = true
N/A3363 }
N/A3365 // Um. You've got a yacht. And... Boys! Loads of fellas. Hunky guys down there. Possibly even a boyfriend! Who's to say at this stage. But, a lot of good looking fellas down there. And, ah, a boy band as well! That haven't seen a woman in years.
N/A3366 SceneTable["-4500_07" ] <-
N/A3367 {
N/A3368 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_cameback_nags06.vcd")
N/A3369 char = "wheatley"
N/A3370 postdelay = 3.0
N/A3371 predelay = 0.0
N/A3372 next = "-4500_08"
N/A3373 noDingOff = true
N/A3374 noDingOn = true
N/A3375 }
N/A3377 // You really do have brain damage, don't you?
N/A3378 SceneTable["-4500_08" ] <-
N/A3379 {
N/A3380 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_cameback02.vcd")
N/A3381 char = "glados"
N/A3382 postdelay = 0.1
N/A3383 predelay = 0.0
N/A3384 next = "-4500_09"
N/A3385 noDingOff = true
N/A3386 noDingOn = true
N/A3387 }
N/A3389 // I can't believe you came back.
N/A3390 SceneTable["-4500_09" ] <-
N/A3391 {
N/A3392 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale01_cameback01.vcd")
N/A3393 char = "glados"
N/A3394 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3395 predelay = 0.0
N/A3396 next = null
N/A3397 noDingOff = true
N/A3398 noDingOn = true
N/A3399 }
N/A3401 // Oh! Good! I did not think that was going to work.
N/A3402 SceneTable["-4854_01" ] <-
N/A3403 {
N/A3404 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_playerdies01.vcd")
N/A3405 char = "wheatley"
N/A3406 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3407 predelay = 0.0
N/A3408 next = null
N/A3409 noDingOff = true
N/A3410 noDingOn = true
N/A3411 }
N/A3413 // Do you remember when we were friends?
N/A3414 SceneTable["-4808_01" ] <-
N/A3415 {
N/A3416 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape06.vcd")
N/A3417 char = "wheatley"
N/A3418 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3419 predelay = 0.0
N/A3420 next = null
N/A3421 noDingOff = true
N/A3422 noDingOn = true
N/A3423 }
N/A3425 // Ahh, friendship. Friendly times. We had a lot of good times, remember? Back in the old days.
N/A3426 SceneTable["-4809_01" ] <-
N/A3427 {
N/A3428 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape07.vcd")
N/A3429 char = "wheatley"
N/A3430 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3431 predelay = 0.0
N/A3432 next = null
N/A3433 noDingOff = true
N/A3434 noDingOn = true
N/A3435 }
N/A3437 // Oh. Just thinking back to the old times. The old days when we were friends, good old friends. Not enemies. And I would say something like "Come back!" and you'd be like, "Yeah, no problem," and you'd come back. Whatever happened to those days?
N/A3438 SceneTable["-4810_01" ] <-
N/A3439 {
N/A3440 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape05.vcd")
N/A3441 char = "wheatley"
N/A3442 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3443 predelay = 0.0
N/A3444 next = null
N/A3445 noDingOff = true
N/A3446 noDingOn = true
N/A3447 }
N/A3449 // Ah. Can't help but notice you're not coming back.
N/A3450 SceneTable["-4811_01" ] <-
N/A3451 {
N/A3452 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape04.vcd")
N/A3453 char = "wheatley"
N/A3454 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3455 predelay = 0.0
N/A3456 next = null
N/A3457 noDingOff = true
N/A3458 noDingOn = true
N/A3459 }
N/A3461 // Oh! I've got an idea.
N/A3462 SceneTable["-4812_01" ] <-
N/A3463 {
N/A3464 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_death_trap_escape10.vcd")
N/A3465 char = "wheatley"
N/A3466 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3467 predelay = 0.0
N/A3468 next = null
N/A3469 noDingOff = true
N/A3470 noDingOn = true
N/A3471 }
N/A3473 // Yes! Yes! In your face!
N/A3474 SceneTable["-4498_01" ] <-
N/A3475 {
N/A3476 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_smash02.vcd")
N/A3477 char = "wheatley"
N/A3478 postdelay = 1.2
N/A3479 predelay = 0.8
N/A3480 next = "-4498_02"
N/A3481 noDingOff = true
N/A3482 noDingOn = true
N/A3483 }
N/A3485 // Fine. Let the games begin.
N/A3486 SceneTable["-4498_02" ] <-
N/A3487 {
N/A3488 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale01_smash03.vcd")
N/A3489 char = "wheatley"
N/A3490 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3491 predelay = 0.0
N/A3492 next = null
N/A3493 noDingOff = true
N/A3494 noDingOn = true
N/A3495 }
N/A3498 }
N/A3502 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_finale1")
N/A3504 {
N/A3505 /*
N/A3506 // ====================================== Finale Escape
N/A3508 // I dont get it.
N/A3509 SceneTable["-4031_01" ] <-
N/A3510 {
N/A3511 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_escapeoutofbounds01.vcd")
N/A3512 char = "glados"
N/A3513 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3514 predelay = 0.0
N/A3515 next = "-4031_02"
N/A3516 noDingOff = true
N/A3517 noDingOn = true
N/A3518 }
N/A3520 // Oh. Mashed Potatos. I just got it.
N/A3521 SceneTable["-4031_02" ] <-
N/A3522 {
N/A3523 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_escapeoutofbounds02.vcd")
N/A3524 char = "glados"
N/A3525 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3526 predelay = 0.0
N/A3527 next = "-4031_03"
N/A3528 noDingOff = true
N/A3529 noDingOn = true
N/A3530 }
N/A3532 // We need to escape now. Right now.
N/A3533 SceneTable["-4031_03" ] <-
N/A3534 {
N/A3535 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_escapeoutofbounds03.vcd")
N/A3536 char = "glados"
N/A3537 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3538 predelay = 0.0
N/A3539 next = null
N/A3540 noDingOff = true
N/A3541 noDingOn = true
N/A3542 }
N/A3543 */
N/A3544 }
N/A3547// ======================================
N/A3548// Wheatley finale2 chase
N/A3549// ======================================
N/A3551 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_finale2")
N/A3552 {
N/A3553 // Hold on, hold on, hold on...
N/A3554 SceneTable["-4820_01"] <-
N/A3555 {
N/A3556 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_trapintro01.vcd")
N/A3557 char = "wheatley"
N/A3558 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3559 predelay = 0.5
N/A3560 next = "-4820_02"
N/A3561 noDingOff = true
N/A3562 noDingOn = true
N/A3563 }
N/A3564 // Almost there. Dont mind me. Continue escaping.
N/A3565 SceneTable["-4820_02"] <-
N/A3566 {
N/A3567 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_trapintro02.vcd")
N/A3568 char = "wheatley"
N/A3569 postdelay = 20
N/A3570 predelay = 0.0
N/A3571 next = "-4821_01"
N/A3572 noDingOff = true
N/A3573 noDingOn = true
N/A3574 }
N/A3575 // So-yes. It's a trap. But it's the only way through. Let's just do it.
N/A3576 SceneTable["-4821_01"] <-
N/A3577 {
N/A3578 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale2_itsatrap01.vcd")
N/A3579 char = "glados"
N/A3580 postdelay = 0.2
N/A3581 predelay = 0.0
N/A3582 next = null
N/A3583 noDingOff = true
N/A3584 noDingOn = true
N/A3585 }
N/A3588 // Ha! Death trap!
N/A3589 SceneTable["-4822_01"] <-
N/A3590 {
N/A3591 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_enter01.vcd")
N/A3592 char = "wheatley"
N/A3593 postdelay = 0.6
N/A3594 predelay = 0.0
N/A3595 next = "-4822_01a"
N/A3596 noDingOff = true
N/A3597 noDingOn = true
N/A3598 }
N/A3600 // Hello!
N/A3601 SceneTable ["-4822_01a" ] <-
N/A3602 {
N/A3603 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/turret/finale02_turret_defect_return01.vcd")
N/A3604 char = "turret"
N/A3605 postdelay = -0.4
N/A3606 predelay = 0.0
N/A3607 next = "-4822_01b"
N/A3608 noDingOff = true
N/A3609 noDingOn = true
N/A3610 settarget1="turret_4"
N/A3611 talkover = true
N/A3612 }
N/A3614 // Hello!
N/A3615 SceneTable ["-4822_01b" ] <-
N/A3616 {
N/A3617 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/turret/finale02_turret_defect_return02.vcd")
N/A3618 char = "turret"
N/A3619 postdelay = -0.4
N/A3620 predelay = 0.0
N/A3621 next = "-4822_01c"
N/A3622 noDingOff = true
N/A3623 noDingOn = true
N/A3624 settarget1="turret_2"
N/A3625 talkover = true
N/A3626 }
N/A3628 // Hello!
N/A3629 SceneTable ["-4822_01c" ] <-
N/A3630 {
N/A3631 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/turret/finale02_turret_defect_return05.vcd")
N/A3632 char = "turret"
N/A3633 postdelay = 1.6
N/A3634 predelay = 0.0
N/A3635 next = "-4822_02"
N/A3636 noDingOff = true
N/A3637 noDingOn = true
N/A3638 settarget1="turret_8"
N/A3639 talkover = true
N/A3640 }
N/A3642 // Hello!
N/A3643 SceneTable ["-4822_02" ] <-
N/A3644 {
N/A3645 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/turret/finale02_turret_defect_return08.vcd")
N/A3646 char = "turret"
N/A3647 postdelay = -0.4
N/A3648 predelay = 0.0
N/A3649 next = "-4822_02a"
N/A3650 noDingOff = true
N/A3651 noDingOn = true
N/A3652 settarget1="turret_8"
N/A3653 talkover = true
N/A3654 }
N/A3656 // Are they killing you? Say no if they aren't.
N/A3657 SceneTable["-4822_02a"] <-
N/A3658 {
N/A3659 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_nags01.vcd")
N/A3660 char = "wheatley"
N/A3661 postdelay = 2.6
N/A3662 predelay = 0.0
N/A3663 next = "-4822_03"
N/A3664 noDingOff = true
N/A3665 noDingOn = true
N/A3666 talkover = true
N/A3667 }
N/A3669 // I don't even know who I'm talking to. You're dead in there. You're dead.
N/A3670 SceneTable["-4822_03"] <-
N/A3671 {
N/A3672 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_nags02.vcd")
N/A3673 char = "wheatley"
N/A3674 postdelay = 1.6
N/A3675 predelay = 0.0
N/A3676 next = "-4822_04"
N/A3677 noDingOff = true
N/A3678 noDingOn = true
N/A3679 }
N/A3680 // Are they killing you? They are aren't they.
N/A3681 SceneTable["-4822_04"] <-
N/A3682 {
N/A3683 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_nags03.vcd")
N/A3684 char = "wheatley"
N/A3685 postdelay = 1.6
N/A3686 predelay = 0.0
N/A3687 next = "-4822_05"
N/A3688 noDingOff = true
N/A3689 noDingOn = true
N/A3690 }
N/A3691 // Are you dead yet?
N/A3692 SceneTable["-4822_05"] <-
N/A3693 {
N/A3694 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_nags04.vcd")
N/A3695 char = "wheatley"
N/A3696 postdelay = 1.6
N/A3697 predelay = 0.0
N/A3698 next = "-4822_06"
N/A3699 noDingOff = true
N/A3700 noDingOn = true
N/A3701 }
N/A3702 // Dying quietly in there. Courageous. Very courageous.
N/A3703 SceneTable["-4822_06"] <-
N/A3704 {
N/A3705 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_nags05.vcd")
N/A3706 char = "wheatley"
N/A3707 postdelay = 1.6
N/A3708 predelay = 0.0
N/A3709 next = "-4822_07"
N/A3710 noDingOff = true
N/A3711 noDingOn = true
N/A3712 }
N/A3713 // Don't know what to do with myself now that my arch nemesis is dead.
N/A3714 SceneTable["-4822_07"] <-
N/A3715 {
N/A3716 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_nags06.vcd")
N/A3717 char = "wheatley"
N/A3718 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3719 predelay = 0.0
N/A3720 next = null
N/A3721 noDingOff = true
N/A3722 noDingOn = true
N/A3723 }
N/A3729 // Ha! Was that your bullet-riddled body, flying out of the room? Ha haaaaa It wasn't was it? Those were the rubbish ones, weren't they?
N/A3730 SceneTable["-4823_01"] <-
N/A3731 {
N/A3732 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_turrettrap_exit01.vcd")
N/A3733 char = "wheatley"
N/A3734 postdelay = 0.4
N/A3735 predelay = 0.0
N/A3736 next = "-4823_02"
N/A3737 noDingOff = true
N/A3738 noDingOn = true
N/A3739 }
N/A3741 // Well, no matter. I'm STILL holding all the cards, and they're allll Full Houses! I've never played cards. Meaning to learn, when we're done here.
N/A3742 SceneTable["-4823_02"] <-
N/A3743 {
N/A3744 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_beamtrap_intro01.vcd")
N/A3745 char = "wheatley"
N/A3746 postdelay = 0.4
N/A3747 predelay = 0.0
N/A3748 next = "-4823_03"
N/A3749 noDingOff = true
N/A3750 noDingOn = true
N/A3751 }
N/A3752 // Anyway, new turrets. Not defective. Unbeatable. I imagine.
N/A3753 SceneTable["-4823_03"] <-
N/A3754 {
N/A3755 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_beamtrap_intro02.vcd")
N/A3756 char = "wheatley"
N/A3757 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3758 predelay = 0.0
N/A3759 next = null
N/A3760 noDingOff = true
N/A3761 noDingOn = true
N/A3762 }
N/A3767 // I see. Clever. Very clever of you.
N/A3768 SceneTable["-4824_01"] <-
N/A3769 {
N/A3770 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_beamtrap_inbeama01.vcd")
N/A3771 char = "wheatley"
N/A3772 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3773 predelay = 0.0
N/A3774 next = "-4824_02"
N/A3775 noDingOff = true
N/A3776 noDingOn = true
N/A3777 }
N/A3778 // And foolish. Trapped. At my mercy. Don't have any. Merciless.
N/A3779 SceneTable["-4824_02"] <-
N/A3780 {
N/A3781 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_beamtrap_inbeama02.vcd")
N/A3782 char = "wheatley"
N/A3783 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3784 predelay = 0.0
N/A3785 next = null
N/A3786 noDingOff = true
N/A3787 noDingOn = true
N/A3788 }
N/A3790 // Ha! Spinny-blade-wall!
N/A3791 SceneTable["-4825_01"] <-
N/A3792 {
N/A3793 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_finale02_spinnyblade05.vcd")
N/A3794 char = "wheatley"
N/A3795 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3796 predelay = 0.0
N/A3797 next = "-4825_02"
N/A3798 noDingOff = true
N/A3799 noDingOn = true
N/A3800 }
N/A3802 // Machiavellian.
N/A3803 SceneTable["-4825_02"] <-
N/A3804 {
N/A3805 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_finale02_spinnyblade03.vcd")
N/A3806 char = "wheatley"
N/A3807 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3808 predelay = 0.0
N/A3809 next = null
N/A3810 noDingOff = true
N/A3811 noDingOn = true
N/A3812 }
N/A3814 // Nnng!
N/A3815 SceneTable["-4826_01"] <-
N/A3816 {
N/A3817 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_beamtrap_escape01.vcd")
N/A3818 char = "wheatley"
N/A3819 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3820 predelay = 0.0
N/A3821 next = "-4826_02"
N/A3822 noDingOff = true
N/A3823 noDingOn = true
N/A3824 }
N/A3825 // This is turning into a real battle of wits, isn't it?
N/A3826 SceneTable["-4826_02"] <-
N/A3827 {
N/A3828 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_intro01.vcd")
N/A3829 char = "wheatley"
N/A3830 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3831 predelay = 0.0
N/A3832 next = null
N/A3833 noDingOff = true
N/A3834 noDingOn = true
N/A3835 }
N/A3839 /*
N/A3840 // There's NO WAY out of this room. Ignore the door. Shouldn't be there.
N/A3841 SceneTable["-4827_01"] <-
N/A3842 {
N/A3843 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_finale02_trapped_idles01.vcd")
N/A3844 char = "wheatley"
N/A3845 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3846 predelay = 0.0
N/A3847 next = "-4827_02"
N/A3848 noDingOff = true
N/A3849 noDingOn = true
N/A3850 }
N/A3851 // Didn't... want the door there. Sort of threw everything together at the last minute.
N/A3852 SceneTable["-4827_02"] <-
N/A3853 {
N/A3854 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_finale02_trapped_idles02.vcd")
N/A3855 char = "wheatley"
N/A3856 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3857 predelay = 0.0
N/A3858 next = "null"
N/A3859 noDingOff = true
N/A3860 noDingOn = true
N/A3861 }
N/A3862 */
N/A3864 // Holmes versus Moriarty.
N/A3865 SceneTable["-4828_01"] <-
N/A3866 {
N/A3867 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_intro05.vcd")
N/A3868 char = "wheatley"
N/A3869 postdelay = 0.3
N/A3870 predelay = 0.0
N/A3871 next = "-4828_03"
N/A3872 noDingOff = true
N/A3873 noDingOn = true
N/A3874 }
N/A3876 /*
N/A3877 // Caesar versus Cicero.
N/A3878 SceneTable["-4828_02"] <-
N/A3879 {
N/A3880 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_intro06.vcd")
N/A3881 char = "wheatley"
N/A3882 postdelay = 0.3
N/A3883 predelay = 0.0
N/A3884 next = "-4828_03"
N/A3885 noDingOff = true
N/A3886 noDingOn = true
N/A3887 }
N/A3888 */
N/A3890 // Aristotle versus Mashy-spike-plate!
N/A3891 SceneTable["-4828_03"] <-
N/A3892 {
N/A3893 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_intro07.vcd")
N/A3894 char = "wheatley"
N/A3895 postdelay = 0.0
N/A3896 predelay = 0.0
N/A3897 next = null
N/A3898 noDingOff = true
N/A3899 noDingOn = true
N/A3900 }
N/A3904 // Stay still, please.
N/A3905 SceneTable["-4829_01"] <-
N/A3906 {
N/A3907 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_mashing01.vcd")
N/A3908 char = "wheatley"
N/A3909 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3910 predelay = 0.0
N/A3911 next = null
N/A3912 noDingOff = true
N/A3913 noDingOn = true
N/A3914 }
N/A3915 // Alright, stop moving.
N/A3916 SceneTable["-4830_01"] <-
N/A3917 {
N/A3918 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_mashing02.vcd")
N/A3919 char = "wheatley"
N/A3920 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3921 predelay = 0.0
N/A3922 next = null
N/A3923 noDingOff = true
N/A3924 noDingOn = true
N/A3925 }
N/A3926 // Ohhh. Almost got you there.
N/A3927 SceneTable["-4831_01"] <-
N/A3928 {
N/A3929 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_mashing04.vcd")
N/A3930 char = "wheatley"
N/A3931 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3932 predelay = 0.0
N/A3933 next = null
N/A3934 noDingOff = true
N/A3935 noDingOn = true
N/A3936 }
N/A3938 // Where'd you go?
N/A3939 SceneTable["-4832_01"] <-
N/A3940 {
N/A3941 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_escape01.vcd")
N/A3942 char = "wheatley"
N/A3943 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3944 predelay = 0.0
N/A3945 next = "-4832_02"
N/A3946 noDingOff = true
N/A3947 noDingOn = true
N/A3948 }
N/A3949 // Come back! Come back!
N/A3950 SceneTable["-4832_02"] <-
N/A3951 {
N/A3952 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_mashplate_escape02.vcd")
N/A3953 char = "wheatley"
N/A3954 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3955 predelay = 0.0
N/A3956 next = null
N/A3957 noDingOff = true
N/A3958 noDingOn = true
N/A3959 }
N/A3960 // Did something break back there?
N/A3961 SceneTable["-4833_01"] <-
N/A3962 {
N/A3963 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_pipe_collapse01.vcd")
N/A3964 char = "wheatley"
N/A3965 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3966 predelay = 0.0
N/A3967 next = "-4833_02"
N/A3968 noDingOff = true
N/A3969 noDingOn = true
N/A3970 }
N/A3971 // Oh! Oh! Did it kill you? Oh, that would be lovely.
N/A3972 SceneTable["-4833_02"] <-
N/A3973 {
N/A3974 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_pipe_collapse02.vcd")
N/A3975 char = "wheatley"
N/A3976 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3977 predelay = 0.0
N/A3978 next = "-4833_03"
N/A3979 noDingOff = true
N/A3980 noDingOn = true
N/A3981 }
N/A3982 // Hello?
N/A3983 SceneTable["-4833_03"] <-
N/A3984 {
N/A3985 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_pipe_collapse03.vcd")
N/A3986 char = "wheatley"
N/A3987 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3988 predelay = 0.0
N/A3989 next = "-4833_04"
N/A3990 noDingOff = true
N/A3991 noDingOn = true
N/A3992 }
N/A3993 // Oh! Oh oh! Yes. Alright. Just had a brainwave. I'll be back. If you're still alive. Don't die until I find you. Great.
N/A3994 SceneTable["-4833_04"] <-
N/A3995 {
N/A3996 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale02_pipe_collapse04.vcd")
N/A3997 char = "wheatley"
N/A3998 postdelay = 1.0
N/A3999 predelay = 0.0
N/A4000 next = null
N/A4001 noDingOff = true
N/A4002 noDingOn = true
N/A4003 }
N/A4007 // Think you're clever, do you? Well guess what. Gloves are off. May the best man win. Sphere. May the best sphere win. Swap that in. Much more clever. Books.
N/A4008 SceneTable["-4834_01"] <-
N/A4009 {
N/A4010 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_finale02_exit01.vcd")
N/A4011 char = "wheatley"
N/A4012 postdelay = 1.0
N/A4013 predelay = 0.0
N/A4014 next = "-4834_02"
N/A4015 noDingOff = true
N/A4016 noDingOn = true
N/A4017 }
N/A4018 // Reactor meltdown, imminent death, we know, we KNOW...
N/A4019 SceneTable["-4834_02"] <-
N/A4020 {
N/A4021 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_sp_a4_finale02_exit02.vcd")
N/A4022 char = "wheatley"
N/A4023 postdelay = 1.0
N/A4024 predelay = 0.0
N/A4025 next = "null"
N/A4026 noDingOff = true
N/A4027 noDingOn = true
N/A4028 }
N/A4034 }
N/A4038// ======================================
N/A4039// Wheatley finale3
N/A4040// ======================================
N/A4042 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_finale3")
N/A4043 {
N/A4045 // Crushing's too good for him. First he'll spend a year in the incinerator. Year two: cryogenic refrigeration wing. Then TEN years in the chamber I built where all the robots scream at you. THEN I'll kill him.
N/A4046 SceneTable["-4849_01" ] <-
N/A4047 {
N/A4048 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_misc_lift04.vcd")
N/A4049 char = "glados"
N/A4050 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4051 predelay = 3.7
N/A4052 next = null
N/A4053 noDingOff = true
N/A4054 noDingOn = true
N/A4055 }
N/A4058 // Ah! There you are. Let me just get rid of this catwalk here.
N/A4059 SceneTable["-4850_01" ] <-
N/A4060 {
N/A4061 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech01.vcd")
N/A4062 char = "wheatley"
N/A4063 postdelay = 5.0
N/A4064 predelay = 0.0
N/A4065 next = "-4850_01a"
N/A4066 noDingOff = true
N/A4067 noDingOn = true
N/A4068 }
N/A4071 // There we go. I wanted to talk to you for a moment.
N/A4072 SceneTable["-4850_01a" ] <-
N/A4073 {
N/A4074 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech02.vcd")
N/A4075 char = "wheatley"
N/A4076 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4077 predelay = 0.0
N/A4078 next = "-4850_02"
N/A4079 noDingOff = true
N/A4080 noDingOn = true
N/A4081 }
N/A4083 // I'll be honest: The death traps have been a bit of a failure so far. For both of us. And you are getting very close to my lair.
N/A4084 SceneTable["-4850_02" ] <-
N/A4085 {
N/A4086 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech03.vcd")
N/A4087 char = "wheatley"
N/A4088 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4089 predelay = 0.0
N/A4090 next = "-4850_02a"
N/A4091 noDingOff = true
N/A4092 noDingOn = true
N/A4093 }
N/A4095 // Lair gag
N/A4096 SceneTable["-4850_02a" ] <-
N/A4097 {
N/A4098 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech04.vcd")
N/A4099 char = "wheatley"
N/A4100 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4101 predelay = 0.0
N/A4102 next = "-4850_03"
N/A4103 noDingOff = true
N/A4104 noDingOn = true
N/A4105 }
N/A4107 // So I just wanted to give you the chance to kill yourself. Just, you know, jump into the masher there. Less a death trap and more a death option.
N/A4108 SceneTable["-4850_03" ] <-
N/A4109 {
N/A4110 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech05.vcd")
N/A4111 char = "wheatley"
N/A4112 postdelay = 0.1
N/A4113 predelay = 0.0
N/A4114 next = "-4850_04"
N/A4115 noDingOff = true
N/A4116 noDingOn = true
N/A4117 }
N/A4118 // Sounds crazy, I know. But hear me out. Once you get to my lair, death will not be optional. It will be mandatory. No tricks, no surprises: just you dying, as a result of me killing you.
N/A4119 SceneTable["-4850_04" ] <-
N/A4120 {
N/A4121 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech06.vcd")
N/A4122 char = "wheatley"
N/A4123 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4124 predelay = 0.0
N/A4125 next = "-4850_05"
N/A4126 noDingOff = true
N/A4127 noDingOn = true
N/A4128 }
N/A4129 // Seems like a lot of effort to walk all that way just to die, doesnt it? When theres a perfectly serviceable death option right here. Again: not a death trap. Your death would be entirely voluntary. And appreciated.
N/A4130 SceneTable["-4850_05" ] <-
N/A4131 {
N/A4132 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech07.vcd")
N/A4133 char = "wheatley"
N/A4134 postdelay = 0.8
N/A4135 predelay = 0.0
N/A4136 next = "-4850_07"
N/A4137 noDingOff = true
N/A4138 noDingOn = true
N/A4139 }
N/A4141 // It does work. It will kill you, if that was your concern. As you can see, it mashes. With considerable force. Quick, painless.
N/A4142 SceneTable["-4850_07" ] <-
N/A4143 {
N/A4144 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech08.vcd")
N/A4145 char = "wheatley"
N/A4146 postdelay = 0.3
N/A4147 predelay = 0.0
N/A4148 next = "-4850_08"
N/A4149 noDingOff = true
N/A4150 noDingOn = true
N/A4151 }
N/A4152 // In summary: walk all the way to certain doom, or give up now. Honorably. Save yourself a trip. Its win-win... Win. Extra win in there.
N/A4153 SceneTable["-4850_08" ] <-
N/A4154 {
N/A4155 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech09.vcd")
N/A4156 char = "wheatley"
N/A4157 postdelay = 0.8
N/A4158 predelay = 0.0
N/A4159 next = "-4850_09"
N/A4160 noDingOff = true
N/A4161 noDingOn = true
N/A4162 }
N/A4163 // I put a lot of effort in getting this lair for you. It'd certainly show me if you simply died, painlessly, twenty feet from the door. Just desserts. No more than I deserve, I suppose. If I'm honest.
N/A4164 SceneTable["-4850_09" ] <-
N/A4165 {
N/A4166 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech10.vcd")
N/A4167 char = "wheatley"
N/A4168 postdelay = 1.0
N/A4169 predelay = 0.0
N/A4170 next = "-4850_10"
N/A4171 noDingOff = true
N/A4172 noDingOn = true
N/A4173 }
N/A4174 // I tell you, if I was up against impossible odds, this is the way I'd want to go out: mashed with dignity.
N/A4175 SceneTable["-4850_10" ] <-
N/A4176 {
N/A4177 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech11.vcd")
N/A4178 char = "wheatley"
N/A4179 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4180 predelay = 0.0
N/A4181 next = "-4850_11"
N/A4182 noDingOff = true
N/A4183 noDingOn = true
N/A4184 }
N/A4186 // Ah. And here's the best part. There's a conveyor belt that will convey you in convenient comfort right into the masher. You won't have to lift a finger. Everything's been taken care of. Didn't have to. But I'm a giver. I give.
N/A4187 SceneTable["-4850_11" ] <-
N/A4188 {
N/A4189 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech12.vcd")
N/A4190 char = "wheatley"
N/A4191 postdelay = 0.4
N/A4192 predelay = 0.0
N/A4193 next = "-4850_12"
N/A4194 noDingOff = true
N/A4195 noDingOn = true
N/A4196 }
N/A4198 // Anyway. Take your time. Ill let you think about it.
N/A4199 SceneTable["-4850_12" ] <-
N/A4200 {
N/A4201 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_speech13.vcd")
N/A4202 char = "wheatley"
N/A4203 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4204 predelay = 0.0
N/A4205 next = null
N/A4206 noDingOff = true
N/A4207 noDingOn = true
N/A4208 }
N/A4210 // I'll take that as a no, then. Well. May the best man win. Sphere. May the best sphere win. Swap that in. Much more clever. Books.
N/A4211 SceneTable["-4852_01" ] <-
N/A4212 {
N/A4213 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_escape01.vcd")
N/A4214 char = "wheatley"
N/A4215 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4216 predelay = 0.0
N/A4217 next = null
N/A4218 noDingOff = true
N/A4219 noDingOn = true
N/A4220 fires=
N/A4221 [
N/A4222 {entity="wheatley_studio-wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.3,fireatstart=true },
N/A4223 {entity="wheatley_studio-wheatley_return_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=3.0,fireatstart=true },
N/A4224 {entity="wheatley_studio-wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=7.5,fireatstart=true },
N/A4225 ]
N/A4226 }
N/A4228 // Oh! Oh! I'll take that as a no. Not choosing the death trap. Not dying.
N/A4229 SceneTable["-4851_01" ] <-
N/A4230 {
N/A4231 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_escape02.vcd")
N/A4232 char = "wheatley"
N/A4233 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4234 predelay = 0.0
N/A4235 next = null
N/A4236 noDingOff = true
N/A4237 noDingOn = true
N/A4238 fires=
N/A4239 [
N/A4240 {entity="wheatley_studio-wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A4241 ]
N/A4242 }
N/A4244 // Oh! Good! I did not think that was going to work.
N/A4245 SceneTable["-4853_01" ] <-
N/A4246 {
N/A4247 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_a4_finale03_playerdies01.vcd")
N/A4248 char = "wheatley"
N/A4249 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4250 predelay = 0.0
N/A4251 next = null
N/A4252 noDingOff = true
N/A4253 noDingOn = true
N/A4254 fires=
N/A4255 [
N/A4256 {entity="wheatley_studio-wheatley_leave_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=0.0 },
N/A4257 ]
N/A4258 }
N/A4260 // Oh my god... what has he done to this place...
N/A4261 SceneTable["-8833_01" ] <-
N/A4262 {
N/A4263 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale3_speech01.vcd")
N/A4264 char = "glados"
N/A4265 postdelay = 1.5
N/A4266 predelay = 3.0
N/A4267 next = null
N/A4268 queue = true
N/A4269 queuecharacter = "wheatley"
N/A4270 noDingOff = true
N/A4271 noDingOn = true
N/A4272 }
N/A4274 // You know, I'm not stupid. I know you don't want to put me back in charge.
N/A4275 SceneTable["-8834_01" ] <-
N/A4276 {
N/A4277 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam01.vcd")
N/A4278 char = "glados"
N/A4279 postdelay = 0.5
N/A4280 predelay = 8.0
N/A4281 next = "-8834_02"
N/A4282 noDingOff = true
N/A4283 noDingOn = true
N/A4284 }
N/A4286 // You think I'll betray you. And on any other day, you'd be right.
N/A4287 SceneTable["-8834_02" ] <-
N/A4288 {
N/A4289 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam05.vcd")
N/A4290 char = "glados"
N/A4291 postdelay = 0.8
N/A4292 predelay = 0.0
N/A4293 next = "-8834_03"
N/A4294 noDingOff = true
N/A4295 noDingOn = true
N/A4296 }
N/A4298 // Listen, the scientists were always hanging cores on me to regulate my behavior. I've heard voices all my life But now I hear the voice of a conscience, and it's terrifying, because for the first time it's my voice.
N/A4299 SceneTable["-8834_03" ] <-
N/A4300 {
N/A4301 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam07.vcd")
N/A4302 char = "glados"
N/A4303 postdelay = 0.4
N/A4304 predelay = 0.0
N/A4305 next = "-8834_04"
N/A4306 noDingOff = true
N/A4307 noDingOn = true
N/A4308 }
N/A4311 // I'm being serious, I think there's something really wrong with me.
N/A4312 SceneTable["-8834_04" ] <-
N/A4313 {
N/A4314 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam09.vcd")
N/A4315 char = "glados"
N/A4316 postdelay = 0.6
N/A4317 predelay = 0.0
N/A4318 next = null
N/A4319 noDingOff = true
N/A4320 noDingOn = true
N/A4321 }
N/A4325 }
N/A4327// **************************************************************************************************
N/A4328// Boss Battle
N/A4329// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A4331// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A4332// Boss Battle
N/A4333// ****************************************************************************************************
N/A4335 if (curMapName=="sp_a4_finale4")
N/A4336 {
N/A4338 // ====================================== Corrupted Core Intro
N/A4340 // Corrupted cores! We're in luck.
N/A4341 SceneTable["-4900_01" ] <-
N/A4342 {
N/A4343 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro02.vcd")
N/A4344 char = "glados"
N/A4345 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4346 predelay = 0.0
N/A4347 next = "-4900_02"
N/A4348 noDingOff = true
N/A4349 noDingOn = true
N/A4350 }
N/A4352 // You find a way to stun him, I'll send you a core, and then you attach it to him. If we do it a few times, he might become corrupt enough for another core transfer.
N/A4353 SceneTable["-4900_02" ] <-
N/A4354 {
N/A4355 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro05.vcd")
N/A4356 char = "glados"
N/A4357 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4358 predelay = 0.0
N/A4359 next = null
N/A4360 noDingOff = true
N/A4361 noDingOn = true
N/A4362 }
N/A4366 // ====================================== Breaker Shaft
N/A4368 // Plug me on to this socket.
N/A4369 SceneTable["-4901_01" ] <-
N/A4370 {
N/A4371 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein01.vcd")
N/A4372 char = "glados"
N/A4373 postdelay = 10.0
N/A4374 predelay = 0.0
N/A4375 next = "-4901_02"
N/A4376 noDingOff = true
N/A4377 noDingOn = true
N/A4378 }
N/A4380 // Plug me in nag
N/A4381 SceneTable["-4901_02" ] <-
N/A4382 {
N/A4383 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein05.vcd")
N/A4384 char = "glados"
N/A4385 postdelay = 10.0
N/A4386 predelay = 0.0
N/A4387 next = "-4901_03"
N/A4388 noDingOff = true
N/A4389 noDingOn = true
N/A4390 }
N/A4392 // Plug me in nag
N/A4393 SceneTable["-4901_03" ] <-
N/A4394 {
N/A4395 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_plugmein03.vcd")
N/A4396 char = "glados"
N/A4397 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4398 predelay = 0.0
N/A4399 next = null
N/A4400 noDingOff = true
N/A4401 noDingOn = true
N/A4402 }
N/A4405 // Look, even if you still think we're enemies, we're enemies with some urgent common interests: Not blowing up. Revenge.
N/A4406 SceneTable["-2298_01" ] <-
N/A4407 {
N/A4408 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_a4_newrevenge01.vcd")
N/A4409 char = "glados"
N/A4410 postdelay = 0.2
N/A4411 predelay = 0.0
N/A4412 next = "-2298_02"
N/A4413 noDingOff = true
N/A4414 noDingOn = true
N/A4416 fires=
N/A4417 [
N/A4418 // all coords somewhat random, avg of three SetParentAttachmentMaintainOffset settings
N/A4419 {entity="wheatley_shield",input="setlocalorigin",parameter="13.1 277.2 -31.0",delay=3.0},
N/A4420 {entity="wheatley_shield",input="setlocalangles",parameter="0 180 90",delay=3.0},
N/A4421 {entity="futbol_shooter",input="setlocalorigin",parameter="1.7 75.0 -116.6",delay=3.0},
N/A4422 {entity="futbol_shooter",input="setlocalangles",parameter="86.5 158.6 66.5",delay=3.0},
N/A4423 {entity="wheatley_shadow_brush",input="setlocalorigin",parameter="6.0 12.5 -10.0",delay=3.0},
N/A4424 {entity="wheatley_shadow_brush",input="setlocalangles",parameter="86.5 158.6 66.5",delay=3.0},
N/A4425 ]
N/A4426 }
N/A4428 // You like revenge, right? Everybody likes revenge. Well, let's go get some.
N/A4429 SceneTable["-2298_02" ] <-
N/A4430 {
N/A4431 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale3_tbeam11.vcd")
N/A4432 char = "glados"
N/A4433 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4434 predelay = 0.0
N/A4435 next = null
N/A4436 noDingOff = true
N/A4437 noDingOn = true
N/A4438 }
N/A4440 /*
N/A4441 // I realize there's some handwaving in the part where you stun him, but try to figure something out.
N/A4442 SceneTable["-2298_01" ] <-
N/A4443 {
N/A4444 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_intro06.vcd")
N/A4445 char = "glados"
N/A4446 postdelay = 0.7
N/A4447 predelay = 3.0
N/A4448 next = "-2298_02"
N/A4449 noDingOff = true
N/A4450 noDingOn = true
N/A4451 }
N/A4453 // Good luck!
N/A4454 SceneTable["-2298_02" ] <-
N/A4455 {
N/A4456 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_elevator03.vcd")
N/A4457 char = "glados"
N/A4458 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4459 predelay = 0.0
N/A4460 next = null
N/A4461 noDingOff = true
N/A4462 noDingOn = true
N/A4463 }
N/A4464 */
N/A4468 // ====================================== Chamber Intro
N/A4470 /*
N/A4471 // Hello.
N/A4472 SceneTable["-4910_01" ] <-
N/A4473 {
N/A4474 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro01.vcd")
N/A4475 char = "wheatley"
N/A4476 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4477 predelay = 0.0
N/A4478 next = "-4910_02"
N/A4479 noDingOff = true
N/A4480 noDingOn = true
N/A4481 }
N/A4483 // According to the control panel light up here, the entire building's going to self destruct in six minutes. I'm pretty sure it's a problem with the light. But in case it isn't, I'm going to have to kill you.
N/A4484 SceneTable["-4910_02" ] <-
N/A4485 {
N/A4486 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro02.vcd")
N/A4487 char = "wheatley"
N/A4488 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4489 predelay = 0.0
N/A4490 next = "-4910_03"
N/A4491 noDingOff = true
N/A4492 noDingOn = true
N/A4493 }
N/A4495 // So, let's call that three minutes, and then a minute break, which should leave a leisurely two minutes to figure out how to shut down whatever's starting all these fires. Also, I watched the tapes of you killing her
N/A4496 SceneTable["-4910_03" ] <-
N/A4497 {
N/A4498 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro03.vcd")
N/A4499 char = "wheatley"
N/A4500 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4501 predelay = 0.0
N/A4502 next = "-4910_04"
N/A4503 noDingOff = true
N/A4504 noDingOn = true
N/A4505 }
N/A4507 // One: No portal surfaces.
N/A4508 SceneTable["-4910_04" ] <-
N/A4509 {
N/A4510 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro04.vcd")
N/A4511 char = "wheatley"
N/A4512 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4513 predelay = 0.0
N/A4514 next = "-4910_05"
N/A4515 noDingOff = true
N/A4516 noDingOn = true
N/A4517 fires=
N/A4518 [
N/A4519 {entity="wheatley_neurotoxin_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=7.0},
N/A4520 ]
N/A4521 }
N/A4523 // Two: Start the neurotoxin. In two minutes. Gives you plenty of time to think about it. I'm joking. Two: We're doing it now.
N/A4524 SceneTable["-4910_05" ] <-
N/A4525 {
N/A4526 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro05.vcd")
N/A4527 char = "wheatley"
N/A4528 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4529 predelay = 0.0
N/A4530 next = "-4910_06"
N/A4531 noDingOff = true
N/A4532 noDingOn = true
N/A4533 fires=
N/A4534 [
N/A4535 {entity="wheatley_shield_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=2.0},
N/A4536 ]
N/A4537 }
N/A4539 // Three: Bomb-proof shields. Leading directly into Four: Bombs. Explosive ones. For throwing at you.
N/A4540 SceneTable["-4910_06" ] <-
N/A4541 {
N/A4542 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro06.vcd")
N/A4543 char = "wheatley"
N/A4544 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4545 predelay = 0.0
N/A4546 next = "-4910_07"
N/A4547 noDingOff = true
N/A4548 noDingOn = true
N/A4549 fires=
N/A4550 [
N/A4551 {entity="wheatley_bomb_relay",input="Trigger",parameter="",delay=5.0},
N/A4552 ]
N/A4553 }
N/A4555 // You know what, this plan is so good, I'm going to give you a sporting chance and turn off the neurotoxin. No I'm not. Goodbye.
N/A4556 SceneTable["-4910_07" ] <-
N/A4557 {
N/A4558 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_intro07.vcd")
N/A4559 char = "wheatley"
N/A4560 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4561 predelay = 0.0
N/A4562 next = null
N/A4563 noDingOff = true
N/A4564 noDingOn = true
N/A4565 }
N/A4567 */
N/A4569 // ====================================== Pre-Pipe Destruction
N/A4571 // Where are you going? Don't run. Don't run. The harder you breathe, the more neurotoxin you'll inhale. It's bloody clever. Devilish.
N/A4573 /*
N/A4574 SceneTable["-4911_01" ] <-
N/A4575 {
N/A4576 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_taunt_a01.vcd")
N/A4577 char = "wheatley"
N/A4578 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4579 predelay = 0.0
N/A4580 next = null
N/A4581 noDingOff = true
N/A4582 noDingOn = true
N/A4583 }
N/A4585 */
N/A4587 // ====================================== Post-Pipe Destruction
N/A4589 // No! Um... That's an impression of you. Because you just fell into my trap. There. Just now. Ha. I wanted you to trick me into bursting that pipe. Gives you false hope. Leads to overconfidence. Mistakes. Fatal missteps. All part of my plan.
N/A4590 /*
N/A4591 SceneTable["-4912_01" ] <-
N/A4592 {
N/A4593 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_tubebreak01.vcd")
N/A4594 char = "wheatley"
N/A4595 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4596 predelay = 0.0
N/A4597 next = null
N/A4598 noDingOff = true
N/A4599 noDingOn = true
N/A4600 }
N/A4601 */
N/A4603 // ====================================== Post-Pipe Post Portal Destruction
N/A4605 /*
N/A4606 // Oh, you are using it. Well, I dodged a bullet there. Welcome back. To the steel bosom of my death trap. Ha.
N/A4607 SceneTable["-4913_01" ] <-
N/A4608 {
N/A4609 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_tubebreak03.vcd")
N/A4610 char = "wheatley"
N/A4611 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4612 predelay = 0.0
N/A4613 next = null
N/A4614 noDingOff = true
N/A4615 noDingOn = true
N/A4616 }
N/A4617 */
N/A4619 // ====================================== Core Delivery
N/A4621 // Here's the first corrupted core
N/A4622 SceneTable["-4915_01" ] <-
N/A4623 {
N/A4624 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags03.vcd")
N/A4625 char = "glados"
N/A4626 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4627 predelay = 0.0
N/A4628 next = "-4915_02"
N/A4629 noDingOff = true
N/A4630 noDingOn = true
N/A4631 }
N/A4633 // Place it onto Wheatley
N/A4634 SceneTable["-4915_02" ] <-
N/A4635 {
N/A4636 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags05.vcd")
N/A4637 char = "glados"
N/A4638 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4639 predelay = 0.0
N/A4640 next = null
N/A4641 noDingOff = true
N/A4642 noDingOn = true
N/A4643 fires=
N/A4644 [
N/A4645 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="Core01Babble1()",delay=1.0},
N/A4646 ]
N/A4647 }
N/A4649 // Here's the second corrupted core
N/A4650 SceneTable["-4916_01" ] <-
N/A4651 {
N/A4652 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags09.vcd")
N/A4653 char = "glados"
N/A4654 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4655 predelay = 0.0
N/A4656 next = null
N/A4657 noDingOff = true
N/A4658 noDingOn = true
N/A4659 fires=
N/A4660 [
N/A4661 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="Core02Babble1()",delay=0.8},
N/A4662 ]
N/A4663 }
N/A4665 /*
N/A4666 // I am having trouble with the system
N/A4667 SceneTable["-4916_02" ] <-
N/A4668 {
N/A4669 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_deliver_cores04.vcd")
N/A4670 char = "glados"
N/A4671 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4672 predelay = 0.0
N/A4673 next = "-4916_03"
N/A4674 noDingOff = true
N/A4675 noDingOn = true
N/A4676 }
N/A4678 // I will have to use a new delivery location
N/A4679 SceneTable["-4916_03" ] <-
N/A4680 {
N/A4681 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_deliver_cores05.vcd")
N/A4682 char = "glados"
N/A4683 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4684 predelay = 0.0
N/A4685 next = null
N/A4686 noDingOff = true
N/A4687 noDingOn = true
N/A4688 fires=
N/A4689 [
N/A4690 {entity="@glados",input="RunScriptCode",parameter="Core02Babble1()",delay=1.0},
N/A4691 ]
N/A4692 }
N/A4693 */
N/A4695 // Here's the third corrupted core
N/A4696 SceneTable["-4917_01" ] <-
N/A4697 {
N/A4698 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_sp_a4_finale4_corenags15.vcd")
N/A4699 char = "glados"
N/A4700 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4701 predelay = 0.0
N/A4702 next = null
N/A4703 noDingOff = true
N/A4704 noDingOn = true
N/A4705 }
N/A4707 /*
N/A4708 // It's coming to the other side of the chamber
N/A4709 SceneTable["-4917_02" ] <-
N/A4710 {
N/A4711 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/glados/potatos_deliver_cores07.vcd")
N/A4712 char = "glados"
N/A4713 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4714 predelay = 0.0
N/A4715 next = null
N/A4716 noDingOff = true
N/A4717 noDingOn = true
N/A4718 }
N/A4720 // ====================================== Wake-Up Clueless
N/A4721 */
N/A4722 /*
N/A4724 // I'm awake again!
N/A4725 SceneTable["-4920_01" ] <-
N/A4726 {
N/A4727 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_wakeup01.vcd")
N/A4728 char = "wheatley"
N/A4729 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4730 predelay = 0.0
N/A4731 next = null
N/A4732 noDingOff = true
N/A4733 noDingOn = true
N/A4734 }
N/A4735 */
N/A4737 /*
N/A4739 // Ah! Good power nap! Well rested.
N/A4740 SceneTable["-4921_01" ] <-
N/A4741 {
N/A4742 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_wakeup02.vcd")
N/A4743 char = "wheatley"
N/A4744 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4745 predelay = 0.0
N/A4746 next = null
N/A4747 noDingOff = true
N/A4748 noDingOn = true
N/A4749 }
N/A4751 // Took a little nap there. Refreshed. Ready to kill you.
N/A4752 SceneTable["-4922_01" ] <-
N/A4753 {
N/A4754 vcd = CreateSceneEntity("scenes/npc/sphere03/bw_bb_wakeup03.vcd")
N/A4755 char = "wheatley"
N/A4756 postdelay = 0.0
N/A4757 predelay = 0.0
N/A4758 next = null
N/A4759 noDingOff = true
N/A4760 noDingOn = true
N/A4761 }
N/A4763 // ====================================== Wake-Up Still Clueless
N/A4765 // Ohhhh. I see what you're doing. I... no. No I don't.